100 Books Coffeehouse

Forum100 Books in 2009 Challenge

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100 Books Coffeehouse

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Jan. 2, 2009, 2:14 am

Here's a gathering place for us to talk about ... whatever ... and get to know each other. So far this is a fairly small group.

My name is Terri and I live in Portland Oregon. I've been on LT for almost two years - what a life changing experience! Truly! Also, I just retired a couple months ago, so my reading time has expanded. I read 107 books in 2008; that was working 10 out of 12 months, so I'm pretty comfortable with a goal of 125 this year.

So what's your first book for 2009? I'm reading Oscar and Lucinda for my face to face book group Monday. I've been looking forward to this read for awhile.

Happy New Year!

Jan. 2, 2009, 3:01 am

Thanks for starting this thread Terri!

I'm Kirsten and I'm from Illinois. I've been on LT for about two and a half years, but this is the first time I've participated in a group...so far I've just used my account to keep track of my books. I'm looking forward to (hopefully) getting to know some other LT-ers and getting ideas from everyone for things to read outside of my usual comfort zone.

I just finished How Starbucks Saved My Life earlier today. It was interesting, but not particularly well-written. I'm definitely glad I found it on sale and only paid $3.99 for it as opposed to the $13 list price. :)

Jan. 2, 2009, 4:12 am

Hello, I'm Valerie from the UK. I joined LT last year and I wish I had known about it before. I reached retirement age (60) last year and like you Terri have lots of time to read.

I read 179 books in 2008 and feel fairly confident about this challenge. Just finished my first book A Crime in the Neighborhood by Suzanne Berne which was very good.

Jan. 2, 2009, 5:27 am

Hi all! I'm Shauna, and I'm in Northern California. I'm on the opposite end of the work spectrum from Terri and Valerie- I just completed my undergraduate education in 2008, and have many, many years of working ahead of me. I'm currently working part-time in my neighborhood public library, and hope to eventually go on to get my masters in Library Science. However, that will probably be a few years out. In the meantime, I'm taking a class at the local community college this coming semester on cataloging- anything to further cement my value in this horrid economy.

I've been on LT for almost two years as well (my two year anniversary is at the end of this month, or so my home page tells me). But I only just started really taking advantage of things like the talk page in late 2007 and early 2008.

I only read 50 books in 2008, but I'm feeling pretty good about reading 100 in 2009. A cataloging class isn't going to make demands on my time the way my history classes did, and I do only work part-time, so that gives me a bit of free time to work with. I started the year off with Looking for Alaska by John Green, and am planning to start War and Peace next. But I will read other things concurrently, because I think all progress would come to a screeching halt if I focused solely on that.

Jan. 2, 2009, 5:35 am

Diese Nachricht wurde vom Autor gelöscht.

Jan. 2, 2009, 8:33 am

Hi all! I'm Brenda and I'm from Michigan. I'm 46 and just recently completed my schooling as a registered nurse and now work full-time.

I am pretty new to LT (less than 6 months), and although I've been cataloging my books for several years, I've never kept track of how many I read each year. I'm looking forward to being part of this group, seeing how far I get this year, and plowing through some of the TBR book on my shelf! I'm starting the year with some James Patterson, and we'll see where we go from there!

Jan. 2, 2009, 2:53 pm

Hi, I'm Cheli in Olney, MD and I have only been on LT since October but I have fallen in love. It's my sister's fault... she's a librarian in Maine and told me about the 999 Challenge and got me started. Now I spend more time here than she does.

I retired about 3 1/2 years ago and have read over 300 books in that time. The first year I read 140 but then family issues and travelling slowed me down a bit so I know I can do this, I just have to concentrate!

My sister and I started a challenge to read the biographies of all the Presidents during the new term (4 years for 43 presidents) and so my first book this year was on George Washington - Patriarch: George Washington and the new American Nation and it was tremendous! I'm now listening to Benjamin Franklin and reading Crewel World.
I sure hope I can get back in the swing to make the 100 but I have other projects as well so I've got my fingers crossed that I'll make it. I figured if I can do the 999 Challenge that's 81 right there and I can just slide 19 more in to make 100 -right!
Happy reading everybody!

Jan. 2, 2009, 8:19 pm

Hi all! I'm Meg from country NSW Australia. I'm a reading addict and LT has abetted the compulsion to read great books. In the last 12 months I've read just over 150, but I'd like to read longer books this year so am aiming for about 100. We'll see how we go.

My first book is The Girls by Lori Lansens. It's an uplifting read, warm, funny and moving. I loved how one of the themes was writing. This book is one I might not have chosen if not for LT raves! Great choice - I highly recommend it.

Jan. 2, 2009, 9:16 pm

Hi I'm Lynda from Central Texas. I've only been with LT since Sept. 2008. I managed to read 40 books between Sept. and Dec. so I'm hoping to finish the 100 book and 999 book challenge. I'm new to graphic novels and looking forward to seeing what they have to offer.

Jan. 2, 2009, 10:56 pm

Meg, The Girls was one of my favorite reads of 2008. Glad you're liking it.

And Lynda -- I recently "discovered" graphic novels too - I think they're amazing! What are you reading?

Jan. 3, 2009, 2:40 am

Right now I into Case Closed, Return to the Labyrinth, Legend of the Dark Crystal, and Star Trek. My son suggested these for a start. I'm open to suggestions, have any?

Jan. 3, 2009, 5:41 pm

The ones I read this year and loved were:
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
The Arrival or anything by Shaun Tan
Ethel and Ernest or almost anything by Raymond Briggs
Fun Home by Alison Bechdel

Jan. 3, 2009, 10:16 pm

Hi, I'm Judy from Melbourne, Australia. I've been on LT for about 18 months and have enjoyed both getting to know so many fellow readers and increasing my catalogue of books!

I am now reading A Complicated Kindness which has been on my bedside table for a long time. For some reason I kept overlooking it in favour of other books. But I am really enjoying it so far.

Meg, I also loved The Girls when I read it last year, and Terri, I think you know what a fan I am of Shaun Tan's!

Jan. 3, 2009, 10:20 pm

I saw the movie Oscar and Lucinda a while ago and wanted to read the book but forgot. I went to the Corning Glass Museum in November and was reminded again of the book. Of course, I forgot to add it to my Want to Read list again. Thanks for reminding me that I want to read it! I'm curious to hear your thoughts about it...

Jan. 3, 2009, 10:24 pm

Shauna, I envy you! Northern California! I'm stuck here in snowy south central PA! I just earned my MS in Library and Information Science from Drexel last month. I completed the program totally online. I hear that Drexel is opening a campus in California. Have you investigated it at all?

I read Looking for Alaska pretty recently. It's one of my favorite books. I've read all of John Green's stuff so far. Have you read an Abundance of Katherines or Paper Towns?

Jan. 3, 2009, 10:33 pm

Hello all...

I'm Mary Kay, I'm 31 and I live in New Jersey. I'm new to library thing, but so far I love it! This challenge is going to be tough for me - I work full time and I'm going back to school for nursing. Perhaps you can give me some tips, Brenda? :)

I like to read a little bit of everything.. so my list will probably be very elcetic.

Currently I'm reading: Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland

Good luck everyone!

Jan. 3, 2009, 11:34 pm

>14 calida.barboza: calida - I saw Oscar and Lucinda quite a few years ago. I remember loving it. So far the book isn't ringing bells for me i.e. not what I remember of the movie, but I'm mostly into backstory at this point. I'm loving it though.

Jan. 4, 2009, 1:14 am

>12 teelgee: teelgee
Thanks, I'll be sure to check those out.

Jan. 4, 2009, 1:59 am

>15 calida.barboza:,
Yes, definitely no snow here! I think it was in the 50s or 60s today. But Lake Tahoe's just under two hours from my house, so it doesn't take me that long to get to snow if I so desire.

Haven't investigated Drexel at all. San Jose State is the closest school with an MLS program, but I'd like to try to find a different program if I can; I spent four and a half years in the California State University system, and I'd like to try something else, I think. Many of the graduates in this area have degrees from San Jose.

I have Paper Towns out from the library, but haven't started it yet. It will probably be awhile before I do get to it in any case.

Jan. 4, 2009, 4:09 am

Hey Mary Kay,

Congratulations on going back to school! Yeah, your time for reading (at least pleasure reading), is about to decrease. I always made sure that I could make time somewhere in my day for reading something I wanted to! I also made sure that I made a once a month trip to the bookstore for my personal reading "fix".

Keep me posted on school and how it's going. I've so recently finished school that I'm sure I will be able to relate to all your new experiences! Best of luck to you!

Jan. 4, 2009, 8:13 am

Thanks for the support Brenda! Part of the reason I'm doing this challenge is to remind myself to relax. I didn't do that enough last semester, and my TBR pile is out of control.


Jan. 4, 2009, 11:34 am

Hi everyone! I'm Jennifer, in St. Louis MO. I've been on LT for a little over 2 years now but only discovered the talk forums last March - a whole year wasted! Now I'm your standard LT addict.

Last year I managed 115 books, this year it'll probably be fewer but I'm shooting for 100 anyway. I'm looking forward to reading your threads!

Jan. 4, 2009, 12:09 pm

Hi, all! I'm Mary from sunny Los Angeles (though I'm writing this in freezing New York City while on a visit to my daughter). I'm a few years from retirement and working at a high-pressure job in a law office, and daily pleasure reading is the main way I de-stress. Last year, I finished 125 books and, although I decided this year not to do any challenges, I need a place to keep track of what I've read.

As many of you have mentioned, in the 2-1/2 years since joining, I've found that LT has profoundly impacted my reading habits and expanded my reading horizon. I've read dozens of amazing books that I might never have heard of otherwise, thanks to LTers' reviews. I've also begun reviewing most of the books I read, both as a memory aid and as a way of adding to the reading experience.

Anyway, looking forward to reading your threads and getting recommendations for more great books to add to the TBR pile and Wish List, as well as to getting to know all of you better. Thanks for starting this thread, Terri!

Jan. 4, 2009, 2:39 pm

Hello fellow readers: 'Waves", I'm Lene and like many on here, retired.
Thanks Hemlokgang for starting this thread.
I was on the "75'ers" last year but it has just gotten to big and overwhelming. I completed 160 books last year so this challenge is more up my alley anyway. I haven't set any goals for number of books to read in 2009 so whatever I read, I will be happy with. My only two goals for 2009 are to read 50 books from the 1001 list and to read at least one chunkster (600 pages or over) each month.
I look forward to getting to know each of you better, and seeing what you are reading. I know I will get a lot of good ideas.

Jan. 4, 2009, 6:58 pm

Please feel free to let me know if I can be of any help to you. I admire you for making such a big commitment! Just remember to be good to yourself!

Jan. 4, 2009, 7:50 pm

Hi Lene -

I'm working on the 1001 books also! I doubt I'll be able to read 50 of them this year... I have to through in some easier reads in between. Good Luck!

Jan. 4, 2009, 8:22 pm

>26 MKS1977: MKS, thanks for the good luck wishes, I read 44 from the 1001 list last year so I hope 50 is doable. (8>})

Jan. 4, 2009, 8:50 pm

Hi! I'm from Vancouver, WA. The last few years I've been able to get to a little over a hundred books read per year, so I figured this was the place for me. For my first book of this year, I'm reading Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit by Wodehouse. I really needed a break and as usual Jeeves and Wooster do the trick!

Jan. 4, 2009, 9:03 pm

Hi. I'm Stacey. I'm a 41 year old data analyst & mother of 2 boys. I've been on LT for almost a year. I did the 50 book challenge last year and surprised myself by surpassing it by quite a bit. Not sure where I found the time but I do tend toward fast reading fluff. I like historic mysteries best followed by travel & food essays. I have a MA in Tudor history so I read a lot of non-fiction from that era as well.

Right now I am almost finished with Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire and am also reading A rather Curious Engagement

Jan. 5, 2009, 2:03 am

Hi everyone. I've been on LT for less than a year and only recently discovered the 50/75/100 book challenge threads - it looks like I've been missing out on a lot.

I thought I'd take advantage of the beginning of the new year to set a goal of 100 in 2009. I read just under that last year, and would like to stretch myself this year, so this sounds challenging but manageable.

I read a lot of fantasy and am starting the new year by finishing the sixth and seventh books in Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series, Thin Air and Gale Force.

I also enjoy historic fiction - would be interested in hearing what you think of Georgiana, Stacey, as it's one I've been meaning to read for a while.

I am also keen to expand my reading repetoire and look forward to being inspired by reading about what others in the group are reading.

Jan. 6, 2009, 12:09 pm

Hi, I am Ferris, a 50 year old woman, wife, mother, employee, semi-retired, bibliophile and lover of dogs.

I have been a mamber of LT for a while now and thoroughly enjoy it. I like the challenge threads as much for record keeping as anything else. I love to read feedback about books. I like games involving books. I like looking at books and holding them in my hands. I love chatting about books.

Looking forward to 2009!

Jan. 6, 2009, 12:32 pm

Hi everyone, I'm Cyrel- retired art teacher and avid reader. I read 116 books last year and loved most of my choices. This year I am resolved not to finish bad books, read some of older books on my TBR piles, and continue to enjoy what I read.

Jan. 6, 2009, 10:06 pm

I am just starting book #3....it is in French and I am slightly nervous about whether my French is up to the task, but I am looking forward to the adventure, dictionary in hand! Anyone else out there doing some reading in a second or third language?

Jan. 6, 2009, 11:38 pm

Hi, I'm Roni. I participated in the 75 Book Challenge last year and have a thread there, but ended up reading 150, so think I will double post here as well. I have been with LibraryThing for about a year and two months, and started keeping track of what I read on my profile page at the beginning of 2008. Then I discovered the groups in June and entered the challenge on June 30 with my first half of the year's reading. Thanks to LT, 2008 is the first year I have ever managed to carry out my resolution to keep track of what I read.

I'm a school psychologist working just south of San Diego, where I live. Not retired yet, but looking forward to it in a couple of years. I read mostly speculative fiction, science fiction and fantasy, and keep my hand in the children's and YA books in my genres. Cats and gardens are my other interests, as well as the care and feeding of my husband.

Bearbeitet: Jan. 9, 2009, 5:12 pm

Hi, I'm Diana, and I've just wandered over from the 75 book challenge. I managed 123 books last year and decided 100 is a good fit, especially if I'm working full-time. I'm a high school teacher, usually ESL and History.
I have quite eclectic taste and read a lot of different genres, though I give sci fi a pass. I would like to read more non-fiction this year, particularly history.
Oh yes, I live in Ottawa, Canada's capital city, it's cold and there's lots of snow and the buses are on strike!
Oh yes, I'm divorced, mom of three in-their-20's and have a wonderful man in my life - and a cat!

Jan. 8, 2009, 6:00 pm

Hello all! I'm Eimear, I've just joined and I'm looking forward to being part of this group. I'm already feeling at home, with all the talk of Oscar and Lucinda and Shaun Tan. All my favourites!

I'm on the east coast of Ireland, where I work in an academic library. I'm also an eternal student, or at least it feels as if I've been working on my PhD for that long. Outside of work and study, a wonderful husband and adorable dog complete the picture.

Jan. 9, 2009, 6:29 pm

Dear all - I just joined this group, after dihiba disclosed she'd jumped ship after the 75ers got too busy (much sympathy!).

I barely made it over 100 last year, so I suspect I'm going to be a 'lurker' and keep "my" thread up-to-date over in the 75s - but I'm really looking forward to hearing about what you're all reading. Hope you don't mind....

Jan. 9, 2009, 6:31 pm

Join us in any way, shape, or form.....just read and enjoy!

Jan. 9, 2009, 7:35 pm

ouch..."jumped ship" - I feel like a deserter.
Glad to see another 75er here and a chance to meet some new bookophiles.

Jan. 9, 2009, 7:50 pm

Welcome aboard. 75 or 100 or anything in between. Glad to have ya.

Jan. 10, 2009, 5:54 am

#37 and #39 Welcome from me too. Here's hoping we all have a good time together!

Jan. 13, 2009, 9:28 pm

Does anyone else feel like they're already losing pace? I moved along pretty well on my first two books, but the third one seems to be taking much longer (and it's really not that much longer than the first two). Anyone else having that problem?

Jan. 14, 2009, 1:43 am

I feel a little behind from where I thought I'd be. My solution for that is to read one or two graphic novels or a novella. I don't consider that cheating, since I would count them anyway --and it's nice to see the numbers rise early on so the summit doesn't feel quite so far away.

Jan. 14, 2009, 3:05 am

I am prone to feeling anxious about staying on track. I feel like I haven't read very much so far this year, but then I realize, its only half way through January and 7 books is not bad for me.

Bearbeitet: Jan. 14, 2009, 4:16 am

I thought so too but then I realised I am reading 3 books at once now! So my level is about the same as when I started.

Jan. 14, 2009, 4:48 am

I'm definitely reading more slowly this year. But I think part of that is spending more (too much) time on LT...

Jan. 14, 2009, 4:55 am

Diese Nachricht wurde vom Autor gelöscht.

Jan. 14, 2009, 4:14 pm

I hate thinking everyone is feeling all this pressure. Sit back, relax, and enjoy what you are reading. Frankly, I would rather choose quitting the 100 books group than let it interfere with the pleasure of reading.

Jan. 14, 2009, 5:37 pm

>48 hemlokgang:,
The pressure I'm feeling isn't necessarily because of the challenge itself. It's just thinking about it coupled with the stress in my own life, I think.

I will probably read a few YA books to help me relax at any rate.

Jan. 14, 2009, 5:49 pm

I wouldn't worry about how many books you have to read- I have months where I'm reading very long books over a number of weeks and months where I'm reading books that I can finish in 1 day. My advice- just read what gives you satisfaction.

Jan. 14, 2009, 7:16 pm

#42 - I'm a bit behind where I was last year, but I've also noticed that I tend to follow a month where I read a lot of books with a month where I don't read very many. Last month I was reading at a bit of a forced pace so I could meet my goal so I'm letting myself recover from that and not worrying too much about it.

Jan. 14, 2009, 7:35 pm

I don't worry about how much I'm reading till I'm at least half way through the year. Then I'll decide what I need to do to make my goal.

Jan. 14, 2009, 9:12 pm

I agree, relax and enjoy! That's the whole idea of reading, isn't it?

Jan. 14, 2009, 11:39 pm

Absolutely right! I need a bookmark that says something like that - "remember you are reading because you want to not because you have to!"

Jan. 15, 2009, 3:02 am

I agree, reading should be a pleasure, relax and enjoy.

Jan. 15, 2009, 8:54 am

I find, though, that while it is something I enjoy and find relaxing, I'm painfully conscious of the list growing ever longer. I don't feel anxious about reading slower because I'll miss some arbitrary target - but because I am afraid that before too long, the house will be so full of as-yet-unread books I'll have to sleep in the garden ;-)

Jan. 15, 2009, 3:48 pm

Hi. I am new to this group and newish to LT. My name is Kathryn, I am almost 56 and I live in northern Virginia. I work more than full time and wish I were retired. I enjoy what I do but ...

I started cataloging books last August but did pick not up on groups until a couple months later. LT is changing what I read and how I read it. It is much easier to commit to a challenging read and complete it if I am sharing my progress with others.

I signed up for the 999 Challenge but may not be able to complete it, not because I cannot read enough books but because I will read too much purely recreational stuff as well. Also, my 999 books are triggering "must read" impulses that I am following up on. So here's where I credit myself for the fluff and the follow-ons as well. Plus I get to add EVEN MORE BOOKS to my wishlist by checking out what everybody else here is reading and commenting on. I started my year with HB Wells' The Time Machine.

Now I am going to go check out all the other threads, slowly but surely.

Jan. 15, 2009, 4:28 pm

Hi Kathryn. Congratulations for drinking the Kool-aid! and welcome to LT and this insane challenge. Glad you discovered the groups, they are a lot of fun, very educational and, well, kinda hard on the pocketbook!

Jan. 16, 2009, 7:40 am

Welcome, Kathryn!

Mrz. 20, 2009, 7:12 am

Good morning all.
My name is Belva and I live in the Pacific N.W. and have for all of my life. I am a retired banker (my brothers and dad worked in the woods and in the mills) who's IRA has gone to *ell in a handbasket this past year so the only pastime I can afford is to read. Good excuse, huh?????????? I am 61, married, mother of 3, grandmother of 6, have 1 dog, 7 cats (all rescued or feral) and 1 lovebird.
I help to care for my 91 year old mother, get my 2 grandsons off to school each morning and am here when they return, have them on school breaks, and try to pay some attention to my most patient of husbands also.
I read constantly as it is my only sanity. And I grew up in a television free home (not a bad thing, actually) so all 7 of us children and both my parents turned out to be obsessive readers.
I remember memorizing Evangaline when I was in the 7th grade.
I have been lurking around and about on here for a couple of years but just got busy with it around the 1st of the year when the new challenges began. I have never tracked my books before so I am having fun with that and the listings, oh, the listings---I have yet to finish that. But we have all the time in the world, right?
I am reading a couple of good books right now. The Street of a Thousand Blossoms by Gail Tsukiyama (all of her books are beautifully written) and am doing the group read of Anna Karinina which is going along nicely. It is a reread for me, but of the seventies so does that count? Hmmmmmmm.
I began over on the 50 book challenge, but have already surpassed that goal so moved over here. I may double post--not sure--there are so many cool readers over there.
Anyway, there you have it in a nutshell.
Nice to have a "we're here to meetcha" thread. Thanx to Terry (teelgee) for starting it. It's nice to meet all of you and hope to chat with each of you in the future.

Mrz. 20, 2009, 11:50 am

Welcome Belva! We're neighbors!

I wish I'd grown up in a television-free home. It was my constant companion growing up. I missed out on a lot of reading in those formative years!

I loved Tsukiyama's Samurai's Garden and have another of hers on my shelf, Women of the Silk - will have to keep an eye out for the one you mentioned.

Wow, already over 50 books!?! You may have to start a 200+ group!

Mrz. 20, 2009, 10:15 pm

Hi, Belva! Good to meetcha. Sounds like you lead quite the busy life. It's a wonder you find time to read, and then to have finished 50 already! I know I'm impressed.

I grew up with a TV, but I still was an avid reader as a kid. Now, since the changeover to digital, I don't have a working TV anymore. It was a conscious decision I made. I'm not really missing it at all.

Mrz. 20, 2009, 11:45 pm

Shall we tell her they haven't made the digital switchover yet? Nah, best to be without anyway. More reading that way.

Mrz. 21, 2009, 11:13 am

Really? LOL. And here I've been thinking the TV was just sort of a museum piece sitting there in the corner (except when it comes to DVDs).

*Now where did I put those rabbit ears?*

Mrz. 25, 2009, 7:01 am

This afternoon while waiting for my therapy appointment I read a most beautiful little book. It is called One Extra*Ordinary Day and was written by Harold Myra. (touchstones partially not working here) David, the main character, is sent off by his wife for one day to "decompress", to get some rest and rejuvenate himself. He heads out to the oods where he always finds peace and ontentment. However his day is interrupted by Michael", a celestial being. (not an angel) The book is only 104 pages long but during those 104 pages "Michael" and David spend most of the day together and "Michael" sees and understands with great shock, the world as it has become today and David sees and understands that "The greatest wonder of all, more than all the challenges, the music, the creativity, and the beauty is simply being in harmony with the One who loves us.
I got this book at the library but I am going to run out and buy myself a copy. It had much the same effect on me that The Garden at the Edge of Beyond by Michale Phillips did. (I keep that one in my "serenity basket" and no matter how bad my day, no matter my circumstances, these books give me hope and take literally only moments to read.
I will get off my soapbox now and hope that some you will real it. It can be live changing as some of the smallest things in life can be.
Happy reading and blessings on you day.

Apr. 11, 2009, 6:26 pm

I joined the 100 book thread last week or so, and thought I would stop by and say 'Hi' to all.

I live in southern NH and will be 3 years on LT this July. It took me a while to do talk and the social thing though.

I will be 50 in November and so must still work, but not sure how much longer the company I work for will be around. They have no money for payroll next week, and I am not sure if they will find any before its due. It has been like this since November, and we have always made it, but eventually they won't.

I have been cataloging my books since 2001 on an Access Data Base I have developed. I started with LT as a both an on-line resource, and as a back up.

Last year I read 97 books. I have months were I read lots of books and months were I only read 1 or 2. In fact last April 2008 was a 2 book month. I am hoping that by paying more attention I can read more and avoid the reading doldrums.

In terms of how I am doing versus last year: as of the end of April 2008 I had read 25 books. I am now at 37 this year, just before the middle of the month.

I belong to 4 Real Life book groups: SFF, Fiction, Mystery, Arm Chair Travelers. I didn't want to join anything on LT that would further restrict my reading, since I have up to 4 books a month already programmed (may be less if I have already read the book). I thought this would way to read what I wanted, talk about it, and find other book suggestions.

The book I am just about to start is for a RL book group it is The Perfect Summer: England 1911, Just Before the Storm by Juliet Nicolson. It is non-fiction, but I am reading it for my Fiction group. We often do non-fiction.

Apr. 11, 2009, 9:32 pm

Wow, you're on a roll, FicusFan! Well done. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll reach my 125 goal this year, I'm surprisingly falling behind, even though I retired in November! But you know what they say about retirement... I don't know how I ever found the time to work!

Hope your payroll comes through. That must feel a bit scary. Best of luck!

Apr. 12, 2009, 6:52 am

Hello FicusFan. Good Luck with your goal - looks like you will make it! I love reading about the Edwardian Era and have put Juliet Nicolson's book on my books I want list. I look forward to hearing your
opinion of it.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 2010, 1:10 pm

Hi everyone: I hope it's okay to come into your kitchen and encroach! I promise to not eat anything!

I have posted a short survey about the Orange Prize for Fiction - would you mind participating? It's only four questions but a lot of fun!

The survey is open until midnight EST, Saturday, March 20. I will post the results on my Examiner page on Sunday (I will let you know when it's ready!).

Thanks! =) Jill

Mrz. 19, 2010, 3:57 pm

What your message does, Jill, is point out that we didn't create a meeting place for the 2010 group!

Mrz. 19, 2010, 4:35 pm

Shame on you all! =)