Introduce yourself!


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Introduce yourself!

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Jan. 1, 2007, 9:26 pm

Hey there. This is the thread for people to say hello and introduce themselves. So, say hi to the group, tell us about any interest reads and about yourself as a writer!

Jan. 7, 2007, 1:54 am

ooh, well, hi, i'm Robert...i write some stuff favoritest writer is Franz Kafka...i like a lot of others too...about myself as a writer? um...i guess i have a tendancy towards the absurd...i'm also a lazy writer...i'm not not very good at general questions...

anyway, "sagetheory" (if that's your real name!) you should answer your own questions so's i won't be so alone here...or something like that...

Jan. 7, 2007, 3:51 am

Hi, my name is Marcus, but everyone calls me Mackan ("Mah-Kahn"). It is also the name I have on my first published book Jakten på det försvunna skrattet, which was published in March of 2006.

It is non-fiction (about humor and laughter and Christian faith) and I am currently writing on my first novel. And some short stories that might turn into a collection at some point in time. Or not.

I also have a tendency towards the absurd. I am a standup comedian by day (uh... night...) and writer on the side, so most of my stories tend to tilt towards humor, sooner or later.

I tend to be a "broad" reader. Everything from the classics to thriller, mystery and even horror. I used to be a science fiction geek, but it's been years since, although I still have a heart for the genre. I have just recently started to read poetry, and love it, but I don't think that I will write any myself. But it teaches me some valuable lessons on metaphors and parables.

Bearbeitet: Jan. 8, 2007, 2:08 pm

Hi, I'm Kelly but you'll find me every where as Crystalwizard.

I am both an author and a graphic artist, though my three cats would tell you a different story. They're of the opinion that my only reason for existence is to feed them, pet them and let them in or out of the house! They're good kitties though, and make wonderful companions.

I started writing in my Junior year of high school. At the time, I'd read everything the school library had that interested me, so it just seemed natural to write what I wanted to read, since no one else was. A small group of us would get together and talk stories, developing characters, plot lines and just in general having fun. My universe, and ultimately the books I have in print, developed out of that.

Being a writer is a lot like living on a wild roller coaster. Sometimes all you can do is hang on for the ride while the story pours out of your fingers, and sometimes you have to fight tooth and nail for every letter! It's a lot of fun, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. It would be nice though if inspiration didn't insist on hitting me after the lights were out and I was half-asleep so often!

Along with fiction, I also write poetry. I don't write free verse often, it's just not something that matches with my inner self. I stick more with specific rhyme and meter. While some people might consider that restrictive, I am very pattern oriented. The words generate in stanza's, and I usually don't have much control over that.

As an example, here's a poem I wrote just a couple nights ago. It's called The Poet's Lament:

The lights are off,
The house is still,
I'm headed off to bed.

The blanket's soft,
The pillow's deep,
Soon dreams will fill my head.

But first there comes
A tip-toeing
A teasing little rhyme.

A single word
Resolves itself
With meter and with time.

Oh Pox! I snarl,
Oh go away!
Why is it every night,

That just as soon
As I settle down
I get the urge to write?

I get back up,
Turn on the lights
And sit down at my desk.

The words which filled
My thoughts and mind,
Now laugh at me in jest.

My mind's gone blank!
I've lost it all!
I stare off into space.

There's nothing there,
The ink has gone,
Just silence in it's place.

I'm too awake
For sleep or dreams.
I'm too asleep to think.

This curse which lurks
With in the dark
Has driven me to drink!

If anyone would like to read more of my poems or short stories, there are some in my profile on writer's cafe at this link:

Currently, I am working on a sci-fi fantasy series called The Sojourn Chronicles. There are six books in the series, with the first three in print. Those are :
Book 1 - Wizard's Bane
Book 2 - Villenspell: City of Wizards
Book 3 - Wizards and Wanderers

Book 4 through 6 are written, but I have all the art and covers to do yet, so it'll be a while before they are in print.

The story follows an unlikely group of misfits as they journey to unknown lands in a desperate attempt to save the world. Unfortunately, the world doesn't seem to what that salvation and mishaps befall them at just about every step.

All of my books are available on or other online stores, however you can also order them from the publisher. For more information on them, as well as reviews and illustrations, see my web site at:

When I'm not writing, I'm creating art in other ways, mostly digital, though I do have a camera which comes out of it's case once in a while. I'd probably take more photos, but I'm sadly lacking a dark room at the moment, and as nice as digital photos are, they just aren't the same as film. I do a lot of computer graphics, including the covers of my own books, the covers of other people's books, posters, illustrations, email signatures and various other pieces. A lot of my art is created for private individuals, and I don't have it on display any where, but I do have a nice gallery online. If you'd like to take a look, you can visit me at:

What little time is left between writing and creating art I use fixing computers for people or pursuing chocolate ;) Seriously, you can't give a free-range chocolate bar a chance to escape!

Jan. 25, 2007, 3:36 pm

Hi, I'm Kell and until the last year or so, I'd only ever really written articles (mostly on Witchcraft and Paganism, or on authors) and book reviews (I do a hell of a lot of reading). I've written maybe ten or so short stories of varying lengths and in different styles, some were part of challenges to specific rules, others were more "free-hand", but I'm enjoying experimenting with my writing.

i've had ideas for several longer projects kicking about in my head for some time now, but have had trouble getting them out of my brain and onto the page, so the short stories have been experiments in just making sure the paper doesn't stay empty - a bit of practice at drawing out those glimmers and fragments till I have something workable...

I also regularly write a blog - again, it's helping to get me into the habit of writing regularly (oh yes, there is a plan in there somewhere!).

I'm sure all this is going somewhere if I can just get some order to it...

Apr. 20, 2007, 9:02 am

I'm Simon, I write a bit and I'm a keen LT'er. (I've even started using it in preference to my own library software.)

Apr. 25, 2007, 4:33 am

hi! I just joined LT and now I'm looking for groups to join and found this one.


Dez. 30, 2007, 9:00 pm

Hi, I just found this group, and since I am a writer I thought I'd join. I'm currently working on my 5th and 6th novels, although my 1st through 4th are still being edited.
I've decided that this will be the year I look for an agent or a publisher, whichever comes first.
I mostly write sci-fi/fantasy with a bit of romance, although I have in the works an ancient historical novel set around the tower of Babel, also a hillbilly romance (for lack of better description) based on my grandparents courtship, and my father's memoirs about his near-death trip to heaven.
My favorite writing books are "On Writing" by Stephen King, and "Too Lazy to Work, Too Nervous to Steal".
See y'all around!