crazy4reading's 2010 book journey

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crazy4reading's 2010 book journey

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Jan. 6, 2010, 1:12 pm

Here I am this year with my list of books that I have read this year. I am still reading American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I will post my thoughts once I am finished reading them.

Jan. 10, 2010, 12:06 am

Well I finished reading my first book of 2010. I completed American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld. My thoughts to follow later.

Jan. 10, 2010, 7:24 am

I am planning to start The Picture of Dorian Gray today. Hope it is a good one. :)

Jan. 10, 2010, 6:22 pm

Here is my review for American Wife:

American Wife is a book I don't feel I would have read on my own. This book was chosen for my Library Book Club. I was quite pleased with the story. American Wife chronicles the life of a girl, Alice Lindgren, whom has become the First Lady. American Wife is written in 4 parts, each part represents where she was living at that time. The story takes place from the 1950's to about 2007.

The first part is her young childhood through about her college years. She gos through a lot during her young life. She discovers her grandmother is a lesbian, has an abortion and is involved in an accident that kills the boy she has feelings for at this time. The story starts with Alice and her grandmother running into a child from her class and her grandmother thinks the child is a girl when actually the child is a boy. The boy's name is Andrew Imhof. When Alice travels to Chicago with her grandmother is when I really felt the story had drawn me in. I wanted to know what was going to happen next from that moment on.

The next parts are defining moments in Alice's life. She is a librarian at an elementary school and loves to read. It was wonderful to see so many books mentioned throughout this novel. You are introduced to the men that she dates and ultimately her husband. I loved how their romance blossomed in a very short time and they knew how much they loved each other.

4 1/2 stars

BJ, Are you doing the group read of Dorian Gray? I am enjoy The picture of Dorian Gray so far. I am on chapter 10. I may be able to finish it this week. Then I don't know what I will be reading.

Jan. 12, 2010, 9:25 am

Well I just finished 2 more books. Reviews below:

2. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Wow is all I have to say about The Picture of Dorian Gray. I didn't think I would like this book and I was pleasantly surprised with this book. This is the first book I have ever read by Oscar Wilde.

The writing in the book was wonderful. The characters words just flow like music as you read the book. I found myself not wanting to put the book down as I was reading. Dorian, Lord Henry and the Artist Harry interact so well with each other. There is a different relationship between all 3 of them and to see the relationships change through the book was enthralling.

The ending of the book was quite a surprise to me. When I read it I laughed at how well written the story was and the fact that I never realized the ending until the very last second.

I can't wait to read more books written by Oscar Wilde!!

5 stars

3. You Did it for Me: Friendship and Kindness by Robert Hug

This is a very cute book. If you are interested in teaching your young children about friendship and kindness then this is a great book. The story shows how when one young boy helps others they in turn help him when he is sick.

4 1/2 stars

Jan. 12, 2010, 10:35 am

I am planning to do the Group Read, just a little late to the party. By the way, I gave your review of it a thumbs up. It is such a great review.

Jan. 12, 2010, 10:52 am

Thank you BJ!!

Jan. 15, 2010, 1:54 pm

I finished another book, Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris. I am thrilled to have finally finished the book. I kept getting side tracked when I was reading it and didn't think I would ever be able to get it done. Look for my review soon.

Jan. 18, 2010, 9:33 pm

Wow I jumped right into another book and finished it today. I read The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Look for my reviews on these two books soon.

Jan. 24, 2010, 8:38 am

Well I finished some more books. I just finished reading The Surgeon by Tess Gerritson. Here is a link to my reviews of all books. This is my 1010 challenge thread:

I have read 6 books so far. I just started reading The Zookeeper's Wife and The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey

Feb. 6, 2010, 6:31 pm

Book number 7.

7. The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey

The Daughter of Time is a mystery book, yet not the type of mystery book I am accustomed too. Inspector Alan Grant from Scotland Yard is recuperating from a broken leg. While he is in the hospital one of his friends brings in portraits of famous mysteries. Yet he is not fascinated by any of them except for the one portrait that he first thinks is a picture of a person of credit then finds out that it is a 'known' murderer.

This is the first book I have read by Josephine Tey. I enjoyed the book. I found myself at times getting confused by all the names of the Princes and Queens since the names were either the same with just numbers after them.

The Daughter of Time was interesting and I found myself wanting to know the truth about Richard III and also when Inspector Alan Grant would be up and moving again.

3 1/2 stars

I am still reading The Zookeeper's Wife. I am going to read some of the book tonight, I don't think I will finish reading it tonight but would like to get through at least 4 chapters or more. Then I don't know what I will be reading.

Feb. 16, 2010, 11:10 am

I finally finished reading The Zookeeper's Wife, look for my review soon. I started reading Club Dead by Charlaine Harris and Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. I hope to finish them in about 2 weeks.

Feb. 17, 2010, 9:49 am

8. The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman

I love to read books about the Holocaust. I thought I would really enjoy The Zookeeper's Wife. I have to admit that I enjoyed the book but I wasn't drawn into the whole story. I felt that in parts the story dragged on or was repeating things about Jan and Antonia that had already been mentioned.

Jan and Antonia are husband and wife who run the Warsaw Zoo prior, during and after the war. The Zookeeper's Wife tells of how the zoo was used to hide Jews and was part of the Underground. The book is written in third person which after awhile became monotnous.

Diane Ackerman quotes from Antonia's diary and other personal writings of those that stayed at the zoo during the war. At times I found it confusing as to what she was trying to get across.

Towards the end the story became interesting because Poland was being bombed near the zoo and Jan had been ordered to serve and fight. Everyone that had been at the zoo at that time had to be moved to Germany. I felt closer to the characters at this point then I did through out the whole story.
Overall the story was adequate. I do not feel that this is a book I would have picked it up on my own to read.

3 stars

Feb. 20, 2010, 11:18 am

Just finished another book this morning. Here is my review:

9. Club Dead by Charlaine Harris

Club Dead is the third book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. I loved this book. I couldn't put the book down once I started reading it. I found myself just picking the book up and reading when I should have been cleaning, or even working while at work. Charlaine Harris captures you right from the beginning of the book.

Club Dead starts with Sookie visiting Bill at his house and her getting the cold shoulder from him, no pun intended. He is doing research on his computer and Sookie has become second best to the computer. Sookie learns that Bill will be going away for awhile and he if any thing should happen to him that she is suppose to put herself under Eric's protection. As soon as I read the first chapter I knew I was in for a wonderful and adventurous story.

As the story progressed I realized I was not liking Bill as much as I was before and that there is more to these Vampires and Supernaturals then meets the eye. I find it interesting how Sookie is a telepath and is able to read some Sups minds more then others. I hope to Sookie learns more about using her telepathy in this series. I feel she has so much more potential if she really learns more about using her gift.

Sookie learns from Eric and Pam that Bill has been lieing to her about their 'relationship'. Sookie is confused about her feeling for Bill when she learns that he has lied to her and is planning to leave her for another woman, who just happens to be a Vampire. Sookie feels obligated and threatened when Eric tells her that Bill has been abducted. Eric persuades and threatens Sookie that she must use her powers to find out who has taken Bill.

Alcide (pronounced Al-see) is the man that Eric hooks up with Sookie to help search for Bill. As soon as you meet Alcide you will like him. I found myself wanting Alcide and Sookie to hook up just because he seemed like a great guy. Alcide is a Werewolf with manners. Alcide and Sookie go to Jackson Mississippi as a couple and run into problems as soon as they step into Club Dead, where the elitist vampires chill out and drink some blood.

Sookie does everything she can to find Bill and when she finds out where he is she is determined to rescue him even though she is torn between loving and hating Bill. There are injuries for Sookie in this story and also a chance for her to be pampered by Alcide's sister. Sookie gets attached by Alcide's ex-girlfriend, is accosted by another were and winds up getting staked to help vampires. That just tells you the adventures Sookie had in Club Dead.

5 stars

Now I am reading Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. Hope to finish that book in a few days.

Feb. 26, 2010, 7:55 pm

10. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the words Dear John? Well for me I thought about a guy receiving the break up letter from their girlfriend. I will say that is exactly what Nicholas Sparks' book Dear John is about. I read this book in 6 days and I enjoyed the story.

The two main characters are John Tyree and Savannah Lynn Curtis. The main secondary character is Tim. John and Savannah meet each other while John is surfing at the local beach he lives near. Tim is a long time friend of Savannah. Tim, Savannah and a few other college students are in North Caroline to build houses for Habitat for Humanity.

I have heard great things about this book and have to say that it was a good book but not one of my most faves this year. I felt that most of the book was predictable and that I knew what was going to happen before it happened. If you are looking for a nice easy some what relaxing read then Dear John is just the book you are looking for.

3 1/2 stars

Mrz. 8, 2010, 3:01 pm

11. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

The Art of Racing in the Rain is told from a dog's point of view which I found very captivating. As I was reading this book I found myself visualizing the expressions of the dog and of the people interacting with the dog. I also found myself thinking of the times I have been around dogs and how they were behaving/interacting with the humans.

The Art of Racing in the Rain is a delightful relaxing read. From the very start of the story I found myself both laughing and crying. The prose is entertaining that you just fall in love with the characters.

Enzo, the dog, is telling you his story and his owners story from his point of view. His owner is Denny Swift, who is an up and coming race car driver.

I don't want to give too much away about this book so all I can say is if you need an inviting and relaxing read then pick up a copy of The Art of Racing in the Rain.

5 stars

My next review will be for Final Target by Iris Johansen.

Mrz. 15, 2010, 10:56 pm

Finished Final Target hope to post review tomorrow. Just started reading When the Phone Rang by Harry Mazer.

Mrz. 16, 2010, 3:56 pm

#12. Final Target by Iris Johansen

Final Target is an egaging book of suspense thriller. Iris Johansen does a superb job in creating a story of unique problems and gifts for the characters that just keep you wanting more.

Final Target is about a child that survives a robbery turned murder. Cassie is a seven year old girl who runs to the safety of the Wind Dancer when she is attacked and almost killed by a robber. Cassie becomes a comotose girl living in her dreams/nightmares.

Jessica is the doctor who is trying to get Cassie to come back to reality just like Jessica did for her sister Melissa. The twists and turns of the story keep the pages turning of this suspensed filled thriller.

I enjoyed the story and the personalities of the characters. I found myself rooting for Melissa to reveal to her sister the truth about Cassie.

3 1/2 stars

Apr. 2, 2010, 4:14 pm

I have not been keeping up with my posts. I finished reading 2 books. The first one was When the Phone Rang by Harry Mazer and last night I finished reading Genoa Bay by Bette Nordberg

here are my reviews:

#13. When the Phone Rang by Harry Mazer

When the Phone Rang is about a boy and girl home alone and they receive a phone call to inform them that the plane there parents were on has exploded and there are no survivors. Right off you know this book is going to be a tear jerker. When the children first receive the phone call they believe it is a joke until extended family start calling and showing up and also when you start receiving calls from TV news stations.

Kevin who is the oldest is away at college and comes home when he hears the news. Billy is the one who answers the phone when they received the phone call. Lori is the youngest and the one most affected by the loss. Kevin, Billy and Lori decide to live as a family. Keven quits going to school full time and decides to get a job and attend school part time. They run into trouble and are afraid of actually being separated from each other.

I cried and worried with them as I read the story. I was afraid of them being separated but also wanted Lori to be happy, like when she was with her grandmother. When the Phone Rang is a suspenseful book that keeps you glued to the pages. I highly recommend reading this book.

4 1/2 stars

#14. Genoa Bay by Better Nordberg

When I won this book I was delighted and excited about reading the book. I liked and disliked the book. The writing was great and interesting. The story is about a widow, Brandy Beauchamp, who inherits a bed and breakfast in Canada from a woman who took her in as a teenager after she had runaway from home.

The characters you meet in the book are Brandy, her daughter Gabby (just adorable), Eve (Brandy's friend from Florida), Cliff, and Herbert Karras. Brandy's 'adoptive' mother, Maggie, dies and leaves Brandy the old Bed and Breakfast. Brandy receives this inheritance at a time when she is trying to figure where she really belongs since her husbands death. Gabby is a lovable little girl of 7. Gabby is what keeps Brandy going and also questioning everything she does. Brandy decides to try and resurrect the Bed and Breakfast again after much debating in her head. She is afraid of the money she doesn't have to fix the place up. She worries about her daughter not liking the place at first. Brandy also doesn't enjoy feeling needy which makes her stubborn when offered help from the Marina Manager, Cliff.

I found most of the story predictable and boring. The reason the story was boring is when Brandy would always mention god and over analyze everything. I usually don't mind God being mentioned in a story in subtle terms. With Genoa Bay at times I felt that I was being preached to about God, which was a turn off. I then decided to just read the book without thinking about the God references, which made the story more enjoyable.

Towards the end of the book, at about Chapter 20 the story became interesting and I had difficulty putting the book down. I found myself wanting Brandy to win against all the trouble and misfortune that came her way. I felt that Brandy was a fighter but also very vulnerable and unsure of herself. I can not say that this book is a book that I will highly recommend to people. I will say to give it a try and form your own opinions about Genoa Bay.

2 1/2 stars

Apr. 18, 2010, 9:03 pm

#15. The Soloist by Steve Lopez

I have been pondering exactly what to write for my review since I finished this book. I enjoyed the book because of the music and the homeless man that finds solace in playing his instruments. Steve Lopez is a journalist who is in search of a story for his column and he finds a homeless man playing a violin. Mr. Lopez is enthralled by this man and decides that this is what or who his next column will be written about.

I found the story well written and a wonderful enthralling read. Steve captures the essence of Nathanial Ayers and his love of music. The relationship that builds throughout the story, between Steve Lopez and Nathanial Ayers is wonderfully conveyed. At times I felt like I was there with them in the story listening to the music that Nathanial was playing.

As I read the story I reflected on how I was when I played the violin and my love for music. Music has always been away for people to express themselves and to lose the demons that sometimes feel like they are controlling your life. The Soloist brings forth this in so many different ways as Mr. Lopez learns more about the classical music that Nathan plays and the many different instruments he attempts to perform with while Nathan is out on the streets.

5 stars

Apr. 18, 2010, 9:46 pm

Another great review, Monic'a! I added this one to my wishlist. You have read some really great books this year.

Apr. 19, 2010, 7:12 am

Thank BJ!! I have been enjoying the books I have read this year. My Library book club has really helped me in opening me up to new genres.

Apr. 27, 2010, 10:29 am

#16. The Broken Blue Line by Connie Dial

The Broken Blue Line is a book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I love mysteries with suspense, and a little bit of romance thrown in for some smiles and laughs. I have to say that The Broken Blue line did not disappoint me. I found the characters very endearing and able to appreciate them. I did find myself confused when I first started reading the book. I was getting the characters confused.

The Broken Blue Line is about Internal Affairs and crooked cops. Those styles of books are always very interesting reads. When I read books like this I always visualize it in real life and not just being fiction. Most of these books I feel are based on some actual facts.

Turner is a memeber of IA and soon becomes the focus of an investigation. I found it interesting how the members of his squad were divided about him. Turner's partner and friend, Reggie and Miller are the ones who want to help Turner prove his innocence and at the same time capture the real cop that is their prime suspect.

Reggie is the one that doesn't mind breaking the rules and circumvention authority to get to the truth. Miller is the wise craking one that doesn't like authority. Turner, Reggie and Miller work well together and make the best IA team even though the one boss hates them.

I hope to read more books by Connie Dial.

4 stars

Mai 8, 2010, 4:17 pm

#17. Down River by John Hart

WOW was my reaction to John Hart's novel Down River. I found myself reading this book when I should have been doing my job and cleaning the house. I just couldn't put the book down. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time that I read this book.

Down River is a mystery book that is different then what I have read in the past. The main character, Adam Chase was acquitted 5 years ago for a murder he did not commit. Adam is exiled by his family and the population of Rowan County after his acquittal and he doesn't want to go back when he receives a call from one of his friends, Danny Faith asking him to come back. Adam had pushed his past out of his head until he received that call from Danny, begging him to come back. Adams return is one filled with many different emotions. Some people have missed him and are happy yet angry to see him back in town.

No sooner is Adam in town and dead bodies start showing up again so everyone begins to ponder what is happening again in their town. Everyone believes Adam is the one who has committed the murders. The cops, judges and even some family members think he is responsible for the past murder and the new ones that happen in Down River. The twists and turns in the pages of this story kept me trying to figure out who was the murderer. I have to admit that I would read a chapter and then try to figure out who dunnit. I was pleasantly surprised by the actual ending and will be thinking about this book for awhile.

Looking for a wonderful mystery to read then I recommend Down River by John Hart!!

5 stars

I wish all Mothers a Happy Mother's Day and Happy Reading all!! I hope to finish reading my Flash comic book today and then I will pick up another book just not sure what it will be just yet.

Mai 9, 2010, 7:34 pm

#18. Flash Terminal Velocity by Mark Waid

Well this is the second comic book I have ever read yet the first Flash I have read. I will admit I loved the story. The afterword was really enlightening and brought the whole story together just in case you didn't realize what Flash Terminal Velocity was about.

Flash Terminal Velocity is about true love and how you can over come certain things when you have true love. I just loved that about this story.

5 stars

That is one of the shortest reviews I have ever written. Now I have to decide on my next read. I am thinking of picking up Stephen King just not sure about that...

Mai 12, 2010, 7:16 pm

I finished another book already. I am quite thrilled by that. Now I can start on my ER book that arrived today.

#19 Someone is Out There by Carole Standish

Someone is out there is a delightful story of mystery, intrigue and a little bit of love. The main characters are Marcie and Peter. You meet Marcie in the very beginning and Peter after about 3 chapters. Marcie is saddened because she has to leave her hometown to visit her grandmother over Christmas. There are so many plans for her high school during the Christmas break that she argues with her mother at first. Finally she concedes to go since her grandmother is unable to visit them this time.

When you meet Peter at first you don't know what to think of him. He is a handsome young man that Marcie has mixed feelings about. She doesn't know if it is anything to worry about or if it is just because of the fog in Cape Cod. I found the budding relationship between Peter and Marcie very sweet and a nice distraction for both of them.

This is a great book for a fast easy read when you need a little break from all the tomes you have read lately.

4 1/2 stars

Mai 22, 2010, 5:26 pm

#20. Sidney Sheldon's After the Darkness by Sidney Sheldon

Sidney Sheldon's After the Darkness is a wonderfully written story of suspense, intrigue, mystery and betrayal. The principle character in After the Darkness is Grace Brookstein. Her character goes through so many changes and growth from the start of the story. Grace is the wife of Lenny Brookstein, who died while out on his boat and the death is ruled a suicide. Lenny is the financial wizard behind an investment company called Quorum.

After the Darkness starts out with Grace on trial for theft of billions of dollars through Quorum. She is innocent and feels that she will be cleared of all charges. Her trusting nature is what causes her many problems and heartbreak through the story. Those who she thought were her family and friends turn on her and don't want to help her during her trial and even after her day in court. She is surprised by her family's reaction. This is when Grace starts to go through a change. She is a lady that is used to things always being easy for her. Grace goes from a trusting, innocent child like woman to a woman of strength and realizes her true worth and that she can stand on her own two feet without the help of a man. I found myself eagerly hoping for her to survive every obstacle and hardship she encountered during the story.

Once you start reading After the Darkness you will not be able to stop. After the Darkness is a page turning novel of intrigue and suspense. I loved how the story was summarized at the end of the book. The ending for Grace is one of pure surprise. You may like it or you may feel jilted.

5 stars

Jun. 2, 2010, 9:49 pm

#21. Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

Is your life real? Could you be living in your own reality? Those are some questions I thought of after reading Shutter Island. Shutter Island is a superbly written novel of mystery, and suspense. Once you begin reading you will not be able to stop until you finish reading. I know I lost sleep over this book, yet it was well worth it.

Edward (Teddy) Daniels is a U.S. Marshall who goes to Shutter Island, to find a missing patient named Rachel Solando. Shutter Island is home to Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Teddy and his partner, Chuck Aule arrived by ferry from Boston. Teddy and Chuck meet with the patients and the staff during their investigation into how Rachel Solando was able to escape from her room while locked in and also past guards that were on duty at certain check points. I found myself wondering who was not being totally honest during the questioning and discussions. Teddy and Chuck ask to see patient and staff files and are denied access to them because the Chief of Staff does not feel they are pertinent to the investigation.

The twists and turns in Shutter Island will have you wondering what is really going on at Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane. You will be on the edge of your seat while you immerse yourself in the wonderfully crafted thrills of Shutter Island. Your mind will start racing with questions and answers at the same time.

I will definitely be looking to read more books by Dennis Lehane.

5 stars

I read this book for my Library Book Club. I think this is the first book that I have read in about 7 days that wasn't a thin book. Now I can't wait to see the movie.

I am currently reading Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King. This is my first Stephen King book and I am pleasantly surprised with how much I am enjoying the book. Hope to finish the book this week..

Happy Reading all and thanks for stopping by to visit my thread!!


Jun. 10, 2010, 9:17 am

Well I was finally able to post my review last night thru my Wii. Here is my review for book

#22. Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King

This was my first Stephen King book and I have to say I was quite pleased with the story. I have heard how scary his books are and that has been one of the reasons I have avoided reading his novels. I am glad that I finally took the time to give Stephen King a try.

Dolores Claiborne is the story of a woman who reveals the truth about her husbands death years latere because the woman that she has been caring for the past years dies and people in the town start talking about her having murdered the woman. Dolores is a very interesting character in the novel. As I was reading the story I could actually hear her voice in my head just by the way the story was written.

Dolores was straight forward and very blunt when she spoke, which I found very entertaining. I found myself not wanting to put the book down. The only thing I didn't care for about the book was the fact that there were no chapters so it was difficult to find a good place to stop while reading the book.

4 1/2 stars

I will be reading more of Stephen King just not sure when. I hope to finish one of my current reads this weekend. I am currently reading Dead to the Worldby Charlaine Harris and Blind Faith by Ben Elton.

Happy Reading All!!

Jun. 13, 2010, 10:08 am

#23. Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris

In the fourth book of the Sookie Stackhouse series you are introduced to more supes then you may have thought were in this series. Dead to the World introduces Witches and Wiccans to Sookie's life. Will Sookie be able to keep her New Year's Resolution to not get injured this year?

Bill and Sookie are no longer dating and Bill leaves to go to Peru at the beginning of the story. Bill tries to explain to a jilted Sookie about why he left to go with Lorena before he leaves for Peru. I was not too fond of Bill after the last book so I was thrilled to see him missing from most of this story. Even though he was thought about and mentioned a few times.

The adventure truly begins when Sookie is leaving Merlotte's after working New Year's Eve. As she is driving home she sees a talk man only clad in blue jeans running for his life. Being Sookie she decides to stop and offer help and as she talks to the man she realizes it is Eric, the Vampire. When Sookie calls him by name he looks at her with fangs out. She realizes that Eric doesn't know who she is and seems very different.

You can't help but fall in love with Eric in this book. His memory is totally erased by a curse that a witch placed on him since he would not listen to her requests of love and money. Since Sookie finds Eric she has to keep him safe while the witches decide to hunt for him and reek havoc on Shreveport and Bon Temps. In the mist of all this Sookie's brother Jason goes missing and you wonder if the witches have anything to do with his disappearance.

Sookie learns that there are more Shape Shifters around Bon Temps and also learns that one fancies her and wants to court her. Alcide from the previous book is still interested in her but is torn between his old flame Debbie Pelt, even though she tried to kill Sookie in book three. I loved what happened to her in this book and I am not going to reveal it. You will just have to read Dead to the World to find out.

The adventure and suspense in Dead to the World will keep the pages turning. I found myself reading late into the evening and at every free moment just to finish the book. If you are looking for a book for some light fluff then I suggest you start reading the Southern Vampire Mysteries (Sookie Stackhouse Novels).

5 stars

I am currently reading Blind Faith and won't pick up another book until I finish it. Happy Reading All!!

Jul. 2, 2010, 10:57 pm

#24. Blind Faith by Ben Elton

I have been thinking about how I to write a review for Blind Faith since I had started reading it. Every time I was reading I would think about how this book related to some events or similarities between our real world and the world depicted in Blind Faith.

Blind Faith is a novel about a world that has been punished by the "Love" aka "God". Everyone in this world has Blind Faith in "The Love". They believe that God gives you things, such as life, food, air, children etc and yet will also take it away if you don't worship the Love.

The people are 'ruled' by the Temple that sets all the rules. You are not allowed to keep secrets or have privacy. Everything you do is always being filmed. People walk around barely clothed. Women are told to get Breasts implants. If a woman doesn't get breast implants then they must not love the love. Because the Love wants you to love your body by making it sexy with fake boobs. Everything on the Earth is created by the love.

Some of the similarities I related to in the book to the real world is the fact that the people are always being filmed. That made me think about how so many people will create videos and upload them to their web pages, blogs, youtube etc. In Blind Faith you need to post videos of you having sex with your current wife, the birth of a child and other things. If you don't then you must not love yourself and you can be punished for all this. The temple preaches that marriage is not meant to be you get married once and you last with that person until you die; the temple preaches that you are supposed to be married multiple times. When I read about the idea of marriage it made me think about how some people will get a divorce instead of trying to either work things out and possibly save the marriage.

I found the story entertaining and quite laughable with the contradictions with in the Temple beliefs. When the Children died they were sent to a better place. Yet the Children that live on the Earth are blessed and in a better place too. Just seeing how people can be easily manipulated to believe things when professed over and over again.

I am glad that I was able to read this book and be introduced to another new author.

4 stars.

Now on to decide my next read... Night all!!!

Jul. 9, 2010, 8:43 pm

#25. Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion by Mark Cotta Vaz

I had started reading this book back in November of 2008 and never finished it because I had put it down and couldn't find it until just this past month so I decided to pick it up again and to finish reading it. The book was interesting but not so much that I couldn't put it down. I enjoyed reading about how they created certain things in the movie Twilight, such as the fight scene at the ballet studio, the baseball game etc.

The book also tells about how the weather didn't help while filming Twilight. I found out about how they chose the costumes for the characters and how some of the actors even helped with suggestions on their characters wardrobe.

If you are one that is interested in learning more about how Twilight the movie was created then this book is for you.

3 stars

Now I am reading Dead as a Doornail by Charlaine Harris. Then I don't know what I will decide to read.

Jul. 11, 2010, 6:04 pm

#26. Dead as a Doornail by Charlaine Harris

The Sookie Stackhouse books get better and better with each new book I read. I love the characters, the dialogue, the mystery and all the fantasy in these books. I find myself laughing at the interaction of Sookie with Eric, Sam, Bill and almost everyone she comes in contact with.

Dead as a Doornail takes us again into the world of Sookie Stackhouse and the town of Bon Temps. Sookie is a cocktail waitress at the local bar Merlottes. The owner Sam is a shapeshifter and has had feelings for Sookie. Sookie is special in her own way because she is a telepath. She is able to read other people's thoughts, which can sometimes be helpful, intruding and dangerous all at the same time.

There have been shootings in Bon Temps which have led to one death, one in the hospital and one wounded in the leg. This opens up the story in Dead as a Doornail, who is shooting people, who happen to all be shifters, in Bon Temps. Sookie's life is also threatened by someone setting fire to her house while she is asleep inside. Thanks to her 'fairy' godmother, Claudine, Sookie's house is the only thing that is partly destroyed in Dead as a Doornail.

Sookie finds herself being dragged into Alcide's world when the pack master dies. She doesn't like being used and has now qualms in letting Alcide know this. The events for choosing a new leader for the pack is very interesting, to say the least.

There is so much happening in this book, with the Weres, Shifters, Fairies, Vampires and so many more supes to discover. I enjoyed this book immensely and am looking forward to reading the rest of these books.

5 stars

Now to decide what to read next.... Happy Reading All!!

Jul. 16, 2010, 11:41 pm

#27. Girl Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

Girl Interrupted is the story of a woman, Susanna Kaysen's time spent in a mental institution for just over a year in 1967. Susanna voluntarily admits herself into McLean Hospital when she is 18 years old. She is sent there by her doctor because she is depressed and has also tried to commit suicide.

While she is in the hospital you meet some very interesting, Lisa, Daisy, Polly, Cynthia and more. Each one is at their own level of mental illness. I felt as I was reading the book that sometimes these girls knew more about the difference between reality and that which was not real.

It was interesting to see how they argued with their inner demons. Some of the girls receive special privileges such as being able to go out side the hospital for ice cream, coffee or just to go shopping. The author talks about the different privileges she is rewarded with and how some of the girls will escape when they have a chance.

I now want to see the movie Girl Interrupted starring Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie. The book is a very fast read and made me wonder about how our brains and minds really work.

4 stars

Jul. 17, 2010, 2:57 pm

34 - The movie is quite good, though I haven't read the book so can't speak to how closely it follows it.

Jul. 17, 2010, 10:46 pm

>28 crazy4reading: I loved Shutter Island, the book. Leonardo D. is, of course, worth seeing in whatever he's in, so I saw the film, but it's hard to tell how effective it would be to someone who hasn't read the book.

I've read all of Dennis Lehane's work except for his most recent, which is historical fiction. I think you'll like his other novels, too.

Jul. 18, 2010, 10:00 am

#35. I don't think I have seen any parts of the movie that I can remember. I will be seeing if I can find it on cable so that I can see it. Thanks for stopping by Janepriceestrada

#36. I loved both the movie and the book for Shutter Island. My mother in law saw the movie but never read the book and she said she enjoyed the movie. The same with my daughter. I will be looking for Dennis Lehane's other books soon. I do want to read Mystic River but my library doesn't have a copy of the book. I have to see if I can get one from another library.

Jul. 18, 2010, 2:51 pm

I saw Shutter Island but didn't read the book and really enjoyed it. So it's really effective.

There have been two movies I definitely think wouldn't be effective if you hadn't read the book (Blindness and The Road) but Shutter Island stands out on its own very well.

Jul. 18, 2010, 9:54 pm

>38 lilisin: Were you surprised at the ending?

Jul. 19, 2010, 3:39 pm

I wasn't super surprised at the ending simply because I have seen many films of this genre and with Scorcese, you know he likes "twists". But I know many who definitely didn't see it coming.

Aug. 1, 2010, 8:21 am

#28. In Harm's Way by Ridley Pearson

This is the first book that I have ever read by Ridley Pearson and I have to say I find his work pleasantly enticing. I love reading mysteries and was thrilled to win this book from the Early Reviewers program. I started reading the book as soon as it arrived in my mailbox.

In Harm's Way is the 4th book in the Walt Fleming Novels. I am honored to say that I was able to enjoy the book even though I was not familiar with the characters in the novel prior to reading this book.

Walt Fleming is sheriff in a small town in Idaho who is raising two twin eleven year old girls. I found Walt Fleming to be a complex character while still being interesting and entertaining. He has a small staff of deputies and a photographer whom is the love interest of Walt. I found some of the characters of little interest and didn't create a bond towards them while reading In Harm's Way.

In Harm's Way is a well crafted story of intrigue and suspense. As I read the book I found myself getting more and more drawn into the story and thinking I knew who did it before I finally reached the end. It is enjoyable when reading a book and not being able to figure out who committed the crime before the end. I was getting to the point where I started to actually talk back to the characters while reading the book. When that happens you know I am drawn into the story.

4 1/2 stars

#29. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is a charming young adult book about relationships, love and music. I loved the book and found it very entertaining. Nick is a bassist in a Queercore punk band and he is straight. Norah is a girl whose father is a music executive and is usually very straight laced and doesn't do anything wrong or out of the ordinary until she meets Nick.

I loved how they met in the book. Nick's band has just finished performing and he sees his ex with another guy and it hurts him. So he asks Norah is she will be his girlfriend for the next 5 minutes. The way Norah answers him is just so not typical most girls, she decides to kiss him. Both of their reactions to the kiss are so real that I just continued to root for them as a couple.

The chapters are written from both Nick and Norah's point of views, alternating, which I found very charming. You got to see how they each felt about the things that happened. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is about their whole night together in New York. Both have past baggage that they keep bottled up and have hurt both of them in trying to get into a new relationships. Their friends are the ones that see the truth of their feelings and play an underlying role in getting them to realize it.

This is a nice quick easy read for a nice relaxing summer evening, afternoon, or day. So if you need a nice enjoyable, relaxing read then pick up Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.

5 stars

Aug. 7, 2010, 8:50 am

#30. Snagged by Carol Higgins Clark

I realized as I was reading Snagged that I had started reading this book once before. I don't remember ever finishing the book the last time and I don't know why. I believe it had belonged to someone else and I think I had just picked it up and started reading it at my old job a few years ago. Now that I have my own copy I was able to read it through.

Snagged is number 2 in the Reagan Riley mystery series. When I read this one I didn't feel that you needed to read the first one prior to reading the next one. They are not as a true series just that the main character is always Reagan Riley as the detective. In Snagged you also have the supporting cast of her mother, Nora, who is an author of mysteries, her father Luke, who is a mortician, Richie Blossom who is Reagan's Uncle.

Snagged is about Richie and his newest invention of the perfect pantyhose (now if only this was true!!) His pantyhose are run proof, snag proof, fit perfectly with out bagging at the ankles etc. You name it these hose are what every women dreams of owning and the pantyhose industries worst nightmare. The story takes place in Florida, There is a pantyhose convention and a mortician convention going on at the same time. Richie is trying to sell his pantyhose to save his retirement home the Fourth Quarter. So when Reagan and Richie are almost run over while crossing the street Reagan begins to think that someone is out to kill Richie so that he can't sell his pantyhose to the highest bidder.

I found the book very interesting and easy to follow. The story is well written and very engaging that I felt myself getting excited and nervous at the right moments. I will be picking up more books written my Carol Higgins Clark.

4 1/2 stars

I am going to pick up Act like a Lady, Think like a Man by Steve Harvey. I saw him yesterday on Dr. Phil and I am quite interested in reading the book now. I may need some of this information in the near future and I may as well get prepared. Happy reading all!!

Aug. 17, 2010, 1:20 pm

I just want to let you know that I don't have a computer at home so I won't be posting my reviews for awhile. I will post them once I have a working computer, which should be by Sept. 1.

Happy Reading All!!

Aug. 20, 2010, 7:00 am

#31. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey

This book has been sitting on my TBR pile for about a year and I decided to read this book now for a few reasons. One of the reasons is I had seen Steve Harvey on the Dr. Phil Show promoting this very book. Reason number 2 is with the problems I am currently having in my marriage I thought this book could possibly enlighten me about men. Now you know there is a third reason, always a third reason. The third reason is because I had read Maria Bastillo's book Act Like a Gentleman, Think Like a Woman, (Absolutely wonderful book), which was written in response to this book. Those are the reasons I decided to read Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man.

So far I have to say this book is funny, informative and is proof that women are superior to men. Okay now that I have your attention you maybe asking yourself why I say women are superior to men. I will just say that is my opinion. The reason I feel that way is because from just reading 50 pages, I feel that men have no depth to their personalities. Women can handle a lot while a man can only handle 3 things and that is to Profess their love for you, (possibly only once in a blue moon), provide for you and protect you and that is it. Men think that is all that matters, those are important yet a true man can grow and learn to add more to their personalities. Women are able to achieve those 3 elements and also include nurturing, listening, friendship and we can also make sure you get the best damn "cookie" in the bedroom without thinking of ourselves. Yes that is how I feel from reading 50 pages.

Now this book is written in 3 parts. Part 1 is the Mind Set of a Man. My first two paragraphs about sum that section up. Part 2: Why Men do What they do. I could say a few choice words or statements to answer this question but I will wait till late to voice them. Part 3: The Playbook: How to win the Game (Do we really want to?). By winning the game Steve is implying that all women want is the ring.

So I have read part 2 and still I believe that women are superior to men. I also feel that men are very self centered. Now part two discusses Why men are the way they are. Well I will try to say this as nice as possible,Men don't think with their brains, they think with their... you know what they think with. In this book Steve Harvey "enlightens" women to the fact that men do what they do because they can. I have to say that is true, or better yet I will say me do what they do because they think they can. This section informs us that men only want one thing from women and I don't have to tell you what it is. Men also think about women in two ways either a Keeper or a Throw back. Also covered in this section is Why Men Cheat. From personal experience I have to say men cheat because they are a**holes, idiots, and only care about themselves. I do have to say that I found the cheating chapter informative and did help me in realizing that I don't want to be with a man who cheats. Once a man cheats he is always going to be a cheater. Even after being married for 21 years, he will always be a cheater. This section can be helpful if you are open to actually realizing that things about yourself, men and how you handle relationships.

Now onto the Playbook, so that us women can win the true man of our dreams!!! I have to tell you I wrote in this book. Don't get mad or angry, I usually don't write in books but this section allows it and so I decided to do it. So that I can set my standards and get the respect I deserve from a man.

The third section tells us how to get the final prize of the ring. Steve Harvey reiterates over and over again that men are simple beings. They don't think as much about commitment as women do. I found this section very informative in telling women what to do and not to do to gain the commitment they want. Women should not get into deep with a man before asking questions. Steve mentions 5 questions we should ask over a period of time and before giving up the cookie.

There is so much a woman will learn from reading Act Like a Lady, Think like a Man. You will gain a better understanding of how 2 dimensional men really are. Now that I have read Steve Harvey's book I am hoping to try some of his suggestions mentioned in the book. I also found myself analyzing my current relationship which seems on the verge of a divorce. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a wonderful book for all women to read.

Remember Women to always act Like a Lady, because it will make your man happy!!!

4 stars

I finished Nights in Rodanthe and will post my review after work tonight. I am currently reading King Learby William Shakespeare and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston.

Aug. 21, 2010, 7:50 pm

#32. Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks

Nights in Rodanthe is another love story by Nicholas Sparks. Adrienne Willis and Paul Flanner are the main characters in Nights in Rodanthe.

Adrienne's husband abandons her for a younger woman and she is heartbroken over it. She is trying to figure out who she is now. Adrienne goes to Rodanthe to look after her friends Inn. Adrienne is hoping to have a relaxing time in Rodanthe except for the major storm that is forecasted. Paul is a doctor who has recently sold his medical practice so that he can go to Ecuador to be with his son and to hopefully repair their relationship.

You can feel the spark between Paul and Adrienne as you read Nights in Rodanthe. With the nor'easter forecast Paul and Adrienne have to prepare the Inn to protect it from the storm. Paul and Adrienne whether the storm together and they get closer very close.

I found myself able to relate to Adrienne in the aspect of having her husband leave her for a younger woman. I was able to understand Adrienne's emotions and her behavior. This made Nights in Rodanthe a pleasure to read.

4 1/2 stars

Sept. 11, 2010, 3:42 pm

#33. Julie and Julia by Julie Powell

Well I just finished reading Julie and Julia, the book about the blogger that decided to cook all the recipes in Master the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. I don't even know where to begin with this review. I didn't love the book that is one thing. I didn't really hate the book either. I just know that I will never try to Master the Art of French Cooking. I like to cook but I wouldn't want to torture myself or anyone that I am cooking for either.

I had decided to read Julie and Julia since I had seen parts of the movie already. I enjoyed most of the movie that I have seen. I hope to watch the movie from beginning to end at some point then I can give a better review of the movie.

There are a few things that I didn't care for in the book and that was the ramblings of Julie. The book just felt like she did a lot of rambling and whining. She would complain about her real job, her decision to do this project, her friends, her biological clock ticking away, her mother, etc. You name it she complained about it. It was funny at first but after awhile it became annoying and I noticed that I would skim over those parts. Julie also had a very foul mouth during this project, whether this is a reflection of how she really handles stress or her actual personality I really can't say. I just know that saying the 'f' word as often as she did just doesn't make me think of her as a lady or female.

I would love to hear from some of her followers from the blog. It would be interesting to really just see what they found so fascinating about her project let alone how they actually found the blog and decided to stick with her through the whole project.

I can not tell you to read or not to read this book. You have to decide for yourself because it is not something I feel everyone will enjoy reading. I am not one that will only read so many pages before I decide to stop reading. I will read a book to the end so that I can give it a full review. I may soon decide to start saying that if I am not enjoying the book from either 50 to 100 pages in then I should stop reading the book.

If you love to cook you may enjoy reading this book. If you have Master the Art of French Cooking you may be able to enjoy the book even more since you will undoubtedly be familiar with all if not most of the recipes Julie attempts. I have to give this book about 2 stars. Just not my cup of tea...

Sept. 22, 2010, 10:11 am

I finished a book late last night. I stayed up late just to finish this book and I am glad I did.

#34. The Help by Kathryn Stockett

I love my Library Book Club because they always choose the best books to read. I don't think I have had one book that I didn't enjoy reading.

The Help is the story of living in Mississippi during the 1960's. The story is told by a black maid working for a white family. The main characters of the book are Skeeter, Aibileen, amd Minny. Aibileen and Minny are both maids. Skeeter is a white woman who just graduated from Ole Miss.

The story is about change and realizing that there is no difference between the races. Miss Skeeter starts to realize how different she is compared to her friends. She doesn't seem to feel the same about the treatment of the blacks in the south.

I enjoyed the story because I was able to get the feel of what it was like to be a black woman living in Mississippi and working for the white families. I loved seeing how the children behaved so well for the maid more then their own parents. It is hard to visualize how these ladies must have felt seeing the mothers of some of the kids just not wanting anything to do with their own children.

The Help is the idea of Miss Skeeter, she wants to show the black womens point of view.
Aibileen is the maid who is the most helpful to Miss Skeeter. Minny is every white womens biggest fear, she is sassy and sometimes her mouth gets her in trouble. I feel in love with each and everyone of the maids in this book.

As I read the book I thought about how people I know act around the many different races. Sometimes they are nice to the people yet will talk about them when they aren't around. It turns my stomach to think that there are still people with such closed mindedness living in this world today.

5 stars

Okt. 8, 2010, 9:26 pm

#35. Cape Refuge by Terri Blackstock

I finished this book over the weekend and have to say that I really enjoyed the story. This is a Christian Fiction book and not the first one I have read. Cape Refuge was well written and was able to keep my attention.

I didn't feel like I was being preached to the whole time. The main characters were Blair and Morgan. Morgan has the faith and Blair questions the faith very often. When reading Cape Refuge I was able to understand how Blair could have doubts about God.

The story is about Blair and Morgan's parents business of taking in the less fortunate. They could be ex-cons, people down on their luck, even runaways. The town of Cape Refuge want to close Hanover House, and Thelma and Wayne are murdered. Now a mystery is added.

5 stars

#36. Open by Andre Agassi

I am not a huge fan of tennis but Andre Agassi is one tennis player I always enjoyed watching and hearing about. I did not realize he had written an autobiography so when our Library Book Club chose this book I was pleasantly surprised.

As I read Open I found myself trying to remember some of his matches and the way he played or reacted to the way he was playing. Andre wrote from the heart about his dislike for tennis and yet he kept playing. He wrote about his relationship with Brooke Shields.

I enjoyed reading the book and realizing how he matured during his career. Andre doesn't hide about how immature he was during his young days of playing tennis. I realized while reading this book how intense tennis can be for some players. How they talk in their heads and sometimes that is what causes them to lose the game. I now look at tennis in a very different way.

I also enjoyed seeing the pictures that Andre included in the book. Pictures of him and his family, etc. I also learned that there is an Andre Academy in Las Vegas. I found that very interesting considering Andre never finished school and in his own words 'what a contradiction he is'.

5 stars

Okt. 15, 2010, 6:37 am

#37. Pray for Silence by Linda Castillo

This is the second book I have read by Linda Castillo and I have to say she didn't disappoint in this book at all. When I had seen the book being offered in the ER program I was thrilled and hoped I would win it. I didn't win the first book in the ER program I won that in the member giveaway and was surprised after reading it that I had not won it in the ER program because it is my type of book.

Pray for Silence is a wonderfully written mystery, suspense, thriller with a little bit of romance mixed in for good measure. We are back in Painters Mills in Ohio; a small town and Amish community. The book starts out with the discovery of a brutal murder of an Amish family. At first glance it looks like a murder/suicide until the coroner explains that the trajectory of the bullet that killed the father was not self inflicted. It is a senseless murder of 5 children and their parents.

Chief Kate Burkholder gets very close to this case, since she was once Amish and she was excommunicated from the Amish Community. This is a help and a draw back for her. She knows the workings of the Amish and is sometimes able to appeal to their certain sense of religion to help the English.

We learn more about why Kate was excommunicated from the Amish and why the case meant so much to her. She feels that this is a little bit of getting revenge for what happened to her. John Tomasetti is back in the picture with is confusing personality. You can feel the romance between Kate and John even as they both try to deny it. They both have stuff in their pasts that they are hiding form each other and they know it.

If you read Linda Castillo's first book Sworn to Silence and enjoyed it then pick up a copy of Pray for Silence. If you haven't read Linda's books then I suggest you run to the nearest book store and pick up your copies!!

5 stars

I plan to start reading my next ER book Outside Wonderland and hopefully be able to finish the other books I had started over a month ago.

Nov. 17, 2010, 6:06 pm

#38. Pooh Goes Visiting by A.A. Milne
I decided to read this book one night when I just couldn't fall asleep and too also use for this challenge in the YA/Children category. Pooh Goes Visiting is about Pooh going to visit his friend Rabbit. Pooh gets himself in a tight spot after he has eaten too much honey while visiting with Rabbit.

Just a nice easy, light read before bed.

#39. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

This book is about the internment of the Japanese in America during World War 2. I read this book for my library book club and again they made a wonderful choice. The book is set in Seattle Washington.

The two main characters in this book are Henry and Keiko and their families. Henry is Chinese and his father is of the belief that the Japanese are all evil and out to destroy China and America. Keiko is a Japanese girl that Henry meets at the white school they both attend. At first Henry is conflicted about Keiko because of his family.

Keiko thinks of herself as an American. She was born in America and speaks English. She does not know any Japanese which Henry learns after he says a phrase to her in Japanese. Keiko is impressed when she learns what the phrase really meant. Henry and Keiko become friends.

Keiko and her family are then sent away to camps. America is afraid that the Japanese who live in America are all spies and are going to help Japan attack the USA. They move all Japanese inland. Henry works in the cafeteria at school and the lady in charge there offers Henry a job on the weekends to help out at Camp Minodaka. Henry knows that this is where Keiko and her family have been sent. He hopes to find Keiko and is relieved when he does find her.

Even though they are both so far away from each other you can see that they truly do love and care for each other a lot. Henry promises to wait for her even if it is years.

I found myself crying and feeling sorry for Henry and Keiko as they struggled during this war time. The story goes back and forth from 1942 to 1986 etc. So you are reliving the events through Henry's memories. The story is wonderfully written and captivates the reader with the heart of the story.

5 stars

Nov. 18, 2010, 6:24 pm

#40. Outside Wonderland by Lorna Jane Cook

I finally finished the book. It took me awhile to get into the story line.

The story is about 3 children who lose their mother and then they lose their father and are raised by their grandmother. Now the story is following each of them during their lives, while their parents are watching from the great beyond.

As the story progressed I found some of the characters growing on me. The 2 children are Alice, Griffin and Dinah. Their mother died when the youngest Dinah was about a year old. Then the father takes them to Greece a few years later and then he dies. Now the children are left to be raised by their grandmother.

As you read the story you are seeing the children grown up while their parents watch at different times. I really found myself getting into the story by about Chapter 12. By that chapter I felt like I had finally gotten to accept the characters.

I have to say the ending of the book was better then I thought it would be. I did eventually like the book I just can't say I loved the book.

3 1/2 stars

Nov. 23, 2010, 9:10 am

#41. Richard Scarry's ABC by Richard Scarry

This is a cute book to help children learn the letters. I read the book just to pass the time before bed. I needed something that was light and easy plus it has been on my shelves for so long I figured it was about time I read it.

I love Richard Scarry. I love the books and the cartoons. I just couldn't help reading this book just to bring back memories of when my kids were young.

Nov. 26, 2010, 2:05 pm

#42. The Ugly Duckling by Landoll

I love the Ugly Duckling story and love reading all the different versions and re-writes of this classic fairy tale.

This one is retold by Dandi. This is just a story of how not to judge a book by it's cover. Don't take everything at face value. And that we should always accept people for who they are and not for how they look.

#43.What's for Lunch by John Schindel

I remember reading this book to my son and daughter when they were little. I then remember when they were able to read it to me and how proud I was of them.

Just a book about a mouse pondering what is for lunch. When a cat comes along and says to the mouse that I am going to eat you.

It is just nice to see the mouse get his lunch and scare all the other animals away.

#44. The Elves and the Shoemaker

The story of the Shoemaker who is very poor and about to lose his shop. He has some leather and he cuts it before leaving the store.

When he returns the next day there is a pair of beautiful shoes on the table. The shoemaker sells the shoes and has enough money to buy leather to make two pairs of shoes. He cuts the leather and leave it on the table again.

He returns the next day and there are 2 pairs of shoes better than the ones from the previous day. The shoemaker's wife and himself wonder who is making the shoes. They decide to stay one day to see who is making the shoes.

When they discover who is making the shoes they decide to make clothes for the elves.

5 stars

#45. Manatee Winter by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

This is a book about how Manatee's survive in the winter. The book describes how Manatee's are almost extinct and how they are now protected. You will learn how Manatee's look for warmer waters to live in during the winter months.

5 stars

#46. Arthur writes a story by Marc Brown

Arthur has an assignment to write a story for Mr. Ratburn's class. Arthur wants to write a story about how he got his dog. When he reads the story to D.W. she says it is boring. So Arthur thinks twice about submitting that story.

He writes another story and shares it with others and he gets mixed reviews. Arthur wants to write the best story and so he creates this whole fiction story that when he reads it in class all the students question him about it.

He finally admits to Mr. Ratburn what his true story was supposed to be and when he reads that one from memory everyone loves it.

5 stars

#47. Arthur's Christmas by Marc Brown

Arthur wants to buy a present for Santa. He is worried about Santa really liking his gift. Arthur puts a lot of thought into his gift and decides to make his gift.

Arthur finds Santa eating at different times and sees what he orders. Arthur then goes home and makes all of Santa's favorite.

D.W. decided to fix Arthur's present and on Christmas day a letter is left from Santa.

Very cute story.

5 stars

Nov. 27, 2010, 9:53 pm

#48. Cinderella by Henry W. Hewet

I downloaded this book for free last night and I decided to read the story last night. This was a very enjoyable story and different then the little fairy tale stories you read about Cinderella.

The story starts out with Cinderella living with her mother and father. When Cinderella is 9 years old her mother falls ill and dies. Her father remarries this widow down the street who has two girls that are not as pretty at Cinderella. Her stepmother is jealous of how beautiful Cinderella is and makes here do all the chores.

I enjoyed this story do to the fact that Cinderella goes to two balls and not just one. I am glad to have read a different version of Cinderella.

5 stars

Nov. 29, 2010, 7:20 pm

#49. The Reckoning by Howard Owen

Wow is what I have to say about this book. When I started reading it I wasn't grabbed at the very beginning. I don't know if it was the style of writing that didn't capture my attention or if it was just moving so slow to begin with.

This is a story about a man and his son. The father is named George Jame and the son is name Jake. George's wife dies in the beginning of the book and you see how their lives have changed. As you are reading the book you are taken to the past life of George James, when he was in college. The reason for this is because George's friend Freeman is staying in their house.

Going into the past is just so that you can learn things about Freeman and the relationship between George and Freeman. Does George really know his friend Freeman or has he turned a blind eye to his misgivings. I found the story slow at first but growing as you continued to read the book.

The ending of the book was very suspenseful and kept me interested that I didn't want to put the book down until I was finished it.

5 stars

Dez. 1, 2010, 9:31 pm

#50. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

I finally finished this book. The only reason it took me so long to read this book is because I had some ER books that needed to be read before I could finish this book. I am glad I waited until I finished those books to read this one. I was able to concentrate on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

I really enjoyed the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I had seen a play this summer and that is why I decided to read the book. I wanted to see how the book was compared to the play. The book was just as good as the play I had seen.

I have to say that this story is fantastic and as I was reading it I could tell that it was about the two personalities people have in themselves. The good and the evil that are always fighting inside you. I found it interesting when I read the letter from Henry Jekyll about how this all came about.

The afterword by Jerome Charyn was very well written and informs the reader about the author and some of the possible connections between the characters and Robert Louis Stevenson.

5 stars

I finished my 50 book challenge this year. Now I am thinking of trying to go for 75 books in 2011. I figure I don't have to decide for at least 20 days.

Dez. 16, 2010, 5:06 pm

#51. The Postmistress by Sarah Blake

I have to say this is not going to be a good review. I did not like this book. It took me until about Chapter 16 to really start getting into the book and there are only 28 chapters. Even after getting that far I still had to force myself to finish the book. I really just skimmed the last few pages.

The Postmistress is set in 1941 and follows mainly 3 women through the whole book. The Postmaster(mistress) Iris, Mrs. Fitch and Frankie Bard. Mrs. Fitch is the local doctors wife of the Massachusetts town of Franklin, where this story takes place. Frankie Bard is a reporter who is reporting from London about the war. Iris is the Postmistress in Franklin.

Mrs. Fitch's husband decides to go over to London after a patient of his dies. The patient was a woman who died while giving birth to her 6 child. He feels he must help some how. So we follow Mrs. Fitch getting letters and the post office. The doctor you see in London where Frankie Bard and him meet up during a bombing and are in a shelter.

I really didn't feel this story at all. The postmistress was supposed to stop sending the mail during the war, that is what I interpreted out of the little synopsis that I had read. It just seems that all she really did was keep a letter from Mrs. Fitch when letters stop coming from the doctor. It is a letter that the doctor gave to Iris before he left, in case he died.

I cannot recommend this book just because I didn't enjoy it.

2 stars

I will be doing the following challenges next year:

11 in 11
75 book challenge
Still working on my ABC challenge
And will attempt another off the shelf challenge

I think that will be all for the challenges next year but we will see.

Dez. 22, 2010, 9:57 pm

#52. Deeper Than the Dead by Tami Hoag

This book is awesome. Deeper Than the Dead grabbed my attention right from the start. Once I started reading the book I couldn't put it down. This is my first time reading Tami Hoag. I have seen her books and have thought about buying them but always decide on something else. Now I know I will be buying or asking for her books from now on.

Deeper Than the Dead is a phrase or description they use to describe the FBI's BSU department. They are in an area Deeper Than the Dead. The story is set in 1985. This is before forensic evidence was able to be examined like it is now. 1985 is about the time when Behavioral Profiles were beginning to be discussed and formed. Behavioral Science was new and police were skeptical in actually trusting Profilers.

Deeper Than the Dead takes place in California. Vince is the FBI man who goes to this town to help one of his past students who took a course at the FBI's National Academy, Mendez. Mendez is Chief Deputy and has a cunning ability and potential to become a member of the FBI. I really enjoyed these two characters and the way they interacted with each other and with the rest of the characters in the book.

Deeper Than the Dead has a murder mystery as the plot. There is a serial killer in this town even though there are at first only 2 deaths. That is why Vince is brought in, to be able to discover more about the UNSUB. I enjoyed this book for the fact that you are given enough information so that you can start forming your ideas as to who the UNSUB actually is.

I realized that I was comparing the book to actually tv shows and movies I have watched involving the FBI. The interesting thing about this book is the fact that it is during a time when there is no DNA analysis, finger printing is done manually and there are no computers or national databases to search for similar crimes. You knew the UNSUB had to make a mistake for the police to be able to solve the crime.

I highly recommend this book for those who enjoy mystery, thrillers and suspense with a little bit of romance thrown in.

5 stars

Dez. 31, 2010, 11:04 pm

#53. King Lear by William Shakespeare

Took me awhile to read this book due to life taking over my reading time. I also just wasn't interested in reading the play for awhile. The Tragedy of King Lear is a well written play by William Shakespeare. I have only read one other work by Shakespeare and that is Romeo and Juliet.

I enjoyed the story of King Lear, I just wish I had a better understanding of his English writing to fully understand Shakespeare's works.

4 1/2 stars

I won't be keeping this list for next year. I will only be posting in my 11 in 11 challenge, 75 book challenge and books off the shelf challenge.

Happy New Year all!!!