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The Cafe Paradiso Cookbook (Atrium Press)

von Denis Cotter

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1363207,949 (4.38)2
Over one-hundred sumptuous recipes allow you to create at home the experience of Ireland's most celebrated vegetarian restaurant. Denis Cotter is the co-founder and chef of Cork city's Cafe Paradiso and has an international reputation for innovation. He uses the finest seasonal organic produce to create dishes bursting with flavor and richness, food created purely for pleasure. Restaurant critics have waxed euphoric about the experience of eating there, and now with `The Cafe Paradiso Cookbook' you can enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant and the pleasure of eating Cotter's dishes at home. The recipes include appetizers, entrees, and desserts that range from the simple and comforting to the exotic and extravagant. The pleasure which Cotter derives from food and cooking is obvious in the sensuous descriptions and recipes; recipes that are fun to read as well as delicious. A best seller in Ireland, this book is popular with non-vegetarians as well as vegetarians. A conversion guide for measurements and ingredients is included.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonpuffa, nickrey, JamieStarr, shelbaum, anitram112
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The first Cafe Paradiso cookbook. Great recipes that all work. They can be a bit over-elaborate but lend themselves well to amendment and deconstruction into their component elements. The book itself is beautifully designed. ( )
1 abstimmen pezza | Jun 18, 2007 |
Denis Cotter is Ireland's greatest vegetarian chef and runs the best vegetarian restaurant (in Europe?) in Cork. Every recipe I've tried in this book, as in his others, works. Beautiful book design too. ( )
  pezza | Jun 16, 2007 |
This is a great cookbook for anyone who loves food. Cotter constantly excites and surprises with colours, textures and of course tastes. Some of the recipes are elaborate and require some preparation but all that I have cooked so far have been well worth the effort. His restaurant in Cork is a little gem too by the way. ( )
1 abstimmen Picoroco | May 30, 2007 |
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Over one-hundred sumptuous recipes allow you to create at home the experience of Ireland's most celebrated vegetarian restaurant. Denis Cotter is the co-founder and chef of Cork city's Cafe Paradiso and has an international reputation for innovation. He uses the finest seasonal organic produce to create dishes bursting with flavor and richness, food created purely for pleasure. Restaurant critics have waxed euphoric about the experience of eating there, and now with `The Cafe Paradiso Cookbook' you can enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant and the pleasure of eating Cotter's dishes at home. The recipes include appetizers, entrees, and desserts that range from the simple and comforting to the exotic and extravagant. The pleasure which Cotter derives from food and cooking is obvious in the sensuous descriptions and recipes; recipes that are fun to read as well as delicious. A best seller in Ireland, this book is popular with non-vegetarians as well as vegetarians. A conversion guide for measurements and ingredients is included.

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