
Deborah Epperson

Autor von Breaking TWIG

2 Werke 160 Mitglieder 11 Rezensionen

Werke von Deborah Epperson

Breaking TWIG (2012) 157 Exemplare, 11 Rezensionen
Shadows of Home (2017) 3 Exemplare



Gebräuchlichste Namensform
Epperson, Deborah



SGoodreads review: Southern fiction and Mother-Daugther RelationshipsSet in rural Georgia in the 1960s, BREAKING TWIG is a coming-of-age novel about Becky (Twig) Cooper, a young woman trying to survive the physical and emotional abuse of her mother, Helen, a beautiful, calculating woman who can, with a mere look, send the meanest cur in Sugardale, Georgia running for its life. Not even Twig?s vivid imagination, keen wit, and dark sense of humor is enough to help her survive the escalating assaults of Helen and a new stepbrother, but help comes from an unexpected source¥Frank, her stepfather. Sometimes, having one person who loves and believes in you is all a girl needs to keep hope alive. Often raw and irreverent and sprinkled with all the Southern flavoring found in a good bowl of chicken and dumplings, BREAKING TWIG, is about finding love where we least expect it, destroying lives with easy lies, and realizing each of us determine our own truth.… (mehr)
bentstoker | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 26, 2024 |
I downloaded this book a while back when it was offered free as a download on Kindle. I was debating on actually reading it as I felt I would be angry to hear about a mother doing horrible things to her child. The more I read the more I wanted to stop reading as I still couldn't believe the mother was this mean.

I just finished the book and with all the bad this poor child dealt with she ends up with a happy ending. I would have loved to have seen a follow up with the character as it is left hanging. The writer did an excellent job with descriptions of scenes and characters.

Your hear will break, you will cry, cheer, yell and even want to smash things but little do we know things like this actually happen.
… (mehr)
bridgetcrusan | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 5, 2016 |
Free book for Kindle. Was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the book a lot. A young girl lives with her abusive mother and is raped by her stepbrother. This sets in motion a chain of events that changes the course of all the lives involved. Through it all the main character finds the only one she can turn to is her stepfather.
micahmom2002 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 25, 2016 |
Free book for Kindle. Was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the book a lot. A young girl lives with her abusive mother and is raped by her stepbrother. This sets in motion a chain of events that changes the course of all the lives involved. Through it all the main character finds the only one she can turn to is her stepfather.
micahmom2002 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 25, 2016 |

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