
Lisa Hall (3)Rezensionen

Autor von Between You and Me

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Thank you so much to @UKCarina @Netgalley and @LisaHallAuthor
Oh what a thriller this is !!! A debut book most certainly well written about an abusive relationship. I urge everyone to read this book and NOT any reviews as this is a book that really needs no spoilers. Go and buy it...Everyone Needs a Thriller on their bookshelves. Everyone needs #BetweenYouandMe
TheReadingShed01 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 25, 2023 |
Holy Mind F$&k!!!! I just need a couple more stars here!!I can't even formulate a review. Just read this book. I read it on a plane flight and seriously almost threw my kindle in the aisle when I got to the end!!! You really have NO IIDEA!!! I usually can pretty much get things figured out, or have at least a suspicion how it's going to end but this book slapped me upside the head and reminded I'm stupid! Never saw it coming!!!
Jen-Lynn | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 1, 2022 |
This is one of the best thrillers I've read. I basically picked it up today and blew through it. Emma is coming off an abusive relationship when she gets a job as a housekeeper for a wealthy widower. Rupert's wife committed suicide a year previously, but soon the two have become a couple. The fly in the ointment is the weird happenings around the house.
Everyone is a suspect here. Ms. Hall did a perfect job at building up the suspense with twists coming out of nowhere. The reader almost doesn't put it all together until the last few pages. Really, this is the best suspense book I've read in a while.
N.W.Moors | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 24, 2022 |
This book is very much like the previous book I read. Both books are about a mother with a new baby who is struggling. Both books had a supernatural element to them. The previous book Little Darlings was based on folklore and this one was based on witchcraft.

I liked this book but didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. One reason is probably because I read two books, very similar one after another.

I did enjoy the fact the house the family lived in is set in a haunted village with lots of ghost stories and superstitions. I also enjoyed the witchy elements of the story. There was one major twist at the end which I did work out very early on, so I didn't get the surprise.

This book for me was an ok read. Didn't dislike it at all but was glad to get it finished. I would read more by the author.
tina1969 | Nov 18, 2021 |
Ok, this ending! Definitely made the book. I don’t want to give too much away, but it made sense because I made this assumption in the beginning of the book and was confused at first. You just have to read it as the plot twist was crazy.
purple_pisces22 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 14, 2021 |
If I could type a scream, I would. Once again, great story by Lisa Hall with lots of twists ... some you see coming; some are quite shocking. But that ENDING!!!! Ugh!!!!
purple_pisces22 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 14, 2021 |
So up until the last couple of pages, this book would’ve definitely been a five star book. I cannot believe the ending...Or lack of. I understand what she was going to do at the end, but how did that play out? I’m not one who likes to draw my own conclusions. I read too many books so I need you to finish it off for me so I can move on to the next.
Otherwise, well written and very creepy at times. And I do enjoy Lisa Hall and look forward to other books from her.
purple_pisces22 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 14, 2021 |
This story was filled with inaccuracies and inconsistencies. The plot holes were enormous. I only persevered to see whether my initial assumption about the perpetrator was correct. It was.
joweirqt | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 15, 2021 |
This could be the worst attempt at suspense ever. The only vague mystery was which gender was which - the author tried to hide this from us because we were supposed to assume that the androgynous names were specific to a gender.

Sal turned out to be a man getting bullied by Charlie, his wife. But the reason we saw through this ploy was because the author refused to use pronouns. Instead of saying "I am really annoyed that I've been trying to call Sal for hours and he's ignoring me" we got this sort of thing throughout the narrative: "Sal is not picking up the phone. I'm annoyed at Sal and when I get home I will tell Sal how I feel. I will show Sal how I feel. Sal needs to know I am boss and Sal will be told".

Also, the author needs to learn the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs when lying and laying.
joweirqt | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 15, 2021 |
I unfortunately don't enjoy this read at all, it was predictable and dealt with some very heavy themes that just left me feeling uncomfortable. I don't recommend this.
MandaTheStrange | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 7, 2020 |
Wow! This book was absolutely brilliant, unputdownable and a top psychological thriller - if this doesn't make it to number 1 in 2016 I will be most surprised. The narrative on the front of the book mentions a twist that you won't see coming, so I was on high alert looking for clues as to what this twist could be. I wouldn't have spotted it in a million years, proving just what a clever lady Lisa Hall is. I was rapidly approaching the end and suddenly went 'huh?', flicking back over the previous pages until the penny dropped. Bravo, Lisa!

I was hooked immediately as chapters went back and forth between the perspectives of Sal and Charlie. Each character had their own unique voice; the abuser justifying their actions and the abused blaming themselves. There are some parts of the book that are difficult to read due to the domestic violence; it's not too graphic but it did make my stomach clench on numerous occasions.

Spectacular twist aside, this book really gets to grips with domestic violence. The abused blaming themselves and fearing that nobody will believe them so they have no option but to stay and brace themselves for the next blow. The abuser using guilt to make their partner stay with them and making them feel worthless at every opportunity. It certainly gives an insight into such relationships when as bystanders we always ask 'why don't they just leave?'

It's hard to believe that this is a debut novel; Between You and Me is simply amazing - I'd give it 10 stars if I could. This is definitely going to be a huge hit in 2016 and I hope Lisa Hall puts pen to paper for many more years to come.

I received this e-book from the publisher, Carina, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Michelle.Ryles | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 9, 2020 |
In my experience, I have found you can always guarantee shocks and surprises galore in a Lisa Hall book and The Party is no different. The opening chapter guarantees that you will race through this book with your heart in your mouth as Rachel tries to piece together the events from the night before.

Rachel and her husband are invited to a New Year's Eve party at a neighbours house but Rachel wakes up on New Year's Day in a strange bed without her husband and a very bad feeling that something terrible has happened, only she has very little memory of the party. As the days pass, Rachel asks questions of everyone who was there but none of her friends and neighbours have anything to say that will help her and some of them don't even believe her, but Rachel won't stop until she finds out the truth of what happened to her at the party.

I loved the character of Rachel; she is so determined and despite all of the knock-backs she won't give up on her quest for the truth. I think I suspected virtually every single character at one time or another as Lisa Hall has cleverly laid out so many red herrings in the reader's path.

The Party is a Like a game of Cluedo; all of the suspects are laid out in front of you with clues scattered around for you to gather but yet again, I was foiled by Lisa Hall (I bet she is unbeatable at Cluedo).

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
Michelle.Ryles | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 9, 2020 |
The ending was just a bit to strange for me
karenshann | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 31, 2019 |
This review is from: Tell Me No Lies (Paperback)

Customer review from the Amazon Vine Programme

I am reviewing the book, Tell Me No Lies, by Lisa Hall. Here are my thoughts:

^^ Starting afresh, Steph and Mark have decided to give their rocky marriage another go; not an easy task for anyone after an affair has wrecked the stability of their love, and it's especially difficult to avoid the elephant in the room when someone is hell bent on ruining Steph's life. But who?

^^ Written in first person from Steph's point of view is a great ch
oice for this story, as author, Lisa Hall, can really delve into Steph's character allowing us to read her thoughts and feelings about what is happening to her.

^^ Whilst reading, my heart went out to Steph several times. I found some parts of this story made me hold my breath, my heart race, and I just couldn't put the book down for needing the 'big reveal' at the end. Oh, the tension. I love it when a book does that to me!

^^ Who is sending Steph dead posies? Why are her friends giving up on her? Where can she turn for help if no one seems to believe her? Is there anyone she can actually trust? All questions that piqued my interest further.

^^ Without giving away spoilers I will try to offer some cryptic suggestions for improvement; I did, unfortunately, find the coat saga too obvious for words, and thought more could have been done to reduce the 'coat hints' (am I too picky?). Plus, towards the end one character reveals a bit too much, and I thi
nk this could have been a little more subtle leaving the monster who was responsible an even bigger 'reveal' scene.

Overall: Despite my suggestions offered for improvement (and I hope it's seen as constructive criticism), I really did enjoy reading 'Tell Me No Lies' , and as I raced towards the conclusion I suddenly felt like I was hit in the face by a brick with a delightful, shocking ending that I loved. Terrific! Can't wait to read more of Lisa Hall's work.
SassyBrit | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 27, 2018 |
Loved this quick edge-of-your-seat read from Lisa Hall - you really don't know who to trust by the time you're a little under halfway through and I didn't guess the guilty party (see what I did there? ;) ) at all.

Finished this at 2am because I really, really couldn't put it down!

Highly recommended.
RachelAmphlett | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 23, 2018 |
Sal and Charlie are married. And Sal can never leave Charlie, no matter what.

Everyone says to go into this book without knowing a whole lot about it. I did just that. It was disappointing and boring. The writing was too simple and it made the story fall flat. It was too repetitious. I did like the twist. Kudos to the author for creating a character I absolutely HATED! There were a few times I almost stopped reading because of Charlie.
jenn88 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 25, 2017 |
OMG that twist... This book knocked me off my feet!!!

Like others have said ***Do Not Read Any Spoilers*** or you will be very disappointed.

Dark, chilling, daunting, raw and so much compassion for all those who go through this quietly for years.
JillsWorld5 | 8 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 1, 2017 |
I have to admit that even though I enjoy many different genres of books, I always tend to gravitate towards women's fiction and psychological thrillers. I saw Tell Me No Lies on NetGalley and after reading the summary, I submitted my request with my fingers crossed. I had heard a little bit about the author, Lisa Hall, on Goodreads because of her book Between You and Me. One of my "friends" had read it and gave it five stars. So, when I saw that I got approved for a review copy of this one I was pretty stoked. By the way, I purchased Between You and Me on Amazon right before I wrote this review.

I have to tell you that I started this book shortly after I received it and finished it pretty quickly as well. The only problem was that I read it late one night after everybody else went to sleep and my menopausal insomnia chose to keep me up. Yep, you can always count on me for a little TMI! Anyway, being a slightly paranoid person anyway, ( I mean how many times can you check to see if a door is locked??) I started reading and all was good. Well about a third of the way into it, I started getting that creepy vibe and every pop and crack of the house suddenly became somebody coming to get me! Not cool! So, fyi, if you get spooked easy, read this one during the day.

I really did enjoy this book. It was intense read and kept me powering through it because I was determined to finish it before I went to bed. As you read this book you might get that feeling that maybe you read it before, but you probably just watched a movie that was very much like it. I pretty much had it figured out by the last couple of chapters, but I still had to read on as you never know if the author is going to switch it up on you or not! But I have to tell you....I don't really know how I feel about the ending. I mean I'm not sure if it was so unexpected that I am just freaked out by it or if I hated it. To me it was like driving 85 down the highway and slamming on your brakes! I'm sure Lisa Hall did that on purpose and that it was her intention to leave us all going "WHAT????". At least I HOPE that was her intention.....

I thought this was a great book. It had everything that a really good psychological thriller should have. Well....except that ending. But I will leave that up to you to decide for yourself. I am still on the fence about it. Great book - bizarre ending. Not gonna lie.

I would like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in return for my honest review. I enjoyed it and think that if the summary sounds interesting you should give it a try. It's a relatively quick read and only took a couple of hours from start to finish.
kitchenwitch04 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 5, 2016 |
JudithDCollins | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 30, 2016 |
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