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This was my pocket reference guide when I ran into major challenges transforming Fortune 500 processes from out of control to simply flowing with improved working climate. Timeless too.

Any Michael Hammer book is worth checking out. I have also read Beyond Reengineering.
Jolene.M | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 30, 2020 |
"BPR reached its heyday in the early 1990s when Michael Hammer and James Champy published their best-selling book Reengineering the Corporation."
cemontijo | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 18, 2016 |
Nuevas ideas empresariales practicas y valiosas
Angulo-Fernandez | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 24, 2011 |
Substance: Although the examples are dated, the substance is not. Concentrates on methods of improving the company bottom-line by concentrating on what it is there to accomplish (can be applicable to other aspects of life).
Style: Straight-forward, with a refreshing absence of hype, false suspense, repetition, and inanity.
librisissimo | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 18, 2010 |
The authors assert that the current circumstances of business in America are not due to factors currently blamed (foreign competition, federal government, etc). The solution is not in automation, management-by-whatever concepts (e.g. TQM), but in totally rethinking a business in terms of whole processes. Reengineering is: "If I were re-creating this company today, given what I know and given current technology, what would it look like?" A business process is a "collection of activities that takes one or more kinds of input and creates an output that is of value to the customer" - the opposite of Adam Smith's breaking things apart (my comment: not really, it's just that we broke down beyond value in service and started administering processes because of rut thinking). Reengineering does not seek 5% or 10%, but much larger gains. Reengineering is about "reversing the industrial revolution." "The way to eliminate beaurocracy... is by reengineering the processes so that they are no longer fragmented. " Jobs change from tasks to multi-dimensional work. Advancement criteria changes from performance to ability (but pay is on performance). People's roles change from controlled to empowered. Job prep changes from training to education. It' s not a bad idea to burn bridges, eg "eine Flucht nach Vorn," and retreat forward (toward change). Team composition should include rising stars, insiders, and outsiders.
jpsnow | 6 weitere Rezensionen | May 3, 2008 |
Ein mittlerweilen überholter Klassiker der Managementliteratur
mthorner | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 2, 2008 |

[017] - 01 Os Negócios Voltam a Ficar Sérios - Bem-vindo à Economia do Cliente.
[033] - 02 Dirija o Negócio para os Clientes - Converta-se em ETDBW.
[057] - 03 Dê aos Clientes o que eles Realmente Querem - Forneça mais MVA.
[073] - 04 Ponha os Processos em Primeiro Lugar - Criando Condições para o Alto Desempenho.
[105] - 05 Crie Ordem Onde Reina o caos - Sistematize a Criatividade.
[131] - 06 Meça para Valer e Como Deve Ser - Transforme as Medições em Parte da Gestão, e não da Contabilidade.
[159] - 07 Gerencie sem Estrutura - Explore o Poder da Ambiguidade.
[185] - 08 Concentre-se no Cliente Final.
[205] - 09 Derrube as Muralhas Externas.
[243] - 10 Estenda a Empresa - Promova a Integração Virtual, e não a Vertical.
[269] - 11 Faça Acontecer - Converta a Agenda em Ação.
[291] - 12 Prepare-se para um Futuro Imprevisível - Institucionalize a Capacidade de Mudança.
[314] - O Autor.
[315] - Índice.
SaraivaOrelio | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 9, 2013 |
I included this book in my book: The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.
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toddsattersten | 6 weitere Rezensionen | May 8, 2009 |
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