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Same as the first book. If not for the grammar issues, this would be a perfect book. I love the story, I love the loss, I love the absolute terror she goes through. It was just a great story..
Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
Okay so the grammar was better in this book.

And you would think that that would fix the four stars right? Well actually I have one small complaint, nothing too big but I will mark this as a spoiler.

Each of the guys got one-on-one time with her. Lexi. However I find that Mavericks time with her is just assumed. Because there was no scene. We didn't get to read about it. We just have to assume that's what happened. I kind of feel cheated.

Now that being said, I absolutely love this series. And I'm going to read the next part of the series, which is the spin-off full moon, and I'm sure I will enjoy it.

I just really wish that Maverick had his scene in the book with her. That one-on-one time that we all wanted. We didn't get to see it. Or read it lol.
Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
I just really wanted to read Ada's story and I picked up book one and didn't put it down to book three and well here we are.
Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
This time I gave it four stars not because of the grammar, and there were some issues throughout the book, but because the timeline skipped too far ahead. It's like we missed a whole other story instead of giving that chapter, they just jumped it completely. It was a good story. Sad. But a good story.
Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
Let's do this differently for once. I'll tell you what I liked about the book and then I'll tell you what I didn't like.

The story with solid, easy to follow, great work up and I just love the story. I love the female character. I love that she has a vulnerable side but she's a badass as well. I love the fact that she was raised in foster homes and spent a lot of time running. I love the fact that somebody noticed that she was different and decided to put her somewhere where she actually would be long. And I'm not happy because of how it ended. I'm hoping Beyond hope that there's a miracle and the person that gets sick lives but I'm not holding my breath.

Now judging by the reviews other people have left I have to address the elephant in the room.

The errors in this book make me think, or make me believe, that the author did not have a proof reader. Or an editor. Somebody to see how many freaking errors there were in grammar as well as misplaced words. Or missing words.

I understand now why authors have arc readers. So that they find things like all of these errors. And try to help the author fix them before they release their books.

I think Belle did a great job on this book, and I'm going to read the rest of the series because of this book, and I'm glad that I do read as many of these kinds of books so that way I know what she is trying to convey to her audience so then I understand those missing words or those misplaced grammar marks or so forth and so on.

I feel bad that a lot of the other reviewers wouldn't read the book because of those errors. I think they missed out. So I'm off to read book too. See you guys later LOL
Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
LOL I got so addicted to these stories that I basically read books one to three in like a day LOL
Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
Okay the end of the series. Like I said at book one I was addicted and I didn't put it down until I was finished the series. Now I gave all the books four stars because grammar was a big issue through out all three books. And I do not butt kiss when I'm leaving reviews. If I see a problem I pointed out. And as much as I absolutely love Belle as an author I still see the grammar issues in every single book lol. But I still would recommend this series plus the new moon series to all of my friends.
Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
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