
Jeff Hart (1)Rezensionen

Autor von Eat, Brains, Love

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Undead With Benefits by Jeff Hart is a sequel to Eat, Brains, Love, a YA zombie story that was an equal combination of grossness, horror and humor. Basically this second book offers more of the same but I found that I quickly grew tired of the repetitive teen humor and angst.

The story continues with Jake, Amanda and Cass off on a road trip to Iowa as they search for the rumored zombie cure. They do get separated and have different adventures but overall I didn’t think this book brought anything new to the table. Personally I am fine with the ending but I have seen that many felt that it didn’t answer all the questions they had and were left hoping for another book.

While I enjoyed the awkward love triangle between the three main characters and the mindless ghouls that came out of the cornfields, I did find that the zombie warlord who ruled Des Moines was a little too much. Of course I realize that I am not the target audience for this offbeat adventure, but unfortunately I found most of this book rather boring.½
DeltaQueen50 | Mar 6, 2024 |
Eat, Brains, Love by Jeff Hart is a laugh-out-loud, slightly romantic (if you can get into romance and gore going together) story that my only complaint about is that it ended abruptly with a cliffhanger so I now need to schedule book number two in order to find out what happens.

High school stoner, Jake and high school beauty, Amanda, are an unlikely duo, but when they both morph into zombies and start chowing down on their friends, they realize the importance of sticking together. Pursued by an obscure branch of the government, they hit the road as they try to find out how to live the best zombie life possible. One of their pursuers is Cassandra, a sixteen year old physic, who is able to get inside Jake’s brain. It isn’t long before she develops “feelings” for Jake and is reluctant to reveal his whereabouts. Of course, Cassandra isn’t happy about Jake’s crush on Amanda, but she also realizes that a zombie and a human don’t have much of a future to look forward to.

Jake and Amanda hear about a rumoured cure that is available in Iowa, a state that has been overtaken by zombies so the plan is to head there. By the end of the book they have Cassandra with them, and Jake has his hands full keeping Amanda from eating Cass. The author never takes himself too seriously and I found his take on this zombie apocalypse is unique and made for a light, fun read. There is no deeper message to be gathered from this book, it is simply a horror story that uses humour, violence and government conspiracy to advance the plot.
2 abstimmen
DeltaQueen50 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 20, 2023 |
At the beginning of the day, Jake and Amanda could not have been further apart. At the same high school, they are part of vastly different groups: Jake with the burnout stoner crowd and Amanda with the popular crowd. Then the playing field is leveled when they are both attacked by and turn into zombies. After eating a bunch of their friends and classmates, they escape the carnage together and try to survive. The media says they shot up the school, but are in custody, so they have no idea what's going on. On the other side of things, Cass is a telepath working for the government in the Necrotic Control Division to contain zombie outbreaks. This isn't her first rodeo and, despite her young age, she is one of the most powerful telepaths they have. Her interaction with Jake and Amanda have her suddenly wondering if maybe zombies don't deserve to be hunted down and killed. Unfortunately, the leader of her organization has other plans.

I liked the slightly different lore than usual in Eat Brains Love. This zombie virus is a sexually transmitted disease, so a bite, no matter how bad, will just hurt.These zombies are not brainless all the time. When well fed, they are perfectly normal people with working systems and beating hearts. When extremely hungry, they turn into the zombies we are used to: shambling, brain hungry monsters. They have no control over their actions until they return to their well fed state. These changes added a lot to the story, especially because one of the narrators was capable of thought and speech. There is quite a bit of zombie carnage, but it doesn't generally disrupt the light tone of the novel.

I enjoyed Jake's narrative the most because of his budding and sweet relationship with Amanda and the excitement of their journey. I also found him likable and really sweet despite his slacker/stoner attitude. He feels really bad about the people he killed, but he accepts that's just how things are now. He tries to make the best of it with Amanda and their evolving relationship is my favorite part of the story. Cass is an interesting character with telepathy, but I found her narrative less compelling. The telepathy was pushing it for my suspension of disbelief, but it didn't bother me that much in the long run. Her story is less light with a government agency headed by an unscrupulous person who doesn't think twice about using people. She started to realize that full zombies are just like regular people, but then was shocked when they ate people still to stave off hunger. I thought she was a bit naive and annoying, especially when she became infatuated with Jake after seeing into his head so much like a creepy stalker.

Eat Brains Love is a cute, fun zombie novel. The different zombies and the love story sets this apart from other zombie novel. There's nothing revolutionary here, but I would definitely read the next in the series, Undead with Benefits.
titania86 | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 11, 2014 |
Well, turns out it takes a clever title & cover spoofing Eat Pray Love and a funny first few pages to get me to pick up a Zombie book. I was always repelled by the idea of zombies, but I actually enjoyed this book. Though I know next to nothing about zombie mythology, I thought this one had an interesting take. The book is a great combination of humor, action, suspense, with a touch of romance. But I warn you—though it looks like a stand alone, it is not. A lot of fun.½
EuronerdLibrarian | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 11, 2014 |
To be honest, I expected Jeff Hart's Eat, Brains, Love to be a bit fluffy and definitely silly... Blame this assumption on the cover. Because, while there is a certain goriness to concept of the cover, it really didn't give me reason to assume that the book was really deal with the typical gory zombies. I will happily admit that I was completely wrong in my assumptions about Eat, Brains, Love: it's funny, it's romantic, and it's gory in the very best ways.

Eat, Brains, Love is told from two different perspectives: Jake, the recently undead, and Cass, the psychic government operative who hunts the undead. Jake's on the run with Amanda Blake, his super popular classmate, who just happened to turn zombie during the same lunch period as he did. After eating half of their friends and peers in a zombie haze, Amanda and Jake revert back to the normal, clear-headed selves with no other option but to flee. Enter Cass, who works for a secret government team that cleans up situation like the one just created by Jake and Amanda. The team tracks down and takes out the zombies, but not before altering the memories of the humans involved so they overlook that zombies exist at all. Cass has been doing this job for years and she's proud of it - she keeps people safe and gets rid of monsters - but, with Jake, Cass finds herself doubting everything she's always believed. Cass's psychic abilities allow her inside Jake's head and she's surprised by what she finds there. Sure, he's a zombie and he's killed a growing number of people, but he's also just a guy. A guy that Cass can't help but like and who, at least most of the time, doesn't seem like a zombie at all. While Cass struggles with her connection to Jake, he and Amanda are struggling with the unexpected turn their lives have taken, the guilt from having massacred their friends, and the hunger that sometimes fades, but always returns.

I'm pretty squeamish when it comes to gratuitous gore, but I really liked Hart's incorporation of blood and guts in Eat, Brains, Love. It was gross, but also funny, which I found smart and, oddly enough, charming. Remember that scene in Disney's Lady and the Tramp where the two lovebirds are sharing a plate of spaghetti, when they find they're both working their way up opposite ends of a spaghetti strand? Well, that happens in Eat, Brains, Love... with intestines. And I thought it was hilarious! That's the kind of gore you'll find in this book. It's a zombie book, so it's totally appropriate, and it's not over the top.

I loved that Cass and Jake were the two telling the story rather than Amanda... or maybe I'm just biased because, in the context of the strange love triangle that was developing, I favor Cass. Like me, you might wonder how Hart will pull off a zombie-hunter falling in love with a zombie, but Hart's zombies are unique in that, until they're hungry, they're pretty much normal kids. Kids that heal ridiculously fast and often have leftover blood and gore staining their clothes from the last meal, but kids nonetheless.

Eat, Brains, Love is nonstop action and, while the ending does offer some resolution, it also left me wanting more and very thankful that there is already a sequel in the works. I wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that fans of Warm Bodies will love Eat, Brains, Love, but I also think that this book has the potential to win over readers who aren't as zombie-friendly with it's wit and charm.
thehidingspot | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 16, 2013 |
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales.

Quick & Dirty: Snarky YA Paranormal filled with humor, interesting characters, and a weirdly sweet romance.

Opening Sentence: FIRST SEMESTER OF MY SENIOR YEAR, THE GUIDANCE counselor at Ronald Reagan High School gave all us new seniors this lame career-aptitude test.

The Review:

Jake Stephens is your average teenage boy. He likes to play video games and hang out with his friends. He’s not really the popular type so he dates but not anyone like Amanda Blake. She is one of the most beautiful, popular girls in the school and she doesn’t even know Jake exists. But then Jake’s entire life changes at lunch one day when he and Amanda ends up eating half the senior class for lunch. Yep, they have both turned into zombies and now they are on the run for their lives. They realize that they aren’t the only zombies around and that it is very possible the government has been keeping this a secret for a very long time. They have heard that there might be answers in Ohio, but they have to keep their hunger in check if they are going to make it there undetected.

Cass is a psychic that works for the U.S. military in the special unit that deals with zombies. She has the unique ability to see into people’s mind if she can touch anything that they own. She can also manipulate people into believing any story the government wants them too. For instance making zombie attacks seem like something else. She is now on the case evolving Jake and Amanda. She keeps seeing inside of Jake’s head and the more she gets to know him; the more she starts to question her mission to take him down.

The story alters between Jake and Cass’s point of view. First you meet Jake who is snarky and funny. He is totally laid back and actually really sweet. When he gets turned into a zombie he feels really bad about all the people he ate, but when the virus kicks in all he sees is red. He tries to do the right thing even if he does eat people to stay alive. As he travels with Amanda he really gets to know her and they start to fall for each other. Their romance is weird but really cute at the same time. He has a great voice and it was fun being inside his head.

Cass is a really smart cute girl that has always followed the rules. Before she went to work for the military she had a normal life, but she wanted to make a difference so when they discovered that she was psychic she jumped at the chance to help. She has always thought that zombies were brainless killers that deserved no symphony, but Jake is different. I really liked Cass, she is witty and knows how to use her head. I am secretly rooting for her to win Jake’s heart. I think they would be cute together.

This book was so funny. It is actually pretty gruesome how they devour people, but Hart spins it so perfectly that you aren’t grossed out by all the gore. The characters were fun and engaging. The plot was full of twists and surprises. The romance was weirdly sweet and well developed. There is a cliffhanger at the end so I am eagerly waiting for the next book to come out. Overall, I would say that I really enjoyed this book. It hooked me right at the beginning and I couldn’t put it down. Warning: there is a lot of vulgarity and sexual references throughout the book so I would not recommend this to anyone under the age of 16. If you are a zombie fan or you are looking for a funny book, I would highly recommend you pick this one up.

Notable Scene:

That’s when I saw it too. Amanda Blake was hunched like an animal on the floor next to the table. She was eating something, devouring it really, snarling and spitting. The something looked an awful lot like Amanda’s best friend Cindy St. Clair. I could tell from the twitching red soles of the designer heels she was always bragging about.

Blood was squirting everywhere, and now everyone was screaming and racing for the exit, and the thing eating Cindy stood up and it looked like Amanda Blake gone totally rancid.

She was standing there, swaying on her feet, seeming unsure of what to do next. Her face was gray and dried-out, like it was covered in one of those mud masks Kelly’s always doing, except where the mask cracked, thick, dark blood oozed out.

She roared again, then dove for another girl who was cowering a few feet away, and plunged her fingers right into the girl’s stomach, ripping out a big chunk of flesh that she began to chow down on.

“Dude,” Adam said, grabbing my arm. “Come on! We have to get the hell out of here.”

My stomach growled yet again, and then Adam’s eyes widened in shock. He dropped my arm and began to back slowly away from me.

“There’s another one!” someone shouted, pointing at me. I didn’t know what that meant and I didn’t care. My head was throbbing, and my vision had completely clouded with red. I felt a weird emptiness in my chest and realized that my heart had stopped beating. When I looked back up at Adam, who was a few feet from me now, still steadily backing away, all I could think about was how tasty he looked. How satisfying it would be to rip into one of his fleshy biceps and finally have a decent meal.

Apparently, that’s exactly what I did.

FTC Advisory: HarperTeen provided me with a copy of Eat, Brains, Love. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
DarkFaerieTales | 4 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 24, 2013 |
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