
Luo Guanzhong

Autor von The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

109+ Werke 3,575 Mitglieder 52 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 4 Lesern

Über den Autor

Very little is known about Lo the man, and even the extent of his participation in the works bearing his name is in some doubt. All we can say for certain is that he lived during the transition from Yuan to Ming dynasties, hailed from T'ai-yuan (in Shansi Province), and spent at least part of his mehr anzeigen adult life in Hangchow. There, he authored three dramas, one of which survives, and worked on two historical narratives that eventually became the famous fiction masterpieces "Outlaws of the Marsh" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Traditionally, Lo is given as the first author of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", whereas he is listed as secondary author after Shih Nai-an for "Outlaws of the Marsh". However, it seems probable that he was actually the primary writer of both. He based the first on the historical work "Account of the Three Kingdoms", about events following the breakup of the Han empire (168--265), and based the second on storyteller's material compiled by Shih about a legendary band of outlaws active during the reign of Hui-tsung in the Northern Sung (1101-1125). Nevertheless, in deference to tradition, "Outlaws of the Marsh" will be discussed under the entry for Shih Nai-an. Lo's main contribution to Chinese literature in the Three Kingdoms epic is in taking incidents recorded in history and long borrowed by the storytelling tradition, and molding them into a coherent chronological narrative. In the process, he attempts to sift out the patently false or exaggerated elements while maintaining liveliness and artistic interest. His goal seems to have been to reach a wide reading audience with his lessons, while not pandering to vulgar cravings for Taoist magicians' stunts or Buddhist popular proofs of retribution in the workings of history. Instead, he invites his readers to reflect on how ambition affects different human characters at a time when the stakes are very high---a dynastic title is the prize. Lo's is a complex vision of reality; his heroes are not rigidly black or white, and virtue is not necessarily rewarded. But his universe is not without laws, and his portrayal of events illustrates the Confucian belief that one's actions determine the outcome of events. According to a younger contemporary, Lo was a shy and retiring man. Perhaps his personal modesty is mirrored by the style of his great narrative, which is generally lacking in rhetorical flourish, but yet not highly colloquial---a kind of simplified classical Chinese. With his plain style and sober attention to historical fact, the result could have been a dry chronicle; but such was Lo's passion for his subject, and his ability to achieve character that generations of Chinese readers have seen the Three Kingdoms period through his eyes and even today admire his heroes and hate his villains. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen
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Werke von Luo Guanzhong

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (1300) 1,251 Exemplare, 17 Rezensionen
Die Räuber vom Liang Schan Moor (0014) — Herausgeber — 973 Exemplare, 17 Rezensionen
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. 1 (2002) — Autor — 330 Exemplare, 4 Rezensionen
Three Kingdoms: A Historical Novel, Part 1 (1985) 230 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Vol. 2 (2002) — Autor — 184 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen
Three Kingdoms: A Historical Novel, Part 2 (1970) 151 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
The Sacred Oath (2014) 116 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Welcome The Tiger (2014) 72 Exemplare
Three Kingdoms: A Historical Novel (Abridged Edition) (1999) — Autor — 25 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Romance of the Three Kingdoms in 2 volumes (Tuttle Classics) (2002) — Autor — 17 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Les trois royaumes, Tome 3 : (1992) 9 Exemplare
Les trois royaumes, Tome 1 : (2009) 8 Exemplare
Les trois royaumes -tome 1 (1992) 7 Exemplare
我爱读经典 三国演义 (2023) 6 Exemplare
Les trois royaumes, Tome 2 : (2009) 6 Exemplare
The Outlaws of the Marsh, v2 (2007) 4 Exemplare
Three Kingdoms vol 1 (2004) 2 Exemplare
三國演義 (2016) 2 Exemplare
三国演义 (2007) 2 Exemplare
Outlaws of the Marsh Vol 1 & 2 (1981) 2 Exemplare
LES TROIS ROYAUMES. Tome 7 (1992) 1 Exemplar
三国演义(青少版) (2013) 1 Exemplar
Sam kok jilid 3 1 Exemplar
三国演义 少年版 (2000) 1 Exemplar
2.6 Quantitative Analysis (1988) 1 Exemplar
Sangokushi engi. 3 (2014) 1 Exemplar
Les Trois Royaumes 1 Exemplar
Ping Yao Zhuan 1 Exemplar
Three Kingdoms II of IV 1 Exemplar, 1 Rezension
Three Kingdoms I of IV (chapter 1-32) 1 Exemplar, 1 Rezension
Die drei Reiche 1 Exemplar
Ĉe akvorando (2004) 1 Exemplar
Sam kok jilid 1 1 Exemplar
Sam kok jilid 4 1 Exemplar
Il Romanzo dei Tre Regni (2022) 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Red Cliff [2008 film] (2008) — Original book — 52 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Dynasty Warriors [2021 film] (2021) — Original book — 1 Exemplar





****Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Year long group read in 2021 Category Challenge (Oktober 2021)
Group Read, February 2020: The Water Margin in 1001 Books to read before you die (Mai 2020)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms in 1001 Books to read before you die (August 2011)
Three Kingdoms - Read along in Ancient China (September 2008)


Luo Guanzhong's 三国演义 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) is a cornerstone of Chinese literature and a compelling historical novel that delves into the turbulent period of the Three Kingdoms era. This edition, published in the Classical Masterworks Popular Library series, presents the story in an accessible format ideal for casual readers and serious scholars.

Suitable for Studying:
三国演义 offers a profound exploration of strategy, leadership, and interpersonal dynamics, making it an invaluable text for students of history and literature. The novel's rich portrayal of historical figures and events provides deep insights into the socio-political complexities of ancient China. The strategic understanding of characters like Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan can be studied to understand historical military tactics and governance.

Inspiration for Fantasy Novels:
For fantasy novelists, 三国演义 serves as a wellspring of inspiration. Its intricate plotlines, vivid characterizations, and dramatic conflicts offer fertile ground for creating fantasy worlds. The novel's themes of heroism, betrayal, and ambition can be reimagined in fantastical settings, while its detailed descriptions of battles and politics provide a blueprint for developing complex fantasy narratives. Luo Guanzhong's work, thus, bridges historical depth with creative storytelling possibilities.
… (mehr)
luminescencegoh | Aug 13, 2024 |
ISBN: 3-107111-7-11
Sanakan | 16 weitere Rezensionen | May 25, 2024 |
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a 15th-century novelization of the events of China's 3rd-century Three Kingdoms period. The novel revolves around Liu "Xuande" Bei and his chief minister Zhuge "Kongming" Liang as they combat Cao Cao, a Chinese prime minister who has made the Imperial family his puppet rulers. Mixed into this is the sometimes-ally sometimes-enemy Sun clan, whose Southland has declared independence from the declining Imperial court. While much of the book revolves around military tactics (which here is often outright trickery), the later stages of the book pit Xuande's loyalty to his two oath-brothers against his desire for good strategy and administration (the latter of which is almost always backed by Kongming). As historical novelizations do, this account attributes conversations and emotions to characters that could not possibly be known, but the author stays pretty true to historical events and timelines. Unlike in many modern novels, all of the main characters in this story grow feeble and die--not just in physical stature, but also in mental acuity, which is a little heartbreaking to read. While I generally gravitate toward more modern works, I definitely appreciated this book in its context as one of the great works of Chinese literature.… (mehr)
Phrim | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 8, 2024 |
only read 50 pages...o my.. maybe a classic ... but too many names to follow and so forth. I need a structure - a little bit please!
apende | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 12, 2022 |



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