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Mixed feelings about this book. It started very strong, and I liked that each trait was given its own chapter. However, I felt that the book could have done with more case studies (especially re: reactive and resistant clients - the bulk of the examples seemed to feature largely receptive clients that already used change talk, and as they seemed theoretical, there was never actually any follow up as to whether this sequence of conversation was actually *effective in the long-term* or if it just looked like it was effectively using a skillset in the moment, with no attention to outcome).

For me, this book seemed to lose its way around the chapter that focused on Evocation. I still think the first half is extremely useful, and the second half has good training suggestions, but there's actually no indication of concrete individual case studies that used examples that impacted outcomes. Large studies/numbers are cited, or theoretical conversations are used. At least Bessel Van Der Kolk described specific clients, approaches, methodologies and outcomes. Here, a lot seems to be left to theory. Do we ever find out if 'theoretical client' actually does start exercising? Or are we just gently coaxed to believe they do, because of the way a book is written? Plenty of clients can use change talk and not change, and I dearly wish there had been more outcome focus that wasn't focused only on broader studies, but looked at real case studies as well.

Overall a handy tool set, but I think it over-promises on 'clinical skills that improve client outcomes.' With a lack of long-term one-on-one individual case studies demonstrated in this book, I feel a teaching opportunity was really missed.

(Also, minor pet peeve, the in-text referencing made some paragraphs almost impossible to read. Some are literally comprised of 30-40 researcher names, and you have to hunt to find the sentence fragments between every giant series of references. This is a bigger problem in the beginning and smooths out later, but oof).
PiaRavenari | Aug 4, 2023 |
I had to read this for one of my classes and the information is helpful. However, it rambled and really got hard to follow in the last 1/4 of the book. Maybe my motivation was waning and the book was fine...I don't know. In any case, I learned about motivational interviewing and guidelines on how to do it. The examples helped. I think the content could have been organized a little better to make it easier to grasp. Probably could have cut 50 pages out, too, and not even noticed.
pmichaud | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 21, 2020 |
2013-utgaven (norsk utgave 2016) er den 3.reviderte utgaven av denne boken som kom ut første gang i 1991 og 2.gang i 2002. Den inviterer til refleksjon bl a ved sitt eget eksempel - 3 reviderte utgaver på vel 15 år. Starten var norsk-inspirert ved faglig besøk og kontakt fra forfatterne med behandlermiljøet ved Hjellestadklinikken utenfor Bergen så tidlig som i 1982. Slik sett er utviklingsperioden på knapt 40 år. Dette betyr erfaring, refleksjon, klargjøring og ved det grensedragning og anerkjennende faglig inspirasjon. Både humanistisk psykologi, positiv psykologi og salutogenese er klare inspirasjoner. Allerede i Innledningen klargjøres et terminologisk og tankemessig skisma og endring ved det at man istedenfor å bruke termen motstands-snakk nå i 3.reviderte utgave velger å bruke begrepet status quo-snakk - ved dette legges et meningsnøytralt og temporalt perspektiv til grunn fremfor et intensjonalt perspektiv der behandler kategoriserer og til dels "dømmer" den andre. De forlater også den tidligere litt strenge betydningen lagt på fasene i endringeprosessen til gode for større fleksibilitet og ikke vektlegging på at rekkefølgen på fasene må være riktig og ensartet. Nettopp ved denne fleksibiliteten ivaretas og respekteres situasjonen og perspektivet til "den andre". Finner det litt spesielt at det ikke vises mer til filosofi og samtalens plass der som bl a hos Søren Kierkegaard, Hugo Gadamer o.a. For skolefolk kan nevnes som kuriosa at det henvises bl a til Thomas Gordons 12 blokkeringer. Gordon er er kjent for kommunikasjonstips til både foreldre og til skolen ("Snakk med oss, lærer!")
lestrond | Aug 24, 2020 |
Sarahgc | Nov 2, 2019 |
This book in high demand. Book demonstrates powerful tools for communication with patients. Julie Evans Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.
RCPsychLibrary | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 27, 2014 |
Popular with IAPT staff. Wendy Townsend
Would highly recommend this book, high demand for loan. Julie Evans Birmingham and Solihull NHS Foundation Trus.
RCPsychLibrary | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 11, 2013 |
When I first began to read this book, I thought it looked promising, but it hasn’t quite lived up to my expectations.

The authors distinguish between two types of quantum change, the insightful type and the mystical type. Quantum change was defined as a sudden transformation in someone’s life/personality/character. I didn’t really understand all the accounts by those who had had the former type of experience - it seemed they just suddenly stopped smoking or drinking or whatever. Some of the writers explained themselves better, however.

I myself have had several mystical experiences though none of them led to any personal transformation.

The best bit of the book was the personal accounts by each quantum changer. They told their story in their own words, and their accounts were well written/edited.

But I did get a bit confused sometimes, because no names were given, and I couldn’t easily work out whether the person concerned was a man or woman, which I found disorientating. And later in the book when reference was made to the one or the other experience, it was difficult to remember which quantum changer was being referred to – especially as many of the experiences resembled each other quite a bit.

I found the section towards the end of the book where the experiences were being analyzed less readable. It was clear that the authors were mentally-orientated psychologists, and they didn’t really come to any conclusion about the cause of these quantum changes. It was as though the analysis was too mental and perhaps lacked a larger more spiritual overview. I don’t remember any reference to such matters as these events having been planned before birth, any discussion of karmic reasons for them or any such thing. I was left with the strong impression that the analysis was somewhat limited and overly “mental” and this is why no satisfactory conclusions could be reached about the reason for such quantum changes.

Also, it irritated me that the authors kept referring to the character Scrooge in Dickens’ “Christmas Carol” as though he were a real person and not a fictional character. It is true that the character Scrooge had a quantum change, but since he was not a real live person, it seemed unhelpful to treat him as such on a par with the quantum changers whose accounts appeared in the book.

Actually, before discovering this book I hadn’t realized that there were so many cases of people experiencing sudden transformations. Nonetheless, this is not a book that I would firmly recommend that anyone read, though those who have themselves experienced such transformations will no doubt be attracted to the book - and the experiences recounted were definitely of interest, some being quite remarkable, especially some of the mystical type.
IonaS | Oct 9, 2013 |
L'entretien motivationnel est une méthode de communication centrée sur le client dont l'intérêt est
maintenant bien démontré dans les situations où
ambivalence et motivation sont au cœur des processus de changement. Il est une évolution radicale de la relation
d'aide et du travail thérapeutique. Il concerne donc
particulièrement les addictions, l'éducation thérapeutique,
l'intervention sociale... à chaque fois qu'il est à la fois
utile et difficile de modifier un comportement
problématique, voire tout simplement de faire un choix. A sa philosophie et à ses principes, fondés sur le respect de l'autonomie, répondent des techniques bien précises qui sont détaillées dans cet ouvrage. Certaines de ces techniques s'intègrent dans un style relationnel spécifique qui modifie à maints égards les relations classiques entre intervenants et clients : c'est à l'intervenant de s'adapter aux préoccupations et aux difficultés du client, et même à sa résistance, afin de lui permettre d'y renoncer. Grâce à une formation de qualité respectueuse de l'esprit qui la sous-tend, la pratique de l'entretien motivationnel peut également aider les intervenants sanitaires, sociaux et
judiciaires dans leurs champs respectifs à accompagner
leurs clients dans le changement.
MHAKKAK | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 23, 2013 |
Un clásico del creador de la entrevista motivacional Imprescindible para todo aquel que quiera iniciarse en ella
calmen | Feb 16, 2009 |
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