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Contains Medieval and Elizabethan recipes in the first two chapters. These adapted recipes are pulled from sources like Forme of Cury, Harleian manuscripts, and Markham's English Housewife.
LibrarianFu | May 12, 2024 |
A good book for reference. A well researched, thorough, fairly exhaustative approach to food & drink in the United Kingdom, illustrated with examples held by the National Trust. At times plodding & difficult to complete. The pacing seems more forced & more of an academic text. This isn't that easy to read but is generally rewarding
aadyer | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 23, 2012 |
In theory this book would contain early 20th-century British recipes. Unfortunately, however, the author has taken great latitude in what is actually included. Equally unfortunately, few sources are given. I thought this was going to be a splendid book (especially when compared to other wretched books of this ilk), but it is not. Gorgeous, yes. Palatable recipes, probably. But the connection to Beatrix Potter is at times most tenuous. Illustrated with b w photos, and pictures from the various Beatrix Potter books.
ErstwhileEditor | 1 weitere Rezension | Nov 26, 2011 |
kitchengardenbooks | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 10, 2009 |
"Blessed be he that invented pudding! For it is manna that hits the palates of all sortes of people, better even than that of the wilderness. Ah! what an excellent thing is an English pudding! To come in pudding-time is as much as to say to come in the most lucky moment in the world."
--- Misson de Valbourg, 1690

This book is full of delicious-sounding recipes with odd names, like A Bedfordshire Clanger, Mother Eve's Pudding and Spotted Dick. I'd better get cooking!
lilithcat | Oct 18, 2005 |
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