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Traditional Puddings

von Sara Paston-Williams

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2011,129,493 (4.25)2
A fascinating insight into food history and cooking methods-- Comfort food at its finest -- a stoutly British riposte to the ricotta-riddled market-- A timely new edition of a modern cookery classicDelicious puddings - pies, trifles, flummeries, molds, tarts, jellies and ices - have been a mainstay of British cooking for centuries.This collection of established favorites and unusual recipes traces the history of the traditional pudding from the earliest medieval spiced jellies through the elaborate pies of the Elizabethans and Stuarts, the elegant syllabubs and custards of the Georgians, to the substantial puddings of the Victorians.… (mehr)
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"Blessed be he that invented pudding! For it is manna that hits the palates of all sortes of people, better even than that of the wilderness. Ah! what an excellent thing is an English pudding! To come in pudding-time is as much as to say to come in the most lucky moment in the world."
--- Misson de Valbourg, 1690

This book is full of delicious-sounding recipes with odd names, like A Bedfordshire Clanger, Mother Eve's Pudding and Spotted Dick. I'd better get cooking!
  lilithcat | Oct 18, 2005 |
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A fascinating insight into food history and cooking methods-- Comfort food at its finest -- a stoutly British riposte to the ricotta-riddled market-- A timely new edition of a modern cookery classicDelicious puddings - pies, trifles, flummeries, molds, tarts, jellies and ices - have been a mainstay of British cooking for centuries.This collection of established favorites and unusual recipes traces the history of the traditional pudding from the earliest medieval spiced jellies through the elaborate pies of the Elizabethans and Stuarts, the elegant syllabubs and custards of the Georgians, to the substantial puddings of the Victorians.

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