
Patricia Polacco

Autor von Thank You, Mr. Falker

85+ Werke 46,237 Mitglieder 2,571 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 30 Lesern

Über den Autor

Patricia Polacco was born in Lansing, Michigan on July 11, 1944. She attended Oakland Tech High School in Oakland, California before heading off to the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, then Laney Community College in Oakland. She then set off for Monash University, Mulgrave, mehr anzeigen Australia and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia where she received a Ph.D in Art History, Emphasis on Iconography. After college, she restored ancient pieces of art for museums. She didn't start writing children's books until she was 41 years old. She began writing down the stories that were in her head, and was then encouraged to join the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. There she learned how to put together a dummy and get a story into the form of a children's picture book. Her mother paid for a trip to New York, where the two visited 16 publishers in one week. She submitted everything she had to more than one house. By the time she returned home the following week, she had sold just about everything. Polacco has won the 1988 Sydney Taylor Book Award for The Keeping Quilt, and the 1989 International Reading Association Award for Rechenka's Eggs. She was inducted into the Author's Hall of Fame by the Santa Clara Reading Council in 1990, and received the Commonwealth Club of California's Recognition of Excellence that same year for Babushka's Doll, and again in 1992 for Chicken Sunday. She also won the Golden Kite Award for Illustration from the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators for Chicken Sunday in 1992, as well as the Boston Area Educators for Social Responsibility Children's Literature and Social Responsibility Award. In 1993, she won the Jane Adams Peace Assoc. and Women's Intl. League for Peace and Freedom Honor award for Mrs. Katz and Tush for its effective contribution to peace and social justice. She has won Parent's Choice Honors for Some Birthday in 1991, the video Dream Keeper in 1997 and Thank You Mr. Falker in 1998. In 1996, she won the Jo Osborne Award for Humor in Children's Literature. Her titles The Art of Miss. Chew and The Blessing Cup made The New York Times Best Seller List. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen


Werke von Patricia Polacco

Thank You, Mr. Falker (1998) 3,722 Exemplare, 430 Rezensionen
Thunder Cake (1990) 3,065 Exemplare, 110 Rezensionen
The Keeping Quilt (1988) 2,855 Exemplare, 169 Rezensionen
Pink and Say (1994) 2,814 Exemplare, 184 Rezensionen
Chicken Sunday (1992) 2,794 Exemplare, 98 Rezensionen
Mrs. Katz and Tush (1992) 1,843 Exemplare, 46 Rezensionen
The bee tree (1993) 1,566 Exemplare, 36 Rezensionen
Babushka's Doll (1990) 1,534 Exemplare, 54 Rezensionen
My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother (1994) 1,533 Exemplare, 87 Rezensionen
Rechenka's Eggs (1988) 1,434 Exemplare, 21 Rezensionen
The Junkyard Wonders (2010) 1,343 Exemplare, 154 Rezensionen
Just Plain Fancy (1990) 1,311 Exemplare, 35 Rezensionen
The Butterfly (2000) 1,296 Exemplare, 89 Rezensionen
Mr. Lincoln's Way (2001) — Autor — 1,291 Exemplare, 86 Rezensionen
John Philip Duck (2004) 843 Exemplare, 24 Rezensionen
The Trees of the Dancing Goats (1996) 791 Exemplare, 16 Rezensionen
Emma Kate (2005) 785 Exemplare, 38 Rezensionen
Christmas Tapestry (2002) 764 Exemplare, 6 Rezensionen
For the Love of Autumn (2008) 743 Exemplare, 20 Rezensionen
Babushka Baba Yaga (1993) 697 Exemplare, 22 Rezensionen
Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair (1996) 658 Exemplare, 28 Rezensionen
When Lightning Comes in a Jar (2002) 626 Exemplare, 29 Rezensionen
An Orange for Frankie (2004) 602 Exemplare, 19 Rezensionen
Mrs. Mack (1998) 550 Exemplare, 11 Rezensionen
Some Birthday! (1991) 495 Exemplare, 24 Rezensionen
In Our Mothers' House (1967) 487 Exemplare, 67 Rezensionen
Meteor! (1987) 470 Exemplare, 17 Rezensionen
The Graves Family (2003) 454 Exemplare, 11 Rezensionen
Welcome Comfort (1999) 430 Exemplare, 9 Rezensionen
Betty Doll (2001) 408 Exemplare, 17 Rezensionen
My Ol' Man (1995) 391 Exemplare, 10 Rezensionen
The Lemonade Club (2007) 355 Exemplare, 40 Rezensionen
Fiona's Lace (2014) 334 Exemplare, 26 Rezensionen
Picnic at Mudsock Meadow (1992) 332 Exemplare, 14 Rezensionen
G is for Goat (2003) 312 Exemplare, 23 Rezensionen
Luba and the Wren (1999) 302 Exemplare, 15 Rezensionen
Tikvah Means Hope (1994) 289 Exemplare, 5 Rezensionen
Appelemando's Dreams (1991) 288 Exemplare, 14 Rezensionen
I Can Hear the Sun (1996) 277 Exemplare, 10 Rezensionen
An A From Miss Keller (2015) 274 Exemplare, 15 Rezensionen
The Art of Miss Chew (2012) 264 Exemplare, 54 Rezensionen
Bully (2012) 250 Exemplare, 24 Rezensionen
The Blessing Cup (2013) 248 Exemplare, 24 Rezensionen
January's Sparrow (2009) 246 Exemplare, 25 Rezensionen
Just in Time, Abraham Lincoln (2011) 232 Exemplare, 15 Rezensionen
Mommies Say Shhh (2005) 229 Exemplare, 26 Rezensionen
Clara and Davie (2014) 225 Exemplare, 15 Rezensionen
Bun Bun Button (2011) 225 Exemplare, 10 Rezensionen
Something About Hensley's (2006) 217 Exemplare, 26 Rezensionen
Rotten Richie and the Ultimate Dare (2005) 216 Exemplare, 32 Rezensionen
The Graves Family Goes Camping (2005) 207 Exemplare, 9 Rezensionen
Babushka's Mother Goose (1995) 199 Exemplare, 8 Rezensionen
Uncle Vova's Tree (1989) 195 Exemplare, 11 Rezensionen
Oh, Look! (2004) 189 Exemplare, 29 Rezensionen
Someone for Mr. Sussmann (2008) 188 Exemplare, 24 Rezensionen
Ginger and Petunia (2007) 182 Exemplare, 16 Rezensionen
Tucky Jo and Little Heart (2015) 177 Exemplare, 9 Rezensionen
Gifts of the Heart (2013) 158 Exemplare, 8 Rezensionen
In Enzo's Splendid Garden (1997) 143 Exemplare, 11 Rezensionen
Firetalking (1994) 137 Exemplare, 14 Rezensionen
Mr. Wayne's Masterpiece (2014) 126 Exemplare, 15 Rezensionen
The Mermaid's Purse (2016) 103 Exemplare, 7 Rezensionen
Holes in the Sky (2018) 77 Exemplare, 4 Rezensionen
Boat Ride with Lillian Two Blossom (1989) 77 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen
Remembering Vera (2017) 76 Exemplare, 4 Rezensionen
The Bravest Man in the World (2019) 65 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen
Because of Thursday (2016) 64 Exemplare, 5 Rezensionen
Palace of Books (2023) 51 Exemplare, 4 Rezensionen
Sticks and Stones (2020) 45 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Still Firetalking (2014) 26 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionen
Go Ask Ozzie: A Rotten Richie Story (2021) 16 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Patricia Polacco: Dream Keeper (1996) 4 Exemplare
Thunder cake 1 Exemplar
Gracias, Sr. Falker 1 Exemplar, 1 Rezension
Frau Katz und Tuches (1998) 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Casey at the Bat: A Ballad of the Republic Sung in the Year 1888 (1888) — Illustrator, einige Ausgaben1,473 Exemplare, 55 Rezensionen
The Art of Reading: Forty Illustrators Celebrate RIF's 40th Anniversary (2005) — Mitwirkender — 244 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen






Reminded me of Taare Zameen Par. Wonder if the movie used this book as its reference point. A sweet story with a brilliant example of how a teacher is supposed to be.

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RoshReviews | 429 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 26, 2024 |
Lyla makes a friend on her first day of school, but when she joins the cheerleading team and a group of popular girls invites her to join them, her friend is left behind. she recognizes that those girls are bullies and decides to stop hanging out with them. But those girls do not take it so well.
Airyel_Flock | 23 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 29, 2024 |
This would be a good book for intermediate readers
This book is about an array of different students with a mix of different disabilities and home experiences
This would be a good read aloud book to spark up conversation, but should be read at older grade levels as there are heavy topics within the story.
aclapp | 153 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 24, 2024 |
"The Graves Family" introduces readers to a unique and eccentric family who loves everything spooky and supernatural. The Graves family lives in a peculiar house filled with bats, spiders, and even a pet alligator. They celebrate Halloween every day, delighting in frights and scares. The book's themes of embracing differences and finding common ground can spark discussions about diversity, inclusion, and the importance of respecting others' unique identities and interests. This book would be best suited for 2nd-4th graders to start learning about inclusivity.… (mehr)
TravisJ | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 24, 2024 |



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