
Nikita SlaterRezensionen

Autor von Scarred Queen

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3.5 stars

I have loved the other books in this series but really struggled with this one. Certain things weren't discussed again, even though they should've been, like how Raina lost her virginity. Other times seemed cheesy and didn't have the same vibrancy that the previous books had. I never connected with the characters like I wanted to not did I feel like they truly had a love connection. Had it not been for the action scenes and Giovanni, I'm not sure if if this would have even gotten 3.5 stars.

I am a huge fan of this author and all her hard work, even though this was not my cup of tea. I look forward to the next book.
MagicalRi | Feb 24, 2022 |
4.5 stars

Well, holy hell. This was not what I thought I was going to be reading when I started this book. I've always liked this author but CRIKEY. This was on a whole other level and so different than the other books of hers that I have read. It was different. The world building was sublime. The characters were so different and not only from each other. Yet, they had a commonality. They made each other better.

I'm definitely looking forward to where this goes next. Highly recommend.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 24, 2022 |
This just didn't work for me.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
There were good aspects to this book.
The Hero is completely dedicated to the heroine so there are no O/W scenes although it more like obsessed.
He is an anti-hero. Although he is good to the heroine, he is also unbalanced and not a good man.
She is also married to someone else when they meet but refuses to cheat, although it depends where you cross the line of cheating.
It is a bit dark and does have violence.
izzied | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2020 |
izzied | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2020 |
Blaire's World strikes again, and I cried all the way through this book. It was awesome and devastating, and all things in between.

Luna and Andres are married. He's in the cartel, and she's running away from him with their two kids, which isn't a really good idea. She knows this, but it's something that she feels that she has to do.

I totally hated Andres sometimes. I mean, just outright hated him. But, I was also wondering what he was going to do next, and that hate wasn't enough to keep me from needing to have the rest of the story, because it got its hooks into me and wasn't about to let me go. When it came to Luna, I was much more, I dunno, I don't want to say conflicted, because that's not right, but maybe it's close. I was more understanding of her maybe. I could get where she was coming from and why she was doing what she was doing, I think.

Whatever it was, this story just really knocked me for a loop in the very best way.
tetisheri | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 15, 2020 |
I enjoyed learning about Veronica and discovering her backstory. I enjoyed seeing how the connection with Jay had started. It seemed odd to me that this story was dated before Jay and Allie's story but yet was written after. Short Novella but very good. This author knows how to write an OTT possessive man.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
4.5 stars

Well, holy hell. This was not what I thought I was going to be reading when I started this book. I've always liked this author but CRIKEY. This was on a whole other level and so different than the other books of hers that I have read. It was different. The world building was sublime. The characters were so different and not only from each other. Yet, they had a commonality. They made each other better.

I'm definitely looking forward to where this goes next. Highly recommend.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 22, 2019 |
4.6 stars

I absolutely fell in love with the bantering and chemistry between Jaya and Ivan. I found myself smiling several times. This helped me in a couple areas of the story that left me confused or that didn't make sense (like why Jaya set up the last assignment).

Loved this series and each book. I hope that this author continues it.I really need Keanne and the princess to get a story.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 22, 2019 |
Another hit

I love how this author always has a a certain grit to get stories. Even with dark undertones, because let's be real here and recognize the fact that Cartel stories aren't going to be sugar and unicorns prancing, there is always a deeper connection. This is one of the things I love about her.

I just wish this had been a full story. There was still so much to flesh out.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
4.5 stars

Fantastic conclusion to this trilogy. From the first book until the last line, and then the glimpse into Skye and Wolfe's story, I was caught in wanting to see how this played out. I was in awe of what these characters went through in order to live in this ravaged world.

The journey was not a smooth one for Diego and his Desert Wren. There was suspense, mystery, chemistry, anticipation, and ultimately love. Highly recommend this author and the trilogy.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |

Holy CRIKEY. This second part of this trilogy just got even better. I'm not sure how that is possible but this author has done it. The world building is again on a different scale. Every word had me so engrossed that real life ceased to exist.

Tons of suspense, great characters, several twists, and another whopper of a cliffhanger. I live for summer and the sun but for once in my life I'm eager for fall so that I can see how this trilogy is going to end.
MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
4.4 stars

Pleasantly surprised. I was not expecting this book to keep my attention. It had been on my TBR for awhile did to the blurb. I read it out of order but wasn't lost. I'm now going to have to read the first ones while I wait for the newest one. I love finding new authors.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.8 stars

I read this book out of order but it didn't alter my love for this book of the second story. loved am really REALLY liking this author and how she writes. There is a touch of darkness to her stories and a lot of suspense that keeps me riveted. Add in great characters, setting, and dialogue and it's a hit. Loved Solomon. That man had the patience of a saint and was just plain delicious.

Definitely recommend this series.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.5 stars

Yep. It's official. I am a fan. Loved this bok. Loved Jay. Loved Allison. Suspense. Dark undertones. Got steamy moments.all left by to make a story that grabs my attention.

MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4 stars

This series start didn't draw me in like her other books that I have read. However, it was still a good book with suspense and plenty of steam.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
4.5 stars

The best thing about anthologies like this one is that you get totally different stories centered around a theme. It shows how amazing imagination is especially as it pertains to writing.

I'm an avid superfan of one of these authors so I knew I needed to read this. The other authors were new to me. For being short novellas these stories packed a lot of details and created scenes in just a little bit of space.

I will come back and review each story separately but for now, I will just say that I'm a little partial to the headless horseman and the last story in this book (which broke my heart).

If you love Halloween, graveyards, and supernatural things with a touch of horror then this book will be right up your alley

Merged review:

4.5 stars

The best thing about anthologies like this one is that you get totally different stories centered around a theme. It shows how amazing imagination is especially as it pertains to writing.

I'm an avid superfan of one of these authors so I knew I needed to read this. The other authors were new to me. For being short novellas these stories packed a lot of details and created scenes in just a little bit of space.

I will come back and review each story separately but for now, I will just say that I'm a little partial to the headless horseman and the last story in this book (which broke my heart).

If you love Halloween, graveyards, and supernatural things with a touch of horror then this book will be right up your alley.
MagicalRi | Apr 15, 2019 |
Mafia is my favorite sub-genre in romance. There is just something beguiling about something so corrupt and seedy juxtaposed with such loyalty and familial ties. Even in all its grittiness and dark undertones, there is always something redeeming about it. Even when the people are "bad" there is always something that can be argued that is good. Therefore, when I first heard about this story I was skeptical because I am very picky about my mafia romances. I don't want it to be superficial and what would just be seen in the movies. I didn't want it glamorized and I also didn't want it to just be violent for the sake of violence. I wanted authentic. Well, I shouldn't have been worried because this author did a fantastic job.

Her characters were believable, the storyline was plausible, and from the opening page, the author had my interest piqued. I am officially a fan and have another author I can follow to get my mafioso fix.

MagicalRi | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 15, 2019 |
5 stars

Sweet holy titfire. How does a person trump the first book in this series? The answer is to follow it up with this book. Good lord. This author just created a man that just jumped into my book boyfriends list. Who knew that a man dubbed The Gentleman Butcher could love this unconditionally? I loved that he allowed Vee to play the game and wasn't afraid to show his softer side. Fantastic story and characters.

I loved the ending and Vee bringing up a promise that had me swooning the first time I heard it. I am anxiously awaiting for the next story since I was hoping it was going to happen from the encounters in this book.

MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 15, 2019 |
4 stars

I was very glad to have found out that this novella was out after hearing about these two in the second books epilogue. I have been curious about them since the first book but knowing they had a life that I didn't know about bummed me out. Now, I don't need to be bummed.

I wish this book would have been a full story. So many areas this could have been expanded on. It felt rushed but considering that I wasn't expecting a story about them because of the gloss over I will be happy that I got this much!!

Now, apparently I need to go devour everything this author has written (despite my hundreds of books on my TBR list) because I love her.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 15, 2019 |
4 stars

Intense, holy cow was this intense. Great job with balancing the light with the darl, characters were great but there was just something more that I was looking for. I can't quite put my finger on it either.

Still,a very good start to this new world.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 15, 2019 |
Awesome read.I really hope to see more of this series. The alphaness is off the charts. I love these characters. great read with tons of violence, hotness and the story line was really good, I could not put it down. Cannot wait for the next one.
Kellylynn22 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 24, 2019 |
Holy moly. I loved this book. Definitely shorter then the first but equally as good. Alejandro is the definition of alpha. I also loved how this book was put together. We got the full back story on Alejandro and Gina. Great read and great series.
Kellylynn22 | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 24, 2019 |
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Iva and Jaya!! Wow what a dark, twisted read. I couldn't put this one down. I will be honest, this is the first in this series I have read. I need to now go back (today) and read the other 2!! Great, dark romance with lots of steaminess!!
Kellylynn22 | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 24, 2019 |
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I was on pins and needles waiting for this book. TOTALLY worth the wait. Vee and The Butcher were explosive. This is not your typical love story nor is it for the faint of heart. I love how violent and real they are. Vee stands strong and doesn't bend her values and beliefs. She is strong and stands up for herself! The Butcher - how he manages to be sexy but that violent and harsh is beyond me but it works!! We also get a side story along with major hints to the next book in the series. Awesome read!!!
Kellylynn22 | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 24, 2019 |
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