Vorab-RezensentenGeorge A. DeFrehn III

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

November 2023 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: November 27 um 06:00 pm EST

Reihen: The Judas Tree (1)

World governments, financial markets, and organized religions cease to exist. Groups in Ireland, Israel, and Italy have formed. But all they have is hope and each other. And “Betrayal” is in their midst. Who might be the next Judas?

6 January 2075

It’s almost midnight. London. Misty snow has been falling throughout the day in the English capital. The day’s final flights have landed at Heathrow and Gatwick airports. All air traffic in and around London has ceased. The streets appear deserted. The doors of Harrods, St. Paul’s, and Westminster Abbey are locked. A few homeless wander Piccadilly Circus and King’s Cross Station, searching for scraps of food or coins dropped by the drunks leaving the pubs. The bartender and staff at The Dickens Inn loiter over a few pints of Guinness near the Tower Bridge. The bartender tells all to get home safely. The Inn officially closed an hour ago.

Two thousand kilometers away from River Thames, a woman stands on a rooftop looking out over frigid waters where the Norwegian and North Seas merge. Droplets of freezing rain assault her beautiful but unsmiling and stoic face. She has put in motion an evil that can never be walked back. Military drones, cloaked so as not to be detected by radar, carry the deadliest inhalation virus known to humankind. Nothing can stop her.

The cold air biting her skin is causing significant pain. At this moment, she hears a man’s screams from the room below. It is time to head back inside. This captive may lead her to him. Another scream penetrates this darkest of nights. As she closes the rooftop door and enters her fortress… the clock tower strikes 23:59 hours Greenwich Mean Time.


Christian Fiction, General Fiction, Suspense & Thriller, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
George_DeFrehn (Autor)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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März 2022 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: März 28 um 06:00 pm EDT

Too often in today's world, we receive a vanilla version of the Word of God from our preachers, regardless of faith or denomination. Warm and fuzzy sermons make people happy. Watered-down theology upsets no one. Yet, the Carpenter from Nazareth, Jesus the Christ, gave us an unvarnished version of the Father's Word. He was radical and revolutionary in His message: "Forgive your enemies!" "Pray for those who persecute you!" "Judge no one, and you will not be judged." Jesus called the religious leaders of His time hypocrites because they refused to walk the talk.

This Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) was born in a cave and was buried in a friend's tomb. While preaching the Good News of His Father, He comforted the sick, the widow, the orphan. He "hung out" with tax collectors, adulterers, lepers... and some of the other misfits of society. He made the lame walk, the deaf hear, and the blind see. For this, the Carpenter was nailed to a tree between two thieves on a Friday we still call Good.

This book is the first volume of a series of straight-talking inspirational sermons by George DeFrehn. Book one explores the four Gospels. George has no canonical authority and carries no hidden agenda. These sermons are simply one person's search for the Truth of Life, utilizing the Word of God-the Bible. These thought-provoking sermons are one lay person's version of the words and parables used by the Itinerant Preacher from Galilee, hopefully in an unvarnished version. Although George is a Roman Catholic, he writes for all people, denominations, faiths, believers, and non-believers alike. If his inspirational sermons touch one person, one soul, and assist in their search for the Truth...then God did His job!

Religion & Spirituality
Angeboten von
George_DeFrehn (Autor)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
Lieferung geschlossen

Februar 2022 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Februar 28 um 06:00 pm EST

Too often in today’s world, we receive a vanilla version of the Word of God from our preachers, regardless of faith or denomination. Warm and fuzzy sermons make people happy. Watered-down theology upsets no one. Yet, the Carpenter from Nazareth, Jesus the Christ, gave us an unvarnished version of the Father’s Word. He was radical and revolutionary in His message: “Forgive your enemies!” “Pray for those who persecute you!” “Judge no one, and you will not be judged.” Jesus called the religious leaders of His time hypocrites because they refused to walk the talk. 

This Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) was born in a cave and was buried in a friend’s tomb. While preaching the Good News of His Father, He comforted the sick, the widow, the orphan. He “hung out” with tax collectors, adulterers, lepers... and some of the other misfits of society. He made the lame walk, the deaf hear, and the blind see. For this, the Carpenter was nailed to a tree between two thieves on a Friday we still call Good.

This book is the first volume of a series of straight-talking inspirational sermons by George DeFrehn. Book one explores the four Gospels. George has no canonical authority and carries no hidden agenda. These sermons are simply one person’s search for the Truth of Life, utilizing the Word of God—the Bible. These thought-provoking sermons are one lay person’s version of the words and parables used by the Itinerant Preacher from Galilee, hopefully in an unvarnished version. Although George is a Roman Catholic, he writes for all people, denominations, faiths, believers, and non-believers alike. If his inspirational sermons touch one person, one soul, and assist in their search for the Truth…then God did His job!

Religion & Spirituality
Angeboten von
George_DeFrehn (Autor)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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