Vorab-RezensentenCatherine Valenti

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

April 2021 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: April 26 um 06:00 pm EDT

Available in pdf format. An anthology of short stories by twenty different authors. We present, for your enjoyment, twenty stories of time travel. The characters in each of these stories are having trouble. Some have trouble with their equipment, some have trouble with what they find, others are having trouble with unexpected consequences of their travels. Some travelers intentionally reach out to their past or future selves, others work to avoid this. Some travelers focus on the future, others focus on the past, a few look in both directions. Travelers travel by time machine, cell phone, time cap, elevator, compass, or without the need for a device at all. And then there are the mistakes made and paradoxes created when you mess around with time. So we finish up with a story where the task is to fix the problems we’ve created by traveling in time. As always, each story in the Read on the Run series of anthologies is short, to suit your busy lifestyle.
Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Smoking Pen Press (Verleger)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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Legacy Member Leseexemplar Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Februar 4, 2021 um 11:12 am EST

Fifteen short stories involving pets.But don’t think for a moment that you’ll “See Spot Run”, or that Lassie will save her master who’s fallen in the well. Those are common pet tales, and these are Uncommon Pet Tales.Within this collection, you’ll find a little bit of romance, a little bit of revenge, a few ghosts, and some fantasy and magic. You’ll find some uncommon pets such as Katelynn, and Mr. MacCawber, and you’ll find some uncommon stories, such as Patience, and Schrodinger’s Other Cat. You’ll find stories of man’s (or woman’s) best friend, and stories where the animals are far from friendly. And you'll find some stories that simply refuse to fit into a category.As always, each story in the Read on the Run series of anthologies is short, to suit your busy lifestyle.
Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
SmokingPenPress (Sonstige)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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October 2018 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Oktober 29 um 06:00 pm EDT

Available as .mobi, .pdf, .epub The six short romance stories included in this anthology have quirky characters, or quirky locations, or quirky situations. You’ll find a ghost and a new homeowner, a spaceship captain and her cartographer, a window designer and high school beau, a banker and a baker, two vampire hunters, and some supernatural beings. You’ll find yourself in two different restaurants, and on another planet. You’ll find deception, intrigue, and old memories. But most of all, you’ll find true romance. You’ll find kisses, and you’ll find promises. You’ll find Happily-Ever-After, or Happy-for-Now with the promise of more to come. Please note: None of these are ‘steamy’ or explicit, and there is no erotica.
Romance, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Smoking Pen Press (Verleger)
LibraryThing Werk-Seite
Lieferung geschlossen