Vorab-RezensentenBrian K. Lowe

LibraryThing Autoren-Seite

April 2021 Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: April 26 um 06:00 pm EDT

Available in pdf format. An anthology of short stories by twenty different authors. We present, for your enjoyment, twenty stories of time travel. The characters in each of these stories are having trouble. Some have trouble with their equipment, some have trouble with what they find, others are having trouble with unexpected consequences of their travels. Some travelers intentionally reach out to their past or future selves, others work to avoid this. Some travelers focus on the future, others focus on the past, a few look in both directions. Travelers travel by time machine, cell phone, time cap, elevator, compass, or without the need for a device at all. And then there are the mistakes made and paradoxes created when you mess around with time. So we finish up with a story where the task is to fix the problems we’ve created by traveling in time. As always, each story in the Read on the Run series of anthologies is short, to suit your busy lifestyle.
Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
Smoking Pen Press (Verleger)
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Legacy Member Leseexemplar Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: März 7, 2016 um 10:00 pm EST

Los Angeles, 1932. Six months before the Olympic Games are to bring relief to a Depression-battered city, men are falling dead in the rain-swept streets, their necks broken as if by an invisible noose. Dragged into a shadowy, rain-slick storm of murder and kidnapping, an ex-fighter pilot, a cop, a couple of football players-turned-scientist, and a Kewpie-doll blonde with a black belt join forces to track down the terror plotters and stop their deadly spree. But when tragedy strikes the group, the survivors must brave one of the last untamed places on Earth to learn the secret of the Invisible Death--a secret designed to destroy America's greatest cities, one by one…
Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
brianklowe (Autor)
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Legacy Member Leseexemplar Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Februar 26, 2016 um 11:37 pm EST

A world-class samurai. A world-class slacker. And they're brothers. This is not a serious book. It is part Monty Python, part Marx Brothers, and part Rocky & Bullwinkle. It's got samurai, pirates, Vikings, assassins, male models, martial arts, prophecy, treachery, intrigue, a Family Secret, love, lust, loss, and a dragon in need of an investment manager. It also has jokes. Lots of jokes. Oh, and Valleykyries. Not Valkyries, Valleykyries.
Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
brianklowe (Autor)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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Legacy Member Leseexemplar Lieferung

Ablauf der Leseexemplar-Serie: Februar 12, 2016 um 12:29 am EST

Reihen: The Stolen Future (book 1)
Tracking German soldiers through the muddy trenches of France, Captain Charles Clee stumbles onto something amazing--a secret archeological expedition from the far future. Discovered and trapped, he flees through their time machine and finds himself stranded nearly one million years in the future. Clee falls in love with a beautiful woman whose family has befriended him, but when she is taken from him by one of Earth's alien overlords, he finds himself the enemy of the most powerful men in the world. In his quest to rescue her, he learns that a working time machine may still exist somewhere. With that machine, he could return to his own time and save his men from certain annihilation, but to do so would mean abandoning his quest. Torn between love and his duty to the men who served under him a million years past, pursued by the merciless assassins of the Time Police, Clee faces war, slavery, and fantastic beasts in a race against time itself--knowing that whatever the outcome, he must lose.
Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Angeboten von
brianklowe (Autor)
Informationen zum BuchLibraryThing Werk-Seite
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