ReihenEine Reihe betrüblicher Ereignisse

Originalname der Reihe: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Reihenautor: Lemony Snicket

38 Werke Beliebtheit 180 (28,954 Mitglieder) 164,238 Bücher 1,861 Rezensionen ½ 3.8


Der schreckliche Anfang von Lemony Snicket 21,726 Exemplare, 493 Rezensionen1
Das Haus der Schlangen von Lemony Snicket 15,363 Exemplare, 187 Rezensionen2
Der Seufzersee von Lemony Snicket 13,884 Exemplare, 133 Rezensionen3
Die unheimliche Mühle von Lemony Snicket 12,551 Exemplare, 115 Rezensionen4
Die Schule des Schreckens von Lemony Snicket 11,808 Exemplare, 112 Rezensionen5
Die dunkle Allee von Lemony Snicket 10,768 Exemplare, 96 Rezensionen6
Das düstere Dorf von Lemony Snicket 9,957 Exemplare, 71 Rezensionen7
Das schaurige Spital von Lemony Snicket 11,146 Exemplare, 84 Rezensionen8
Der grausige Jahrmarkt von Lemony Snicket 10,342 Exemplare, 81 Rezensionen9
Der finstere Fels von Lemony Snicket 10,180 Exemplare, 81 Rezensionen10
Die grimmige Grotte von Lemony Snicket 9,068 Exemplare, 77 Rezensionen11
Das haarsträubende Hotel von Lemony Snicket 8,945 Exemplare, 84 Rezensionen12
Das erstaunliche Ende von Lemony Snicket 9,025 Exemplare, 131 Rezensionen13


The Beatrice Letters von Lemony Snicket 1,453 Exemplare, 28 Rezensionensupplement
The Blank Book von Lemony Snicket 196 Exemplare, 2 Rezensionensupplement
The Puzzling Puzzles: Bothersome Games Which Will Bother Some People von Lemony Snicket 197 Exemplare, 1 Rezensionsupplement
Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography von Lemony Snicket 3,436 Exemplare, 46 Rezensionensupplement

Sammlungen und Kollektionen

The Bad Beginning / The Reptile Room von Lemony Snicket 13 Exemplare1-2
Eine Reihe betrüblicher Ereignisse, Bd. 1-3, 9 Audio-CDs von Lemony Snicket 1,058 Exemplare, 5 Rezensionen1-3
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-04) von Lemony Snicket 43 Exemplare1-4
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-05) von Lemony Snicket 11 Exemplare1-5
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-06) The Loathsome Library von Lemony Snicket 24 Exemplare, 1 Rezension1-6
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-07) von Lemony Snicket 4 Exemplare1-7
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-08) von Lemony Snicket 1 Exemplar1-8
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-09) von Lemony Snicket 11 Exemplare1-9
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-10) von Lemony Snicket 37 Exemplare1-10
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-11) The Cumbersome Collection von Lemony Snicket 31 Exemplare1-11
A Box of Unfortunate Events (01-12) The Horrendous Heap von Lemony Snicket 44 Exemplare, 1 Rezension1-12
A Series of Unfortunate Events Box: The Complete Wreck (Books 1-13) von Lemony Snicket 1,838 Exemplare, 29 Rezensionen1-13
A Box of Unfortunate Events (04-06) The Situation Worsens von Lemony Snicket 303 Exemplare, 1 Rezension4-6
A Box of Unfortunate Events (04-10) von Lemony Snicket 1 Exemplar4-10
A Box of Unfortunate Events (05-08) von Lemony Snickett 29 Exemplare5-8
A Box of Unfortunate Events (05-09) von Lemony Snicket 7 Exemplare5-9
A Box of Unfortunate Events (06-09) von Lemony Snicket 463 Exemplare6-9
A Box of Unfortunate Events (07-09) The Dilemma Deepens von Lemony Snicket 256 Exemplare, 1 Rezension7-9
A Box of Unfortunate Events (09-13) von Lemony Snickett 2 Exemplare9-13
A Box of Unfortunate Events (10-12) The Gloom Looms von Lemony Snicket 136 Exemplare, 1 Rezension10-12
A Box of Unfortunate Events (10-13) von Lemony Snicket 6 Exemplare10-13

Andere Namen

Deutsch: Eine Reihe betrüblicher Ereignisse — Niederländisch: Ellendige avonturen — Italienisch: Una serie di sfortunati eventi — Französisch: Les Désastreuses Aventures des Orphelins Baudelaire — Portugiesisch (Brasilien): Desventuras em Série — Chinesisch, traditionell: 波特萊爾大遇險


21st century(298) A Series of Unfortunate Events(4,397) adventure(2,166) American(301) audiobook(236) baudelaires(240) brothers and sisters(304) chapter book(511) children(2,035) children's(4,177) children's book(257) children's books(591) children's fiction(1,103) children's literature(1,482) comedy(275) dark(213) dark humor(754) ebook(485) family(585) fantasy(3,165) fiction(9,752) first edition(230) goodreads(280) gothic(604) hardcover(705) humor(2,480) illustrated(290) juvenile(786) juvenile fiction(632) kids(679) Lemony Snicket(2,369) library(233) middle grade(731) mystery(2,828) new(423) novel(931) orphan(249) orphans(2,476) own(636) owned(327) read(1,794) satire(219) series(3,865) siblings(763) to-read(1,935) unread(343) v(233) ya(1,110) young adult(2,232) youth(323)

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