Figuren/CharaktereHerman Melville

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (153)

After the whale : Melville in the wake of Moby-Dick von Clark Davis
All Things Shining: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Age von Hubert L. Dreyfus
American Bloomsbury von Susan Cheever
American Heralds of the Spirit: Emerson, Whitman, and Melville von John Fentress Gardner
American Legends: The Life of Herman Melville von Charles River Editors
American Men of Letters in Five Volumes Sherwood Anderson, Theodore Dreiser, Henry James, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman von Irving Howe
The American Novel and Its Tradition von Richard Chase
American Renaissance Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman von F. O. Matthiessen
Amerikanische Dichter und ihre Häuser von J. D. McClatchy
Anatomy of Authors von Dave Kellett
Another Time von W. H. Auden
Die Antiquarin von Sheridan Hay
The Apocalypse Ark: Book Three of the Book of Cross von Peter Roman
The Art of Reading von Joseph Luzzi
Beneath the American Renaissance: The Subversive Imagination in the Age of Emerson and Melville von David S. Reynolds
The Book of Lost Books: An Incomplete History of All the Great Books You'll Never Read von Stuart Kelly
Books and You: Eine kleine persönliche Geschichte der Weltliteratur von W. Somerset Maugham
Brilliant von Jane Brox
Brother against Brother von William C. Davis
Call Me Ishmael von Charles Olson
The Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville von Robert S. Levine
The Civil War World of Herman Melville von Stanton Garner
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 3: Red River to Appomattox von Shelby Foote
The Civil War: An Illustrated History von Geoffrey C. Ward
Classic Americans : a study of eminent American writers from Irving to Whitman von Henry Seidel Canby
The classics reclassified von Richard Armour
A Common Life: Four Generations of American Literary Friendships & Influence von David Laskin
The Consolations of Space: The Place of Romance in Hawthorne, Melville, and James von Pamela Schirmeister
Conspiracy and Romance: Studies in Brockden Brown, Cooper, Hawthorne, and Melville von Robert S. Levine
Critical Companion to Herman Melville: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work von Carl E. Rollyson
A critical guide to Herman Melville;: Abstracts of forty years of criticism von James K. Bowen
A Critical Story: Western Humanism, Jewish Humanism, and the Case of Melville's Ishmael von Martha Calvert Lannoch
Epistemology of the Closet von Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
The Etymologicon: A Circular Stroll Through the Hidden Connections of the English Language von Mark Forsyth
The example of Melville (The Norton library) von Warner Berthoff
Excursions in Victorian bibliography von Michael Sadleir
Exotic Journeys von Justin D. Edwards
Faking It von William Ian Miller
The Far Side Gallery 2 von Gary Larson
The First Time I Met Frank O'Hara: Reading Gay American Writers von Rick Whitaker
Galápagos: fábulas y personajes von Alfonso Barrera Valverde
Genius: Die hundert bedeutendsten Autoren der Weltliteratur von Harold Bloom
Genoa: A Telling of Wonders von Paul Metcalf
God and the American Writer von Alfred Kazin
A Great Literature Guide to the DSM-5 von Eric Altschuler
Die grimmige Grotte von Lemony Snicketmentioned
Guide to Herman Melville von Howard P. Vincent
Hawthorne's Secret: An Untold Tale von Philip Young
Hawthorne: A Life von Brenda Wineapple
Herman Melville von Lewis Mumford
Herman Melville von A. R. Humphreys
Herman Melville von Milton Meltzer
Herman Melville von Tyrus Hillway
Herman Melville von Newton Arvin
Herman Melville von A. Robert Lee
Herman Melville von Elizabeth Hardwick
Herman Melville (Bloom's Modern Critical Views) von Harold Bloom
Herman Melville (Classic American Writers) von Rebecca Stefoff
Herman Melville A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life and Work von Carl E. Rollyson
A Herman Melville Encyclopedia: von Robert L. Gale
Herman Melville's Religious Journey von Walter Donald Kring
Herman Melville's Billy Budd, Benito Cereno, Bartleby the Scrivener, and Other Tales (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations) von Harold Bloom
Herman Melville's Moby Dick (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations) von Harold Bloom
Herman Melville's Moby Dick (Bloom's Notes) von Harold Bloom
Herman Melville's picture gallery : sources and types of the "pictorial" chapters of Moby-Dick von Stuart M. Frank
Herman Melville: A Biography. von Leon Howard
Herman Melville: A Biography: Volume 1, 1819-1851 von Hershel Parker
Herman Melville: A Biography: Volume 2, 1851-1891 von Hershel Parker
Herman Melville: A Collection of Critical Essays von Myra Jehlen
Herman Melville: A Critical Study von Richard Volney Chase
Herman Melville: Between Charlemagne And the Antemosaic Cosmic Man: Race, Class And the Crisis of Bourgeois Ideology in an American Renaissance Writer von Loren Goldner
Herman Melville: Cycle and Epicycle von Eleanor Melville Metcalf
Herman Melville: Moby-Dick (Icon Reader's Guides to Essential Criticism) von Nick Selby
Herman Melville: the tragic vision, and the heroic ideal von Stanley Geist
Hermann Melville von Pierre Frédérix
Hero, Captain, and Stranger: Male Friendship, Social Critique, and Literary Form in the Sea Novels of Herman Melville von Robert K. Martin
A Historical Guide to Herman Melville (Historical Guides to American Authors) von Giles Gunn
Illustration Magazine, Autumn 2013 Issue 37. Garrick Palmer and Moby Dick von Ruth Prickett'Moby Dick' illustrations by Garrick Palmer
Im Herzen der See von Nathaniel Philbrick
In the Heart of the Sea [2015 film] von Ron Howard
In the Wake of Madness: The Murderous Voyage of the Whaleship Sharon von Joan Druett
The Inmost Leaf: Essays on American and European Writers von Alfred Kazin
John Paul Jones: Sailor, Hero, Father of the American Navy von Evan Thomas
Joseph Smith, Jr.: Reappraisals After Two Centuries von Reid L. Neilson
Later Bloomers: 35 Folks Over Age 35 Who Found Their Passion and Purpose von Debra Eve
Leviathan or, The Whale von Philip Hoare
The limits of metaphor; a study of Melville, Conrad, and Faulkner
Literary Genius: 25 Classic Writers Who Define English & American Literature von Joseph Epstein
Literature, Class, and Culture: An Anthology von Paul Lauter
The Long Encounter: Self and Experience in the Writings of Herman Melville von Merlin Bowen
Mariners, Renegades and Castaways: The Story of Herman Melville and the World We Live In von C. L. R. James
Melvill von Rodrigo Fresán
Melville von John Freeman
Melville and His World (A Studio book) von Gay Wilson Allen
Melville Biography: An Inside Narrative von Hershel Parker
Melville in the South Pacific von Henry Beetle Hough
Melville in the South Seas von Charles Roberts Anderson
The Melville log; a documentary life of Herman Melville, 1819-1891 von Jay Leyda
Melville's early life and Redburn von William H. Gilman
Melville's Quarrel with God von Lawrance Thompson
Melville's Anatomies von Samuel Otter
Melville's Monumental Imagination (Studies in Major Literary Authors) von Ian S. Maloney
Melville's Thematics of Form: The Great Art of Telling the Truth von Edgar A. Dryden
Melville's vision of America : a new interpretation of Moby Dick von John Fentress Gardner
Melville: A Biography von Laurie Robertson-Lorant
Melville: A Biography von Edwin Haviland Miller
Melville: A Collection of Critical Essays von Richard Volney Chase
Melville: His World and Work von Andrew Delbanco
Melville: the ironic diagram von John D Seelye
Melville: The Making of the Poet von Hershel Parker
The Merrill studies in Moby-Dick, (Charles E. Merrill program in American literature) von Howard Paton Vincent
Moby-Dick As Doubloon; Essays and Extracts, 1851-1970. von Hershel Parker
Modernity at Sea: Melville, Marx, Conrad in Crisis von Cesare Casarino
The Night Inspector von Frederick Busch
Nineteenth-Century American Poetry von William Spengemann
The Oxford Book of American Literary Anecdotes von Donald Hall
The Passages of H.M. von Jay Parini
Paul Bunyan, last of the frontier demigods von Daniel Hoffman
The power of blackness: Hawthorne, Poe, Melville von Harry Levin
The Raven and the Whale: Poe, Melville, and the New York Literary Scene von Perry Miller
A Reader's Guide to Herman Melville von James Edwin Miller
Readings on Billy Budd von Laura Marvel
Readings on Herman Melville von Bonnie Szumski
The Recognition of Herman Melville: Selected Criticism Since 1846 von Hershel Parker
Remodeling the Nation von Duncan Faherty
Revenge of the Whale: The True Story of the Whaleship Essex von Nathaniel Philbrick
Science Fiction Handbook, Revised von L. Sprague de Camp
Selected Poems von Jorge Luis Borges
Shakespeare's Tremor and Orwell's Cough: The Medical Lives of Famous Writers von John J. Ross
Short Fiction: Classic and Contemporary von Charles H. Bohner
The Sign of the Cannibal: Melville and the Making of a Postcolonial Reader (New Americanists) von Geoffrey Sanborn
Slightly Foxed 66: Underwater Heaven von Gail Pirkis'Bartleby, the scrivener'
The spirit above the dust : a study of Herman Melville von Ronald Mason
Strange Jeremiahs: Civil Religion and the Literary Imaginations of Jonathan Edwards, Herman Melville, and W.E.B. Du Bois von Carole Lynn Stewart
Subversive Genealogy: The Politics and Art of Herman Melville von Michael Paul Rogin
The Tailoring of Melville's White-Jacket von Howard Paton Vincent
The Times of Melville and Whitman von Van Wyck Brooks
The Trying-Out of Moby-Dick von Howard Paton Vincent
Twentieth century interpretations of Billy Budd; a collection of critical essays von Howard Paton Vincent
Twentieth Century Interpretations of Moby-Dick: A Collection of Critical Essays (A Spectrum Book) von Michael T. Gilmore
Up from the Depths: Herman Melville, Lewis Mumford, and Rediscovery in Dark Times von Professor Aaron Sachs
Voices of Despair: Four Motifs in American Literature von Edward Stone
The Wake of Gods: Melville's Mythology von H. Bruce Franklin
Der weiße Gott der Meere. Auf der Suche nach dem legendären Moby Dick. von Tim Severin
The Whale: A Love Story: A Novel von Mark Beauregard
Who Killed American Poetry? From National Obsession to Elite Possession von Karen L. Kilcup
Why Read Moby-Dick? von Nathaniel Philbrick
The Wilderness of Ruin: A Tale of Madness, Boston's Great Fire, and the Hunt for America's Youngest Serial Killer von Roseanne Montillo
I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf von Grant Snider
Windows on Melville von John D. Reeves
The Wreck of the Whaleship Essex von Owen Chase
Writers: Their Lives and Works von James Naughtie
Zehn Romane und ihre Autoren von W. Somerset Maugham