
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jan 5, 2010
Über mich
I grew up in Cairns, Australia, in tropical North Queensland when the world was a very different place. My imagination and creativity was inspired by its beauty to a great extent, but that was only a part of the story. Many things happen in our lives that influence how we see the world, some of them are enhanced by our experiences and some simply happen when we’re not even aware of it.
The things that I consider to be important have never been driven out of me. They inspired me as a kid, survived the education system and just about everything else that life had to throw at me, and I am happy to say they have become an even richer part of who I am today.
I pursued a course in the arts, went to college and university, earned a qualification as a teacher and even had a couple of exhibitions on the way. For a few years, I even had an amazing job working in the only full-time art program in a large Psychiatric hospital in Melbourne.
As a high school student, I was a hopeless writer, but after having written several hundred assignments, I decided that I could do something a little more interesting than that.
At one level, the ideas and events depicted in this story are a product of my imagination, at another, they go way beyond that. I didn’t plan any part of this story, not consciously anyway. It came to me when I needed something else to do in my life, and in a sense, it was the result of a strange twist of fate. I suspect it has been waiting in the background for a long time and if I had not picked it up and run with it, it would not exist today. Ideas such as this come from a huge storehouse that we accumulate during the course of our lives. In this case, I suspect it owes its origins to an aspect of our combined consciousness. It could be a fictional version of something that I might have experienced at one time or another, but whether it is or not, I don’t really know. What I would like to believe is that it is a story I wrote to remind myself of something I needed to know.
Cairns, Australia

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