Bücher-Reihen für DanMat

Reihen, zu denen die Bücher in der Bibliothek von DanMat gehören

Zusammenfassung: 25 Reihen

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Amadís de Gaula

The Arabian Nights in 16 volumes

D'Artagnan Romances

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Sir Richard Burton Translation

Border Trilogy

David Balfour

Ford Lectures

Glass Family

The Greek Myths

History of the Great Civil War [Gardiner]

Homer's Epic Cycle

The Human Comedy

In Search of Lost Time

Letters of James Joyce

Melville's Polynesian Novels

Oedipus Cycle

Orlando Furioso

Les Rougon-Macquart

Shakespeare's Sonnets

Tales of My Landlord


Waverley Novels

Waverley Novels, publication

Yale English Monarchs