Buch-Auszeichnungen für Michael.Sherbon

Auszeichnungen für Bücher aus der Bibliothek von Michael.Sherbon

Zusammenfassung: 51 Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

10 non-fiction книг, рекомендованных журналу Slon

1000 Books to Read Before You Die

200 best non-fiction books according to Afisha Magazine

5 книг Постнауки

50 Philosophy Classics

ALA Outstanding Books for the College Bound

American Institute of Physics Prize

Audie Award

Beckenbach Book Prize

BookDepository's 100 Best Books Ever

Booklist Editor's Choice: Adult Books

Colorado Blue Spruce Award

Commonwealth Club of California Book Awards

The Economist Best Books

Euler Book Prize

GEO Magazine Recommendation

Guardian 100 Greatest Non-Fiction

Harenberg Buch der 1000 Bücher

International Pythagoras Prize

International Sociological Association: 1000 most influential books in Sociology

Jean Rostand

KIB - Non Fiction books everyone should read

Lionel Trilling Book Award

The magazine "Science in Focus" recommends

National Academies Communication Award

National Book Award

National Book Critics Circle Award

National Review's 100 Best Nonfiction Books of the Century

NCTE Books For You: An Annotated Booklist for Senior High

The New York Times Best Books of the Year

New York Times bestseller

The New York Times Notable Books of the Year

Newsweek 50 Books for Our Times

Notable Books List

Peano Prize

Phi Beta Kappa Award in Science

Physics World Book of the Year


Publishers Weekly Bestseller

Pulitzer Preis

Quill Award

RBC Taylor Prize

Read This Next: 500 of the Best Books You'll Ever Read

Royal Society Trivedi Science Book Prize

SB&F Best Science Books for Junior High and High School Readers

Science Communication Awards

Torchlight List

UC Berkeley Summer Reading List

Watson Davis and Helen Miles Davis Prize

Wissensbuch des Jahres