Buch-Charaktere für atercs816

Charaktere in den Büchern in der Bibliothek von atercs816

"A" and "G"


Anterrabae, The Falling God

Anthony Comstock

Bill Gates

Bill Joy

Christopher Langan

Cyrus Montrose

Deborah Blau

Doris Rivera

Dr. Fried

Dr. Laszlo Kreizler

Esther Blau

Hassan II


J. Pierpont Morgan

Jacob Blau

Jacob Riis

James T. Ellison

Jaycee Lee Dugard

Joe Flom

John Schuyler Moore

Lucius Isaacson

Malika Oufkir

Marcus Isaacson

Miss Coral

Mitch Albom

Mohammad Oufkir

Morrie Schwartz

Muhammad V

Nancy Garrido

Paul Kelly

Phillip Garrido

Sarah Howard

Steve Jobs

Stevie Taggert

Theodore Roosevelt