Buch-Auszeichnungen für brigittesailer46

Auszeichnungen für Bücher aus der Bibliothek von brigittesailer46

Zusammenfassung: 97 Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

The 100 best books of the 21st century by The Guardian

100 Best Horror Books of All Time

100 best novels of the 21st century according to Afisha magazine

1001 böcker du måste läsa innan du dör

50 Best Suspense Books of All Time

500 Must Read Books

Amazon's Best Books of the Month

Amazon's Best Books of the Year

Amazon.com Best Books

Los Angeles Times Best Books of the Year

Anthony Award

Around the world in 80 books


Audie Award

Ausgezeichnet mit dem Skandinavischen Krimipreis

Australian Book Industry Awards

Barry Award

Best-selling books according to Pro-books.ru

Beste Noorse misdaadroman

Bogklubben "12 bøgers" litteraturpris


Booklist Reader's 101 Best Crime Novels of the Past Decade

Brage Prize

British Book Award

Bästa svenska kriminalroman

Bästa översatta kriminalroman

Crime Writers' Association Awards

Crimefest Awards

Crimezone's Canon van de Misdaadliteratuur

CWA Duncan Lawrie Gold Dagger

Dagbladet 25 Best Norwegian Crime Novels

Deutscher Krimipreis

Dilys Award

Doubleday Book Club Alternate Selection

DR Romanprisen

Dublin Literary Award

Edgar Award

Exclusive Books Boeke Prize

Den frankofone litteraturpris


Goodreads Choice Awards

Grand Prix de Littérature Policière

Grand prix des lectrices de Elle

The Guardian's Text on the Beach: 50 Best Summer Reads Ever

Harenberg Buch der 1000 Bücher

Hebban Thrillerprijs

Indies Choice Book Award

Jyllands-Posten Best Danish Contemporary Novel

King County Library System Best Books

Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year