Buch-Auszeichnungen für bukkonyvtar

Auszeichnungen für Bücher aus der Bibliothek von bukkonyvtar

Zusammenfassung: 16 Auszeichnungen und Ehrungen

200 best non-fiction books according to Afisha Magazine

Amazon's Best Books of the Month

Amazon.com Best Books

Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction

Booklist Editor's Choice: Adult Books

Chicago Public Library Best of the Best: Adults

Financial Times and Schroders Business Book of the Year

Globe and Mail Top 100 Book

Library Journal Top Ten Book

New York Public Library's Books of the Century

Notable Books List

Paddy Power Political Book Award

Philosophy briefs by The Economist

Pulitzer Preis

San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year

Wissensbuch des Jahres