Buch-Charaktere für zs05322001

Charaktere in den Büchern in der Bibliothek von zs05322001

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Argus Filch

Arthur Weasley

Bellatrix Lestrange

Big Brother

The Canon


Chaucer the Pilgrim

Chester McKee

The Clerk

The Cook

Daisy Fay Buchanan

Dan Cody

Dean Thomas

Draco Malfoy

Ewing Klipspringer

Fenrir Greyback

Filius Flitwick

The Franklin

Fred Weasley

The Friar

George B. Wilson

George Weasley

Ginevra Molly "Ginny" Weasley

Harry James Potter

Henry C. Gatz

Hermione Granger

Holden Caulfield

Horace Slughorn

James Gatz

Jay Gatsby

Jordan Baker


Katie Bell

The Knight

Lavender Brown

Lucille McKee

Luna Lovegood

The Man of Law

The Manciple

The Merchant

Meyer Wolfsheim


The Miller

Minerva McGonogall

Molly Weasley

The Monk

Myrtle Wilson

Narcissa Malfoy

Neville Longbottom

Nick Carraway

The Nun

The Nun's Priest

Nymphadora Tonks



Pammy Buchanan

Pansy Parkinson

The Pardoner

The Parson

Peter Pettigrew

The Physician

Poppy Pomfrey

The Prioress

The Reeve

Remus Lupin

Romilda Vane

Ron Weasley

Rubeus Hagrid

Severus Snape

The Shipman

The Squire

The Summoner

Tom Buchanan

Tom Riddle

The Wife of Bath/Alisoun/Alyson/Alys

Winston Smith