do you use online dictionaries? which ones?

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do you use online dictionaries? which ones?

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Bearbeitet: Okt. 6, 2006, 5:12 pm

I'm trying to find out if "Seite" is a good enough translation of "site" (tour, page 1) - LEO isn't really helping on this one. Does anybody know an EnglishGerman online dictionary, maybe even specialized on web / technical / library expressions?

Okt. 6, 2006, 6:04 pm

Maybe "Angebot" instead of site? Sounds a bit sophisticated imho. The LEO-Forum is also always very helpfull, just ask (no login needed).

online dictionaries:

sorry, i don't know how to link words

Bearbeitet: Okt. 7, 2006, 9:54 am

Thank you. But I think if it's changed from Seite it would have to be changed to 'Website" as the German word.

Thanks for the URLs. Here's how you link them (deleting the _ as they're only here so the code gets displayed. 'a href' has to be written in two words):

__here's the text you want to link__

Okt. 7, 2006, 5:23 am

I checked about usage in c't Computertechnik, German's largest and best computer magazine. It seems that in singular the correct term is Website which changes in plural to Webseiten.

But now we approach the translation of: It's basically two sites in one. The literal translations sounds wrong (Im Grunde sind es zwei Webseiten in einer.).

My interpretation of the meaning of the sentence is that LT has an individual and a collective aspect at the same time: LT vereint deinen individuellen Buchkatalog mit einer Community rund um deine Bücher. How about that?

The whole Rundgang needs work. For instance, I would change all the relative clauses to nouns: Menschen, die Bücher lieben = Buchwürmer, although Buchwurm evokes a mousy tinge.

Bearbeitet: Okt. 7, 2006, 5:41 am

Diese Nachricht wurde vom Autor gelöscht.

Okt. 7, 2006, 5:37 am

Buchwürmer? Wouldn't that have to be Bücherwürmer?

And: I consider myself a person who likes or even loves books, but still no Bücherwurm :-p

Just juhu'd the way it is now:

LibraryThing ist eine neue Website für Menschen, die Bücher lieben.
Im Grunde sind es zwei Websites in einer.

(Why on earth is the order on the translation page nothing like the order in the displayed text?? 8-) )

Bearbeitet: Okt. 7, 2006, 6:26 am

SirCyrilWhatnot: can't answer that as I don't know enough about it (my guess is: the LT team gets a notification about the flagged posts and looks at them to see if the post was rude or the flagging was ;-)).

That is a good question for the FAQ group - do you want to post it there or should I copy your post to a new topic thread there?

(Flagged my own post as a test).

Okt. 7, 2006, 5:46 am

Diese Nachricht wurde vom Autor gelöscht.

Okt. 7, 2006, 5:52 am

I didn't see it there yet (or on the official FAQ), so you'd have to start a new thread ('> post a new topic') - a good title would be "How does the "flag abuse" thing work?" so it's clear from the title what you're asking. I'm sure a lot of people are wondering about it.

Bearbeitet: Okt. 7, 2006, 6:10 am

Sunny, you're right about Bücherwurm. Note to myself: Only post when your mind is awake too.

Okt. 8, 2006, 6:59 pm

I'd prefer Webseite (webpage) instead of Website. I have'nt seen the word website on german pages yet.

or less literatly:
LibraryThing ist eine neues Internetangebot für Bücherfreunde.

Okt. 8, 2006, 7:26 pm

Leseratte (reading-rat) sounds more positive than Bücherwurm (book-worm). Bücherwurm sounds ab bit like ivory-tower. I would'nt call someone older than 18 a Bücherwurm, except he/she has to read a lot for job or examens (specialized book). Leseratte is a fun-reader (more fiction). And if you're old enough you get bibliophil

Okt. 9, 2006, 4:59 am

msg 11 Cherubino: I just did a quick google search. Website comes up with 107 mio hits, Webseite with 66 Mio. So there are problems with the terminology here. According to Wikipedia, Webseite is actually the term for a single page (engl.: webpage), not for the whole "Internetpräsenz". So Cherubinos proposal "Internetangebot" seems a good alternative.

I second "Leseratte", btw!

Okt. 9, 2006, 5:44 am

Leseratte sounds awfully young to me. A Leseratte will probably discard the books already read. Bibliophil sounds good but is not in common usage.

In my opinion, Bücherfreunde has strange connotations of, paradoxically, both GDR socialist reading groups and commercial Bertelsmannish book clubs (with their terribly limited selections).

Instead of Internetangebot, what about Internetservice?

Bearbeitet: Okt. 9, 2006, 3:08 pm

Things change, DDR nowadays means "Double Data Rate" ;-)

OK, two more: Büchernarr and Buchliebhaber (what was the question anyway?) Aren't there many words for people that like reading in the german language! So why don't take two?

LibraryThing ist eine neue ... für (junge) Leseratten und (leidenschaftliche) Buchliebhaber.

btw, i did the german wikipedia-articel on LibraryThing, do you like it?