Found: 1600s-1800s Fiction YA/Adult book centered around witches?

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Found: 1600s-1800s Fiction YA/Adult book centered around witches?

Bearbeitet: Mai 22, 3:02 am

All I remember is the plot has something to do with witches. There’s a native american character in the book that has a romance with the main character towards the end end. His name might be Priest, and he rides a black horse. I remember there was a theme similar to "The Crucible" where young girls were dancing in the woods or something.
I also remember there was a preview of the next book included when you finished reading. It was set a few years later, with the main character and Priest married, and it’s stated that she cannot have children (i think she said something about a “barren womb”) Also she suspects her husband to be unfaithful to her with her younger sister, just because she’s noticed they’ve spent a lot more time together. The author’s first name might be “John” but I could be wrong. I read the book in 2016/2017 and I remember the cover of the book being all black.

Mai 22, 3:02 am

coming back almost a year later.. still desperate for an answer! haha

Mai 22, 9:47 am

>2 naranc1a: Could it be Salem‘s Vengeance or its sequels by Aaron Galvin? I haven‘t read them but it sounds like the one(s) you are looking for…

Mai 28, 5:50 am

>3 vroni: YES!!!! thank you so much i appreciate your response!!!!!!!!

Mai 28, 7:51 am

>4 naranc1a: You are welcome :-)