Barnes and Noble Library of Essential Writers

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Barnes and Noble Library of Essential Writers

Aug. 23, 2023, 2:02 pm

As big as this website is and as many people there are that occupy its halls, I can't fathom how this series is not mentioned more. It is amazing, cost efficient and looks wonderful on a shelf. The series contains very large and heavy hardcover volumes chronicling the name a few. Charles Dickens, Bram Stoker, Joseph Conrad, and many other classic lit works along with Victorian Era authors from the corridors of timelessness. The series is out of print and only in hardcover, but are readily available from many outlets...and the best thing. THEY ARE COMPLETLY UNABRIDGED. I would like to hear some positive feedback on some of these. I have them all.

Aug. 23, 2023, 2:27 pm

The publisher's series exists. You can add more books to it if you like.

Other than that, why would we want to talk about it?

Aug. 23, 2023, 2:33 pm

There are a variety of groups that talk about specialty presses:

Book Care and Repair, Book Collectors, Easton Press Collectors, Everyman's Library, Fine Press Forum, Folio Society Devotees, George Macy devotees, Library of America Subscribers, Slightly Foxed - An appreciation,

Aug. 23, 2023, 7:41 pm

I've noticed before, that series appears to have the best collected works by Saki of any listed in LT.

Bearbeitet: Aug. 24, 2023, 6:54 am

>4 Cecrow: Overall, it seems the works listed in the series are far superior to overpriced and exaggerated formats such as those from Easton Press. The Victor Hugo and James Fennimore Cooper are among the best. I never knew about Hugo's The Man Who Laughs. An absolutely mind boggling story. This series is huge and takes up the better part of an entire large shelf. I have the SAKI volume but have not read it yet. I Usually wage war on them in the winter months and am currently formulating a battle plan for the cold days. There are some authors I wish were included. Such as Ambroise Bierce