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Sherlock Holmes von Arthur Conan Doyle
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Sherlock Holmes (2017. Auflage)

von Arthur Conan Doyle (Autor)

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380769,847 (4.5)14
A leisurely research trip turns into a race against time when Professor Soames comes to Holmes and Watson with a bizarre mystery. Three students are suspected of cheating – can Holmes solve the case in time for the examination to go ahead?
Titel:Sherlock Holmes
Autoren:Arthur Conan Doyle (Autor)
Info:Audible Studios (2017)
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Sherlock Holmes von Arthur Conan Doyle

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Re: The Hound of the Baskervilles:

Of the Holmes I've read (which is some, but not a huge amount), this is my favorite. This was a reread, though it has been thirty years, I bet. Fry does an excellent job reading it (of course), and I think he elevates it with his enthusiastic (but not over-the-top) performance. I think this is a decent starting place if you have never tried Holmes stories before (and even more so if you have managed not to be spoiled for this story in particular). This is part of a complete collection of Sherlock Holmes read by Fry, and as I have the whole thing, I suspect I may dip into more of them. ~Feb 2024 ( )
  lycomayflower | Feb 25, 2024 |
Holmes és a vándorló sebhely

– Tudja, Holmes, valamit nem értek…
– Tudom, Watson. Önt azért fizetik, hogy valamit ne értsen, nekem meg el kelljen magyaráznom.
– Háhá. Milyen frappáns. Az is milyen frappáns lesz, amikor a kokainját kicserélem szódabikarbónára.
– Jól van na. Folytassa, kérem.
– Szóval itt van ez a vándorló sebhely. A Tanulmány vérvörösben c. epizódban még a vállamon volt az a fránya háborús sérülés, most meg a lábamon. Akkor hogy is van ez?
– Ne csináljon belőle nagy ügyet, kedves Watson. Nem várhatja el egy krimiírótól, hogy minden új munkája előtt újraolvassa a régebbieket.
– Aha. Értem. Viszont árulja el nekem őszintén: miért van az, hogy az első utamba kerülő fiatal nőbe, aki kicsit jobban néz ki, mint Picasso avignoni kisasszonyai, muszáj első blikkre beleszeretnem?
– Ezt se vegye a szívére, barátom. Mr. Doyle kénytelen volt valami érzelmi szálat bevinni a sztoriba, mert az írók már akkor is a hölgyolvasókból éltek. Az meg ugye kizárt, hogy engem, a drogfüggőt házasítson ki valakivel.
– Igaz… Akkor most már tényleg csak egyetlen kérdésem van. Ha maga rájött, hogy hol van a gyilkos elrejtett hajója, rajta a kinccsel, akkor miért nem foglalta el rögtön, miért kellett addig várnia, amíg órák múltán kifut a Temzére?
– Most komolyan azt hiszi, hogy Mr. Doyle kihagyta volna az írásművészet első hajós üldözését? Hát anélkül tök lapos lett volna a történet!
– Holmes, maga tényleg mindenre tudja a választ. De tudja mit? Mégis van valami, amivel képes vagyok Önt meglepni!
Azzal Watson hirtelen felpattant, ledobta álbajuszát… és máris ott áll Holmes előtt – SHERLOCK HOLMES!
– Jó, hát ez azért már tényleg hülyeség – mondta Sherlock Holmes. Az egyik. ( )
  Kuszma | Jul 2, 2022 |
Versión abreviada
  Daniel464 | Aug 22, 2021 |
This is quite excellent, although as noted by reviewer alanteder it is indeed missing "The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes." The 72 hour version is not available in the USA as of right now - I am guessing because in the US some of the stories in that book are still under copyright and we will have to wait until 2022 for them to be completely under public domain. Mental note to check back to see if it's available in the US at that time.

Stephen Fry's delivery is just phenomenal - I found myself laughing at parts of the humor that I hadn't really laughed at in the text, and staying in my car to listen to "just a few more minutes." I thoroughly recommend this. ( )
  g33kgrrl | May 14, 2019 |
Let the Buyer Beware: It is not the audiobook of the 9 books of the Complete Sherlock Holmes unless you have the 72-hour "Definitive Edition."

Careful if you are purchasing this from Audible Audio. The 63 hour edition ( is only 8 books and is missing the stories contained in 1927's "The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes." For the complete 9 books of Sherlock Holmes you have to be sure to get the 72 hour edition listed as "Sherlock Holmes: The Definitive Collection" (

Both versions are currently (May 2018 as of this writing) available at Audible USA, but initially it was only the incomplete one. This was likely due to some sort of copyright issue.

In any case, the introductions and the narration by Stephen Fry are excellent and this has to be the top audiobook recommendation. Even in this abridged edition it ends appropriately with "His Last Bow" in which the retired Holmes leaves his Sussex beehives and takes on a German spy network during World War One.

This was part of a 2 books for 1 credit deal at Audible several months ago, so it was a bargain at $7.50 even if it was only 8 of the complete 9 books. Audiobook listeners should be careful to read the small print and/or check the timings.

Trivia: 2 of the 9 Sherlock Holmes books are considered part of the "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die" list i.e. "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and "The Hound of the Baskervilles". ( )
1 abstimmen alanteder | May 29, 2018 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Arthur Conan DoyleHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Stephen FryErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt


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A leisurely research trip turns into a race against time when Professor Soames comes to Holmes and Watson with a bizarre mystery. Three students are suspected of cheating – can Holmes solve the case in time for the examination to go ahead?

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