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Man Walks Into a Room von Nicole Krauss
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Man Walks Into a Room (Original 2002; 2003. Auflage)

von Nicole Krauss

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,0553720,213 (3.26)44
A luminous and unforgettable first novel by an astonishing new voice in fiction, hailed by Esquire magazine as “one of America’s best young writers.” Samson Greene, a young and popular professor at Columbia, is found wandering in the Nevada desert. When his wife, Anna, comes to bring him home, she finds a man who remembers nothing, not even his own name. The removal of a small brain tumor saves his life, but his memories beyond the age of twelve are permanently lost. Here is the story of a keenly intelligent, sensitive man returned to a life in which everything is strange and new. An emigrant from his own life, set free from all that once defined him, Samson Greene believes he has nothing left to lose. So, when a charismatic scientist asks him to participate in a bold experiment, he agrees. Launched into a turbulent journey that takes him to the furthest extremes of solitude and intimacy, what he gains is nothing short of the revelation of what it means to be human.… (mehr)
Titel:Man Walks Into a Room
Autoren:Nicole Krauss
Info:Anchor (2003), Paperback, 256 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Literary Fiction


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Can you imagine losing your memory and not really wanting it back? This book could be alternatively titled How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Void. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Surprised me. Enjoyed this more than I was expecting, I think. ( )
  pearcare | Dec 22, 2022 |
Who would you be if you were unable to remember anything from the last 24 years? Sampson is found wandering in the Nevada desert with absolutely no recollection of his teen or adult years, including his relationship to his wife, whom he apparently loved very much. With his blank slate of a mind, he is recruited to be part of a cutting edge research project, but the understanding he hoped for remained elusive. His attempts to reinvent himself take him on a cross-country journey of discovery. ( )
  sleahey | Aug 10, 2021 |
Not quite history but a nice story about a man who has lost his memory. I am into these kinds of books and I wouldn't say this is the best of the genre but I did enjoy it thoroughly. ( )
  agdesilva | Feb 15, 2021 |
Wow. Read this book. I’m not going to be able to explain it properly, but it was compelling and deep. The protagonist loses 24 years of memory, which drives a wedge between him and his wife (no – more like a chasm, because there’s nothing there) who he no longer knows. His memories end at age 12, but he is able to make new ones. He volunteers for a charismatic doctor’s project to copy and paste memories from one brain to another which has, as they would put it on a dust jacket, “disastrous consequences.” This is a phrase that normally turns me off cold and makes me put a book back on the shelf, but I’m glad I checked this one out anyway because the consequences and their fallout (all of which are emotional) are written so deftly I hated the author a little bit. (Always a sure sign of good writing when I curse the author.) A quote, if I may: “And what is a life, Samson wondered now, without a witness?” Ugh – so many implications for writing, for reading, for memory, for relationships. ( )
  uhhhhmanda | Sep 5, 2019 |
Having introduced this straight-out-of-Philip-K.-Dick plot twist, Krauss leaves it unresolved, and fails to unite the myriad thematic strands involving memory and solitude, including many heavy-handed biblical allusions (not least the protagonist's name), into a coherent whole. Worse, Krauss seems to want to make each paragraph a poem: nearly every page contains a strained simile on the order of ''the dog crouched between them like a small country'' or ''Samson took out the Jack Daniel's that he'd been clutching to his chest like a wounded baby rabbit.''
hinzugefügt von SimoneA | bearbeitenNew York Times, Meredith Blum (Jul 28, 2002)
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And yet what else does it mean to be loved, Samson wondered, than to be understood? What else but to be profoundly touched by another?
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A luminous and unforgettable first novel by an astonishing new voice in fiction, hailed by Esquire magazine as “one of America’s best young writers.” Samson Greene, a young and popular professor at Columbia, is found wandering in the Nevada desert. When his wife, Anna, comes to bring him home, she finds a man who remembers nothing, not even his own name. The removal of a small brain tumor saves his life, but his memories beyond the age of twelve are permanently lost. Here is the story of a keenly intelligent, sensitive man returned to a life in which everything is strange and new. An emigrant from his own life, set free from all that once defined him, Samson Greene believes he has nothing left to lose. So, when a charismatic scientist asks him to participate in a bold experiment, he agrees. Launched into a turbulent journey that takes him to the furthest extremes of solitude and intimacy, what he gains is nothing short of the revelation of what it means to be human.

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