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Paleo Fitness: A Primal Training and…
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Paleo Fitness: A Primal Training and Nutrition Program to Get Lean, Strong and Healthy (2013. Auflage)

von Darryl Edwards (Autor), Brett Stewart (Mitwirkender), Jason Warner (Mitwirkender)

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255945,914 (4.3)Keine
GO BACK TO BASICS The best way to get a strong, lean physique is to eat and work out the way nature intended. Paleo Fitness guides you through the fitness and exercise plan anthropological evidence has proven to be the most efficient, healthiest way to live--work out in the real world, for the real world. A healthy, athletic physique is as easy as tuning in to how your body evolved. This book shows how to work out with functional, playful, and primal movements for: * improved strength, speed & stamina * greater mobility & flexibility * life-long fitness & good health Packed with step-by-step exercises, a two-week meal plan and delicious, satisfying, healthy recipes, Paleo Fitness helps you use the high-intensity methods proven to increase fitness in the shortest possible time.… (mehr)
Titel:Paleo Fitness: A Primal Training and Nutrition Program to Get Lean, Strong and Healthy
Autoren:Darryl Edwards (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Brett Stewart (Mitwirkender), Jason Warner (Mitwirkender)
Info:Ulysses Press (2013), Edition: 1, 176 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:Paleo, Paleo Fitness, Fitness, Exercise, Paleo Lifestyle


Paleo Fitness: A Primal Training and Nutrition Program to Get Lean, Strong and Healthy von Darryl Edwards

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Although I am not a native English speaker, this book was easy to follow. Finally I have found a book that is very logical and clear. What I really love about this book is that I discovered that breakfast can be more than just a few boiled eggs (which I have been used to eating for the last 2 years). Now I have a number of alternative, quick breakfasts. The structured meal plan makes the paleo diet easier to follow as it means I don't have to question is something Paleo or not. Lots of good recipe examples.

The exercises are a breath of fresh air, and are lots of fun. Simple movement can be so functional. It gives you ideas of how you can work out at home, without lots of equipment or lots of space and make it an amazing workout. You don't need a gym at home, you can go outside.

Reading about Darryl's story felt very similar to my situation, sitting all day in the office, lots of stress, not enough time to have proper lunch. It makes me realise I can succeed too, and it is worth trying to make healthier choices. ( )
  Neirnga | Jul 20, 2015 |
A great book covering natural movement, paleo fitness principles with a playful aspect. A great 12 week programme, meal plan and concepts written in a simple way for maximum engagement. I love it! ( )
  TedDavis | Jul 18, 2015 |
This was a great exercise book based on natural body movement with a Paleo twist. I loved the unique exercises offered in this book, similar to "Training for Warriors" by Martin Rooney. The exercises were simple, but very effective! I tried them out!) Most of the exercises were body weight and can easily be done right from at home. (The only thing you will need for some exercise is a pull-up bar, kettlebells, dumbbells, and possibly a parked car!)

The only problem I had was with the static nature of the program. There are specific exercises that are done on specific . I look for more programs that are a little flexible. There are customizations, but not enough for me. I prefer to pick and choose based on my needs and goals at the time.

The Paleo nutrition section is concise,but definitely helpful.

For me, the book is a perfect complement to Mark SIsson's "Primal BluePrint" book. Mark Sisson's program has days for cardio and the crawls and walks from this book.

I would not recommend this book for beginners yet but for more intermediate and advanced athlethes who are looking to add more variety to their workouts.

Pros: Easy to follow along exercises, Like the 2 Week Paleo Primer

Cons: Weekly schedule quite a bit of work and effort. A little hard to customize ( )
2 abstimmen thecharlesiwas | May 24, 2015 |
Extremely short book that gives no in depth information about its subject, which is to say that what the book says you can gather from free articles on the internet and for the recipes and exercise descriptions you might be even better off with youtube videos. Also in its few pages it repeats a lot of the same concepts over and over. ( )
  emed0s | Nov 10, 2013 |
The Paleo Diet and its numerous variations remains a hot topic these days with more and more cookbooks coming out on the topic. The exercise angle of the lifestyle is often ignored. Paleo Fitness Primal Training And Nutrition To Get Lean, Strong And Healthy addresses the exercise angle in conjunction with the diet.

Broken into three information parts, it opens with an “Overview” that explains what the Paleo diet is and is not. Benefits of this diet and lifestyle are discussed in general terms as well as other diet and health issues.

The opening short section is followed by “Part II: Paleo Nutrition” starting on page 19. Examples of what to eat and what to avoid (almost everything in my diet is a no) along with detailed explanations of the why are included here. Also present is information about fat loss, weight loss, and how to deal with high blood pressure by way of a Paleo lifestyle. A two week meal plan that covers breakfast, lunch, and dinner is included in this chapter.

Then it is on the primary focus of the book, exercise, with “Part Three: Paleo Workouts.” This section begins on page 33 with a discussion of terms relating to movement, fitness, and how you can make your daily routine part of your new activity regimen well as more comprehensive interval training. Along with tips to get started there are charts on a Monday through Sunday schedule for sequential weeks that move you up through the training levels. The point is to be varied during the week in your exercise and have fun while doing it.

Stretching and warming up was addressed earlier in this section and is again in “The Exercises” part of this section starting on page 70. In addition to the numerous tips, technique pointers, and other information, there are numerous black and white pictures showing the correct posture and movements to make during warm-ups and exercise. Pictures are a very important part of this book and the black and white pictures throughout the book very helpfully illustrate the points made in the text. The text and pictures take you from stretching, through the basic moves that provide the foundation of the exercise program, such as “squats” and “lunges” as well as the “resisted arm press” and back extension,” into more advanced exercises as you gain strength and flexibility. The cool down is an important part of your workout and advice on that is here too as it concludes this section.

The appendix follows with a piece on “Measurements for Health” fill in the blank sheets where you can track your own progress, a number of recipes, and a list of FAQs.

That is followed by a six page resource section and a four page index as well as author biographies brings the comprehensive book to a close.

Paleo Fitness Primal Training And Nutrition To Get Lean, Strong And Healthy is a well done 180 page book that effectively brings exercise and diet together. Through the use of the straight forward text that explains clearly the material that is covered as well as the black and white illustrations and photography, the book explains well how to go about making changes necessary for better health. Another very nice feature is the “lay-flat binding” which really does allow readers to open the book to any page and have it lay flatly open for ease of use. Released earlier this year by Ulysses Press the book provides a wealth of information and plenty of inspirational motivation to get with the program.

Paleo Fitness Primal Training And Nutrition To Get Lean, Strong And Healthy
Darryl Edwards, Brett Stewart, and Jason Warner
Ulysses Press
June 2013
ISBN# 978-1-61243-165-9
Paperback (also available as an e-book)
176 Pages

Review copy provided by Kourtney Joy of the publisher in exchange for my objective review.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2013
Mind Slices and Carpathian Shadows, Volume II ( )
2 abstimmen kevinrtipple | Sep 22, 2013 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Darryl EdwardsHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Stewart, BrettHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Warner, JasonHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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GO BACK TO BASICS The best way to get a strong, lean physique is to eat and work out the way nature intended. Paleo Fitness guides you through the fitness and exercise plan anthropological evidence has proven to be the most efficient, healthiest way to live--work out in the real world, for the real world. A healthy, athletic physique is as easy as tuning in to how your body evolved. This book shows how to work out with functional, playful, and primal movements for: * improved strength, speed & stamina * greater mobility & flexibility * life-long fitness & good health Packed with step-by-step exercises, a two-week meal plan and delicious, satisfying, healthy recipes, Paleo Fitness helps you use the high-intensity methods proven to increase fitness in the shortest possible time.

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