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Mason Jar Salads and More: 50 Layered Lunches to Grab and Go

von Julia Mirabella

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902310,223 (3.5)Keine
SALAD MAGIC IN A MASON JAR Discover the coolest way to pack a tasty, healthy lunch! Mason Jar Salads and More shows how to prepare on-the-go meals that are packed with fresh produce and whole foods. The tasty recipes and gorgeous full-color photos in this book will show you how to create amazing dishes, including: *Pomegranate and pear salad *Pesto tortellini with cherry tomatoes *Crunchy Asian salad *Spinach, blueberry and blue cheese salad *Curried chicken salad *Kale and avocado salad *Porcini mushroom risotto *Overnight oatmeal with fruit *Green bean and feta salad… (mehr)
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Beautiful photos, but if you think your mason jar lunch is going to stay pretty - or be easy to eat - you're fooling yourself. ( )
  kmajort | Feb 9, 2018 |
I have looked at many books on Mason Jar Salads and I have to rate this one as the best. The author’s information about the how’s and why’s of jar salads is concise and to the point. I loved the step by step pictorial of how to assemble one. She also shares some special tips I had not seen or thought of.
As a widow I struggle with not only eating, but eating healthy. The publisher’s book Muffin Tin Chef was a big help in cooking for me. But I have found myself as time goes on wanting something FAST and EASY; the latter meaning little effort. Let’s face it, 99% of the time, fast does not equal healthy. This book fits both of those needs and throws in HEALTHY too!
The pictures are wonderful! The visuals really help me in picking a recipe, and every recipe has one. They are all very practical and down to earth, yet creative and tasty. Any ingredient I might not like or don’t have are easily substituted. Tips are dispersed throughout the book to make your jar salads even better.
The book includes recipes for breakfast, salads (of course), lunches, meals you can heat in the jar, snacks and dips, and dressings. With 50 recipes you are promised lots of variety to choose from!
Since motivation is an issue, I like having something premade and ready to eat for several meals. Not only will I get the nutrition I need, but also feel good about having eaten period! I wonderful book everyone should own!
I received a copy of this book free from Ulysses Press . I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” ( )
  Mizroady | Jan 16, 2016 |
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SALAD MAGIC IN A MASON JAR Discover the coolest way to pack a tasty, healthy lunch! Mason Jar Salads and More shows how to prepare on-the-go meals that are packed with fresh produce and whole foods. The tasty recipes and gorgeous full-color photos in this book will show you how to create amazing dishes, including: *Pomegranate and pear salad *Pesto tortellini with cherry tomatoes *Crunchy Asian salad *Spinach, blueberry and blue cheese salad *Curried chicken salad *Kale and avocado salad *Porcini mushroom risotto *Overnight oatmeal with fruit *Green bean and feta salad

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