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von Asli Perker

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Three troubled lives, one cookbook: a recipe for self-discovery . . . Lilia wakes up one morning to discover that her marriage is not what it seemed. Marc cannot face his empty apartment after the loss of his beloved. Ferda struggles with the demands of family life, but all she wants is to follow her passion: to cook with freedom for the people she truly loves. In this sweeping story, taking in the streets and markets of New York, Paris and Istanbul, courage and desire begin to stir through three very different people. ‘A modern Turkish writer with the subtle, steady gaze of Balzac. With quiet brilliance, Asli Perker shows how couples and families from Paris to the Philippines cope with sudden catastrophic loss. And at the heart of the book, balancing loss, there is always food: warming, adding flavour, expressing love and celebration.’ Maggie Gee OBE… (mehr)
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This book follows three separate people whose lives crash in around them unexpectedly and who have to find a way to go on. Lilia in the United States, Marc in Paris and Ferda in Istanbul - their stories are unconnected except that at one point they all buy the same cookbook. I found this mainly a sad story although there is some hope for (not all of) the main characters in the end. I loved how the book explored the importance of food and family. I was, however, quite upset by how the storyline of one of the characters ended. So, not quite a souffle of a book but one that is easy to read and still provides some food for thought. ( )
1 abstimmen PennyAnne | Jan 16, 2015 |
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Three troubled lives, one cookbook: a recipe for self-discovery . . . Lilia wakes up one morning to discover that her marriage is not what it seemed. Marc cannot face his empty apartment after the loss of his beloved. Ferda struggles with the demands of family life, but all she wants is to follow her passion: to cook with freedom for the people she truly loves. In this sweeping story, taking in the streets and markets of New York, Paris and Istanbul, courage and desire begin to stir through three very different people. ‘A modern Turkish writer with the subtle, steady gaze of Balzac. With quiet brilliance, Asli Perker shows how couples and families from Paris to the Philippines cope with sudden catastrophic loss. And at the heart of the book, balancing loss, there is always food: warming, adding flavour, expressing love and celebration.’ Maggie Gee OBE

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