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Wir alle sind Sternenstaub: Gespräche mit Wissenschaftlern über die Rätsel unserer Existenz

von Stefan Klein

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1135249,619 (3.91)1
Biography & Autobiography. Essays. Science. Nonfiction. HTML:

A sterling roster of natural and social scientists in conversation with top-flight journalist Stefan Klein—shedding new light on their work, their lives, and what they still hope to discover

When acclaimed science writer Stefan Klein asks Nobel Prize–winning chemist Roald Hoffmann what sets scientists apart, Hoffmann says, "First and foremost, curiosity." In this collection of intimate conversations with nineteen of the world's best-known scientists (including three Nobel Laureates), Klein lets us listen in as today's leading minds reveal what they still hope to discover—and how their paradigm-changing work entwines with their lives outside the lab.

From the sports car that physicist Steven Weinberg says helped him on his quest for "the theory of everything" to the jazz musicians who gave psychologist Alison Gopnik new insight into raising children, these scientists explain how they find inspiration everywhere.

Hear from renowned scientists including:

  • evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins on selfishness,
  • anthropologist Sarah Hrdy on motherhood,
  • primatologist Jane Goodall on animal behavior,
  • neuroscientist V. S. Ramachandran on consciousness,
  • geographer Jared Diamond on chance in history, and
  • many other luminaries.
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With a title like that I was expecting the worst but this turned out to be a very engaging and informative set of interviews a not a string of trite soundbites about how wonderful the world is. I wish the interviews were longer! ( )
  Paul_S | Dec 23, 2020 |
I've been a humanities person ever since high school, but I love reading science. The breadth of these interviewees drew me in to fascinating research and personal outlooks of scientists. The only ding I'd give the book is the imaginary Leonardo da Vinci interview that forms the final chapter. ( )
  nicholasjjordan | Nov 13, 2019 |
'We are all stardust' is a real book where scientists speak of their thoughts in the capacity of a regular person. There is no unnecessary and complex scientific jargon or terms and concepts that the reader will feign upon. I feel engulfed with a buoyant energy after reading Dr. Jane Goodall's interview with the writer. It's wonderful to hear scientists talk of poetry of molecules and ideas like "our well-being depends on our friends and their friends", or that "love is the offspring of knowledge", about immortality, on empathy, the human genome and memory or if luxury is immoral?

It is indeed nice to read how small events from their childhood or as youngsters stirred their way of interpreting science. I loved the easy going natural direction of their conversations. I re-read the book twice. It's a delightful keepsake and a remembrance of the complexities yet astounding nature of this living world we inhabit. ( )
  Sharayu_Gangurde | Jan 19, 2017 |
Absolutely fascinating! I loved this book. Truly amazing people in their specific scientific fields, looking for the answers to some of life's most challenging questions. Some discussions were above my level of understanding, but none the less, interesting reading as we hurtle into our futures. ( )
  PriscillaM | Dec 11, 2016 |
Probably the most wondrous thing in the world is to hear the answers to the questions you never knew you wanted to ask. Set up in an interview style, Klein pushes the conversation where he needs to ask the questions he wants, but he plot is really non-existent. The best way to learn why someone loves something is through just talking to them about it. If you find yourself unable to talk to Jared Diamond or Jane Goodall, this book is definitely a great alternative into getting inside the heads of some of the world’s greatest minds. ( )
  DanaKrauss | Jan 21, 2016 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Stefan KleinHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Benjamin, RossÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Biography & Autobiography. Essays. Science. Nonfiction. HTML:

A sterling roster of natural and social scientists in conversation with top-flight journalist Stefan Klein—shedding new light on their work, their lives, and what they still hope to discover

When acclaimed science writer Stefan Klein asks Nobel Prize–winning chemist Roald Hoffmann what sets scientists apart, Hoffmann says, "First and foremost, curiosity." In this collection of intimate conversations with nineteen of the world's best-known scientists (including three Nobel Laureates), Klein lets us listen in as today's leading minds reveal what they still hope to discover—and how their paradigm-changing work entwines with their lives outside the lab.

From the sports car that physicist Steven Weinberg says helped him on his quest for "the theory of everything" to the jazz musicians who gave psychologist Alison Gopnik new insight into raising children, these scientists explain how they find inspiration everywhere.

Hear from renowned scientists including:

evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins on selfishness, anthropologist Sarah Hrdy on motherhood, primatologist Jane Goodall on animal behavior, neuroscientist V. S. Ramachandran on consciousness, geographer Jared Diamond on chance in history, and many other luminaries. .

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