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Penric and the Shaman von Lois McMaster…
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4442758,412 (4.09)75
Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. In this novella set in the World of the Five Gods and four years after the events in Penric's Demon, Penric is a divine of the Bastard's Order as well as a sorcerer and scholar, living in the palace where the Princess-Archdivine holds court. His scholarly work is interrupted when the Archdivine agrees to send Penric, in his role as sorcerer, to accompany a "Locator" of the Father's Order, assigned to capture Inglis, a runaway shaman charged with the murder of his best friend. However, the situation they discover in the mountains is far more complex than expected. Penric's roles as sorcerer, strategist, and counselor are all called upon before the end.Bujold delivers an astonishing tale that is not soon forgotten.… (mehr)
Titel:Penric and the Shaman
Autoren:Lois McMaster Bujold (Autor)
Info:Subterranean (2017), Edition: Deluxe Hardcover, 216 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Penric and the Shaman von Lois McMaster Bujold

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Loved this one too, though I wish those were longer. A few years have passed and Penric is now a bit wiser but still very much learning. ( )
  FlorenceArt | Jul 18, 2024 |
I had a little understanding of what a shaman in the world of the five Gods is, having read the three books starting with the [Curse of Chalion]. I enjoyed this story, again wishing it was longer, and the dogs were my favorite characters. A line stuck in my head about praying in front of altars and not to them. I might find the exact quote later. ( )
  elorin | Apr 1, 2024 |
This second novella in the Penric & Desdemona series starts several years after the first one ("Penric's Demon"). Penric has become a divine in the Bastard's order as well as the scholar he had wanted to be as a boy and, of course, a sorcerer due to his possession of the demon Desdemona. I really enjoyed Pen's interactions with Desdemona & also the 2 new characters introduced in this book - Locator Oswyl (from the Father's order) & Shaman Inglis.

Grover Gardner is magnificent narrating these stories... ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
Lois McMaster Bujolds writing is always smooth and engaging, and her Five Gods world as engrossing as her other creations.
The stories of Penric are fairly straightforward and low stake, but has a lot of heart, not least due to the very personable character of Penric, and his unflinching kindness and willingness to be charitable towards the world and ability to make the best of the situation.
Reading this story is like a warm embrace and rather entertaining.
Penric is invited along on a manhunt for a fugitive shaman, and ends up finding him, saving the soul of several recently deceased from sundering in the process.
The descriptions of the rural mountain life that they encounter in their search is reminiscent of the rural setting of some of the Naismith/Barrayar settings, but wholly its own. ( )
  amberwitch | Apr 10, 2023 |
I am loving these stories, and the language is entrancing. ( )
  OhDhalia13 | Apr 9, 2023 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Bujold, Lois McMasterHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Gardner, GroverErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Saint-Onge, LaurenUmschlagillustrationCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt


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Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. In this novella set in the World of the Five Gods and four years after the events in Penric's Demon, Penric is a divine of the Bastard's Order as well as a sorcerer and scholar, living in the palace where the Princess-Archdivine holds court. His scholarly work is interrupted when the Archdivine agrees to send Penric, in his role as sorcerer, to accompany a "Locator" of the Father's Order, assigned to capture Inglis, a runaway shaman charged with the murder of his best friend. However, the situation they discover in the mountains is far more complex than expected. Penric's roles as sorcerer, strategist, and counselor are all called upon before the end.Bujold delivers an astonishing tale that is not soon forgotten.

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