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Get Shorty von Elmore Leonard
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Get Shorty (Original 1990; 2002. Auflage)

von Elmore Leonard

Reihen: Chili Palmer (1)

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2,411486,603 (3.72)176
Chili Palmer, a Miami loan shark, pursues a mark, who's behind in payments, to Las Vegas and then to Hollywood where Harry Zimm has gambled away the $200,000 earmarked for his next production.
Titel:Get Shorty
Autoren:Elmore Leonard
Info:HarperTorch (2002), Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz


Schnappt Shorty. von Elmore Leonard (1990)

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My response is that either I do not understand this book or it isn't very good. The characters behaved like no human beings I've ever met or read about. What happens when a hoodlum breaks into a house in the middle of the night? Does the owner call the police? He gets entangled in a very long and meandering conversation about movies.

The discussion leads to several tense situations. Chili is a stone-cold gangster who knows how to handle every situation. The man outwits, outfights, and out talks everyone. It's a boring story with an unlikable character and too little at stake.

Towards the end of the book, there were some hilarious parts, but not enough for me to enjoy it. ( )
  onlyfiction | Aug 31, 2023 |
After reading City Primeval several years ago (also for the 1001 list), I told myself I had to read more Elmore Leonard, he is such a good writer. But somehow he fell by the wayside--until I recently checked Get Shorty out of the library, and had a similar reaction: Elmore Leonard is such a good writer--read more by him.

Here, the plot revolves around a dry cleaner who has cheated the airlines out of $300,000 and taken off for Las Vegas leaving his wife behind. He's also left behind a mountain of debt to a loan shark, and Chili Palmer, debt collector for the loan shark takes off after the dry cleaner. Chili ends up in Hollywood where he comes across Harry Zimm, producer of sleazeball movies, and Chili decides it would be more fun to be a movie producer than a loan collector. What a ride it is.

And apparently there is a sequel to this gem.

3 1/2 stars

After reading this book, I watched the movie made from the book which stars John Travolta. I don't think I ever watched the movie before because I wasn't a John Travolta fan. The movie was okay, but really doesn't capture the full genius of the book, and what a great character Chili Palmer is. ( )
  arubabookwoman | Aug 16, 2023 |
Being a huge fan of the movie, it was risky for me to read this book. If the book is better, the movie is tainted; if the movie is better, then it's a bummer and waste of time. Fortunately the book is just as good, funny, and exciting as the movie. ( )
  blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
It had been a while since I read "Get Shorty", but had seen the movie or parts of the movie multiple times. As to be expected the book is much better (but isn't that the way it alway seems to be) ( )
  bjkelley | Mar 5, 2023 |
Fast paced, engaging and fun!

Having seen the John Travolta film numerous times and loved it, I was curious how far it strays from the novel. For those familiar with Leonard, you know he specializes in unique approaches to crime and this one is right up his alley. While the movie is filled with humor, the book is focused on the movie trade and how ideas make it to the screen. Rather than go into character portrayals, plot lines and story that are different from the film, suffice it to say it's a deep chasm. Chili Palmer is a terrific character and would love to see him show up in other stories, though Elmore did bring him back in Be Cool. Unlike most crime plots there are few if any twists, but they're really unnecessary since this is character driven. In closing this is the first ebook I've read that includes a synopsis of every book by the author, an interview and writing tips! A great story and well worth reading! ( )
  Jonathan5 | Feb 20, 2023 |
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For Walter Mirisch, one of the good guys
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When Chili first came to Miami Beach twelve years ago they were having one of their off-and-on cold winters: thirty-four degrees the day he met Tommy Carlo for lunch at Vesuvio's on South Collins and had his leather jacket ripped off.
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Chili Palmer, a Miami loan shark, pursues a mark, who's behind in payments, to Las Vegas and then to Hollywood where Harry Zimm has gambled away the $200,000 earmarked for his next production.

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Durchschnitt: (3.72)
0.5 3
1 7
2 23
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3 140
3.5 39
4 227
4.5 11
5 89

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