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Lucky: A Memoir von Alice Sebold
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Lucky: A Memoir (Original 1999; 2002. Auflage)

von Alice Sebold

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
5,8381161,795 (3.76)152
In this memoir, Alice Sebold reveals how her life was transformed when at age 18 she was raped and beaten in a park near her college campus.
Titel:Lucky: A Memoir
Autoren:Alice Sebold
Info:Back Bay Books (2002), Paperback
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz
Tags:Memoir, Gay/Lesbian, Sexual abuse, memoir, gay-lesbian, sexual, abuse, to-read


Glück gehabt von Alice Sebold (1999)

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This book was so mesmerizing, I stood next to my bed to read the last 1/2 hour of it.

I know it seems odd to describe a book about rape and its aftermath as uplifting, but honestly, this was a great read. She really opens up about what happened to her, what the trial was like, and her family and friends seemed so real; her descriptions are so lifelike. Well worth a read. ( )
  jennievh | Sep 18, 2024 |
Attenzione: questa recensione è stata scritta prima che uscisse la notizia che Anthony Broadwater non è stato l’uomo che ha violentato Sebold nel 1980.

Ero fortunata; la gente teneva per me.

In questa frase c’è tutta l’essenza di questo memoir nel quale Alice Sebold racconta del suo stupro e di quello che ne è seguito; di come sia facile non essere credute subito quando si denuncia una violenza sessuale; di come nessunə ti crederà mai se non rispetti i requisiti della vittima ideale.

Quando fu violentata, Sebold era vergine, non indossava vestiti provocanti, era una tranquilla studentessa, veniva da una famiglia acculturata; aveva provato a difendersi e il suo corpo portava diverse tracce di violenza; il suo stupratore era un uomo nero con dei precedenti. Basta essere un agnello aggredito (o, addirittura, ucciso) da un lupo cattivo e la gente sarà dalla tua parte.

E se non lo sei?

Sebold non lo dice mai esplicitamente, ma non ha bisogno di farlo: i fatti parlano da soli. Ancora troppa gente (e molta ricopre ruoli istituzionali) non è disposta a credere alle vittime e a ritenere responsabile lo stupratore. Ancora troppa gente ritiene la donna violentata parimenti, o interamente, colpevole della violenza subita perché i suoi atteggiamenti non sono stati abbastanza innocenti, i suoi vestiti abbastanza casti, la sua vita sessuale abbastanza morigerata. Come se la donna più disinibita e provocante andasse in giro non aspettando altro che poter essere violentata. Come se la pudicizia abbia mai salvato una donna dalla violenza degli uomini.

Fa incazzare pensare che ancora oggi Sebold sarebbe una donna fortunata: per essere sopravvissuta alla violenza sessuale, per aver trovato le parole per raccontarla e per aver trovato persone disposte ad ascoltarla e crederle. Fortunata in circostanze dove non dovrebbe esserci fortuna, ma una rete di solidarietà pronta ad accogliere e sostenere le vittime.

E invece… ( )
  lasiepedimore | Jan 11, 2024 |
Wow. What a book. This is the true story of the author's brutal rape and her recovery. She is so brutally honest and the book was so detailed that I could not put it down. The description of the rape was hard to read in such detail but I think it was important for the book for the readers to be able to relate even a little bit to her story. Hearing how her relationships changed with her friends and family was difficult to imagine. One scene that really stood out for me was when she tried to get her father to understand what happened to her and why she didn't fight more. People so often judge and blame the victim. In this book, she talks about that frequently and how she actually tried to protect others from their discomfort. She was lucky to have a lot of support and one teacher that helped her have the strength to face her attacker in court and actually convict him. This was a book of strength and courage. It was well worth the read ( )
  KyleneJones | Jan 3, 2024 |
Heartbreaking. Tough. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us. ( )
  lyrrael | Aug 3, 2023 |
Este es el testimonio real, sobrecogedor y al tiempo agudo de Alice Sebold, autora de la novela de gran éxito Desde mi cielo. Cuando Alice Sebold tenía dieciocho años fue brutalmente violada en un parque cerca de la universidad donde estudiaba. Lo que se recoge en estas memorias es la crónica de la superación de un espíritu indomable, una mujer que lucha por encontrar la aceptación y entendimiento de su familia y amigos. Alice Sebold, autora y protagonista de este trágico episodio, obtiene un triunfo demoledor: consigue que arresten a su agresor y le condenen. Y, además, alcanza algo tan importante como que se haga justicia: salvarse a sí misma, dándonos una lección de sabiduría ante la superación de un trauma.
  Natt90 | Mar 24, 2023 |
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In the tunnel where I was raped, a tunnel that was once an underground entry to an amphitheater, a place where actors burst forth from underneath the seats of a crowd, a girl had been murdered and dismembered.
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No one can pull anyone back from anywhere. You save yourself or you remain unsaved.
“Poetry is not an attitude. It is hard work.” (Quoting Tess Gallagher)
“Memory could save . . . it had power . . . it was often the only recourse of the powerless, the oppressed, or the brutalized.” (Referring to Tobias Wolff’s own story, This Boy’s Life)
“You never get over some things.”
From an interview with Alice Sebold that is published as a supplement in the back of the book:

Question: People often wonder if writing is therapeutic. If you’re writing about a trauma, does that help the pain of the trauma recede? Susie in the novel [a different book] says something like every time she tells her story, a drop of the pain goes away. But as a writer who’s written about your own trauma and then written a fictionalized version of a similar trauma, is writing therapeutic or do you think that that’s really the wrong way to approach it anyway?

Answer: My feeling is that therapy is for therapy and that writing can be therapeutic, but therapeutic writing should not be published. My job as a writer is to go through the therapy myself and, if I manage to get through it and I feel I have something to share from that, to share it with my audience or my readers. But I don’t write novels and seek to have them published so that I can get therapy from having written them. That’s really the responsibility of an individual to do outside the context of their published work.
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In this memoir, Alice Sebold reveals how her life was transformed when at age 18 she was raped and beaten in a park near her college campus.

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