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The Secret Lives of Men: What Men Want You to Know About Love, Sex, and Relationships

von Christopher Blazina Ph.D.

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Say Goodbye to Guessing Games, Communication Conflicts, One-sided Conversations, 'Dry Spells,' and Silent Treatments For centuries women have been trying to put into words what perplexes them most about men. However, the inner world of the male's psyche continues to succeed in outwitting women, and The Secret Lives of Men is the long-awaited antidote that unravels the mysteries that keep women from enjoying true connection and authentic relationships with the men in their lives, whether they be husbands, partners, sons, fathers, or friends. In this provocative and pivotal book, male psychology expert, researcher, and professor, Christopher Blazina, Ph.D., contends that contrary to popular belief, men really do want to be understood, not cast aside as unemotional, backward thinking, desensitized, or 'clueless'--and they desire to connect with others. With unbiased compassion and true understanding of the needs of both men and women, Dr. Blazina offers techniques and prescriptions for navigating the emotional, physical, and intellectual realms of the male psyche at all stages of his life. Through The Secret Lives of Men you will: Discover the 'Ten Commandments of Growing Up Male' Learn about the secret shoebox and how to get him to unlock this 'holy of holies' Have a better sex life and get on the same page about what feels hot and what does not Identify the 'proper,' effective ways to give feedback to a man Avoid the major relationship landmines and let healthy conflict deepen relationships Men have secret lives, and they are complex and multidimensional. The Secret Lives of Men serves as a bridge between you and the men you want to know and understand.… (mehr)
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This book was a little hard reading to begin -- not the subject matter, but the way it was presented. Or, perhaps, I came with baggage and expected it to go a certain way. Regardless, I was soon drawn in to realize and appreciate many things about the men in my life, what drives me to them and what drives me crazy. Get one for you, and one for the man in your life. ( )
  jocraddock | Feb 3, 2009 |
I received a copy of The Secret Lives of Men: What Men Want You to Know About Love, Sex and Relationships from the author Christopher Blazina, who took pity on me following my surgery to correct a detached retina, and promised to send me a copy to read while recovering. Unfortunately, the book arrived long after I had returned to work, but I still looked forward to reading it. So a big thank you to the author for following through on his promise.

TBH, self-help and guides to better living are not generally my thing. I do take a certain pride in the fact that I think things through as much as I can, and also discuss things very frankly with my better half. However, you can never know enough and different perspectives can be quite illuminating. So I approached the book with an optimistic and open mind.

To be honest, while the title of the book concerns itself with males, both sexes can learn valuable lessons from this book as the author takes an unbiased approach. He aims to teach the important people in a man's life on how to connect and interact in a meaningful way. The author states the 10 commandments of being male and the pressures and fear that face modern men on a regular basis.

My only complaint is that the book is possibly too long. A shorter snappier book might be easier for people to complete and digest. However, it is an interesting take on how to emotionally connect with an important person in your life. ( )
  dudara | Nov 28, 2008 |
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Say Goodbye to Guessing Games, Communication Conflicts, One-sided Conversations, 'Dry Spells,' and Silent Treatments For centuries women have been trying to put into words what perplexes them most about men. However, the inner world of the male's psyche continues to succeed in outwitting women, and The Secret Lives of Men is the long-awaited antidote that unravels the mysteries that keep women from enjoying true connection and authentic relationships with the men in their lives, whether they be husbands, partners, sons, fathers, or friends. In this provocative and pivotal book, male psychology expert, researcher, and professor, Christopher Blazina, Ph.D., contends that contrary to popular belief, men really do want to be understood, not cast aside as unemotional, backward thinking, desensitized, or 'clueless'--and they desire to connect with others. With unbiased compassion and true understanding of the needs of both men and women, Dr. Blazina offers techniques and prescriptions for navigating the emotional, physical, and intellectual realms of the male psyche at all stages of his life. Through The Secret Lives of Men you will: Discover the 'Ten Commandments of Growing Up Male' Learn about the secret shoebox and how to get him to unlock this 'holy of holies' Have a better sex life and get on the same page about what feels hot and what does not Identify the 'proper,' effective ways to give feedback to a man Avoid the major relationship landmines and let healthy conflict deepen relationships Men have secret lives, and they are complex and multidimensional. The Secret Lives of Men serves as a bridge between you and the men you want to know and understand.

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