
Robert Boyle (1) (1627–1691)

Autor von Der skeptische Chemiker

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76+ Werke 298 Mitglieder 6 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Born in Munster, Ireland, of English parents, Robert Boyle was among the earliest scientists who studied nature and drew conclusions justified by experiments. A son of a wealthy man, he received a good education. In 1654 he set up a laboratory in Oxford, England, and hired Robert Hooke (1634-1703) mehr anzeigen as his laboratory assistant. Boyle and Hooke designed a greatly improved air pump, which enabled them to study the behavior of air by creating a sufficient vacuum. In 1660 Boyle published Spring and Weight of the Air in which he articulated Boyle's Law, describing the inverse relationship between the temperature and the pressure of a gas. In 1661 Boyle published The Sceptical Chymist in which he challenged the alchemists' belief in the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. He also attacked the three principles of Paracelsus: salt, sulfur, and mercury. Boyle also studied the relationship between air and combustion and the respiration of animals, and reported his findings in Suspicions about Some Hidden Qualities of the Air (1674). However, the discovery of oxygen would wait for Joseph Priestley. Boyle experimented with the calcination of tin in a sealed container, but, because he weighed only the resultant tin oxide, he did not get sufficient data to interpret the results accurately. When the tin oxide weighed more than the original tin, he theorized that a substance had passed into the glass container. Lavoisier later repeated the experiment, weighed the container, and realized that something in the air had combined with the tin. With his discovery of Boyle's Law, Boyle became somewhat of a celebrity and enjoyed the favor of King Charles II. Boyle contributed to the founding of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge in 1662. Boyle died in London in 1691. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen
Bildnachweis: The Shannon Portrait of the Hon. Robert Boyle F. R. S. (1627-1691), by Johann Kerseboom [credit: Chemical Heritage Foundation]


Werke von Robert Boyle

Der skeptische Chemiker (1661) 111 Exemplare
The works of Robert Boyle (1999) 11 Exemplare
Human Blood (1990) 8 Exemplare
Boyle on atheism (2016) 2 Exemplare
Opere (1977) 1 Exemplar
Some motives 1 Exemplar
Robert Boyle 1 Exemplar
Collected Works 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

Reading Philosophy: Selected Texts with a Method for Beginners (2002) — Mitwirkender — 59 Exemplare





This Classics of Science Library edition (1997) is a beautifully bound volume that one can read with turning the book to scraps. The binding is fake leather and the edges are gilded, making it both attractive and robust. Original published in 1661.
hcubic | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 28, 2020 |
Facsimile reprint. Orig. published London : printed by E. Flesher for R. Davis bookseller in Oxford, 1675 Obtainable from Dr. R.T. Gunther, Curator of the Lewis Evans Collection, at the Old Ashmolean, Oxford.fragile condition
ME_Dictionary | Mar 20, 2020 |
ajapt | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 30, 2018 |

To the Countess of Warwick

My Dear Sister,

I expect you should somewhat wonder, that after
having for above eleven years been careful to keep this
following letter from the public view, and that too
notwithstanding the solicitation (not to say importunity) of
diverse illustrious persons, and even your commands to
release it from its confinement; I should now at length
give way to its passing abroad into the World, and its
making you a public and solemn address. Wherefore
judging myself obliged to give you an account of a paper,
for which you have been long pleased to highly and so
obligingly to concern yourself, I must, to remove your
wonder, inform you, that I am reduced to this publication
in my own defense. For, whilst I was far from dreaming
of permitting this epistle to pass out of my closet, it
happened, that a broken copy ofit did (by Iknow not what
misfortune for me) fall into the hands of a necessitous
person, who would needs persuade himself, that by
printing it, he might relieve some of his present wants;
and thereupon proffered to sell the copy for a sum of
money. But, my good fortune leading him to a stationer,
to whom my name was not unknown, he very civilly sent
me forthwith notice of the proposition that was made him,
and after came himself to acquaint me, that the copy
about which he had been treated with, being but one of
two or three that were then abroad, some or other of them
would, questionless, soon find the way to the press. This
… (mehr)
FundacionRosacruz | Mar 27, 2018 |

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