Autoren-Cloud für CharlieCappo

Martin G. Abegg(1) Kōbō Abe(1) J. J. Abrams(1) Elliot Ackerman(1) Douglas Adams(1) James Agee(1) Benjamin Ajak(1) Sherman Alexie(1) Dante Alighieri(1) David Almond(1) Rebecca Nichols Alonzo(1) Stephen E. Ambrose(1) Yehuda Amichai(1) Kingsley Amis(1) Martin Amis(1) Niccolò Ammaniti(1) Paul Thomas Anderson(2) Mr Tomi Arayomi(1) Norman Arlott(1) John Ashbery(1) Isaac Asimov(1) Marcus Aurelius(1) John Ayto(1) H. A. Baker(1) Neil Baldwin(1) Timothy Ballard(1) John Banville(1) William Barclay(1) Kenneth L. Barker(1) Nicola Barker(1) Pat Barker(1) Ian Barnes(1) David Baron(3) John M. Barry(1) David Barton(2) Charles Baxter(1) Trace Beaulieu(1) Ulrike Becks-Malorny(1) David A. Bell(1) Saul Bellow(1) Kevin Belmonte(1) Mike Bender(1) William J. Bennett(1) Thomas Berger(1) Jonathan Bernis(1) John Bevere(2) James Beverley(1) G. C. Bevington(1) Crossway Bibles(1) Mike Bickle(1) Mark Biltz(1) Michael F. Bird(1) Del Birkey(1) Capt. Dale Black(1) Michael Blake(1) Benjamin Blech(1) Harold Bloom(8) Lesley M. M. Blume(1) Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt(1) Robert Bolt(1) Mikki Bond(1) Dan Bongino(1) Dietrich Bonhoeffer(1) Reinhard Bonnke(1) Richard Booker(1) Corrie ten Boom(1) Daniel Boorstin(1) Mark Booth(1) Jorge Luis Borges(3) Alain de Botton(1) Jim Bouton(1) Ray Bradbury(1) Taylor Branch(1) Dean Braxton(1) Dean A. Braxton(1) Mario Brelich(1) Bill Bright(1) Billye Brim(1) Harold Brodkey(1) Geraldine Brooks(1) David Jay Brown(1) Robert Browning(1) Michael L. Brown(1) Tom Brown, Jr.(1) F. F. Bruce(2) Bill Bryson(3) Joe Buck(1) Mikhail Bulgakov(1) E. W. Bullinger(4) John Bunyan(1) Anthony Burgess(1) George W. Bush(1) Robert Olen Butler(2) A.S. Byatt(1) Robert Byrne(1) Lord Byron(1) Thomas Cahill(1) Jonathan Cahn(2) Roberto Calasso(1) Taylor Caldwell(1) Julia Cameron(1) Albert Camus(3) Andrea Canobbio(1) Charles Capp(1) Charles Capps(2) Lorenzo Carcaterra(1) Orson Scott Card(1) John Carey(1) Merlin R. Carothers(1) Emmanuel Carrère(1) John Carreyrou(1) Howard Carter(1) John Carter(1) Raymond Carver(1) David Cataneo(1) Louis-Ferdinand Céline(1) Oswald Chambers(1) Francis Chan(1) James H. Charlesworth(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(1) Mahesh Chavda(1) John Cheever(1) Elisaveta [translator] Chehov Chekhov ] Anton & Fen(1) Anton Chekhov(1) Craig Childs(2) Bruce Chilton(1) Alicia Britt Chole(1) J. R. Church(1) Tom Clancy(1) Arthur C. Clarke(3) Randy Clark(1) Charles Norris Cochrane(1) Don Colbert(4) Warren Commission(1) Evan S. Connell(2) Joseph Conrad(3) Milton William Cooper(1) Gloria Copeland(1) Kenneth Copeland(10) Kenneth & Gloria Copeland(1) Travis Cottrell(1) Hart Crane(1) Stephen Crane(1) Michael Crichton(4) Brent Curtis(1) Starr Daily(1) Erich von Däniken(2) Sharon Daugherty(1) Robertson Davies(1) John W. Decamp(1) Samuel R. Delany(1) Don DeLillo(3) Charles Dickens(1) Emily Dickinson(1) Max I. Dimont(1) Robert DiYanni(1) E. L. Doctorow(2) Creflo A. Dollar(2) Gustave Doré(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(7) John Douglas(1) John E. Douglas(1) Tom Doyle(2) Rod Dreher(1) Mark Driscoll(1) Michael Drosnin(1) Henry Drummond(1) Alexandre Dumas(1) Jesse Duplantis(4) Will Durant(2) Claude Duvernoy(1) Umberto Eco(2) Alfred Edersheim(1) R.G. Jr. ; Editors Terence; Turner Lindsey(1) ed.; Rabbi Nakhman of Bratzlav; Sholem Jacob Abramovitsh; Isaac L Stavans Ilan(1) G. B. Edwards(1) Jonathan Edwards(1) Jennifer Egan(1) Timothy Egan(1) Dave Eggers(2) LeRoy Eims(1) John Eldredge(4) T. S. Eliot(1) Keith Ellis(1) James Ellroy(1) Ralph Waldo Emerson(2) Lou Engle(1) Nora Ephron(1) Rhona Epstein(1) Richard Erdoes(1) Eusebius(1) Mike Evans(1) Rachel Held Evans(1) Frederick Exley(1) William Faulkner(8) Bruce Feiler(2) John Feinstein(1) Fern Halverson(1) Richard P. Feynman(1) Syd Field(1) Reta Halteman Finger(1) Shimon Finkelman(1) Charles Finney(2) Charles G. Finney(2) Seymour L. Fishbein(1) Fitzgerald(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald(1) Jonathan Safran Foer(1) John Fowles(3) Pope Francis(1) Francis Frangipane(1) Joseph Frank(1) Benjamin Franklin(1) Jentezen Franklin(1) Jonathan Franzen(2) Thomas L. Friedman(1) Robert Frost(1) William Froug(1) Neal Gabler(1) William Gaddis(1) Carl Gallups(1) John Gardner(5) Jim Garrison(1) William H. Gass(1) Theodor Herzl Gaster(1) Kylie Oaks Gatewood(1) Donald Gee(1) Francis R Gemme(1) Nancy Gibbs(1) Todd Gitlin(1) Doug Glanville(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1) Nikolai Vassilievitx Gogol(1) William Golding(1) Judah Goldin(1) William Goldman(1) James W. Goll(2) Doris Kearns Goodwin(3) Tristan Gooley(1) S. D. Gordon(1) Don Gossett(1) Billy Graham(2) Günter Grass(1) Gunther Grass(1) Robert Graves(1) J. Glenn Gray(1) Brian Greene(1) Melody Green(1) Robert J. Groden(1) Norman Grubb(2) Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte Guyon(5) Franklin Haas(1) John Hagee(4) Kenneth E. Hagin(21) Mary Hajos(1) David Halberstam(3) Billy Hallowell(1) Dashiell Hammett(1) Lynne Hammond(1) Knut Hamsun(1) Graham Hancock(1) Mark Hankins(1) Chad Harbach(1) Thomas Hardy(1) Christian Harfouche(2) Sydney J. Harris(1) Trudy Harris(1) Kent Haruf(2) John Haskell(1) Jack W. Hayford(1) William Least Heat-Moon(1) Ruth Heflin(1) Ruth Ward Heflin(1) Heiser(1) Michael S. Heiser(7) Joseph Heller(2) Mark Helprin(2) Ernest Hemingway(16) Matthew Henry(1) Herodotus(1) Michael Herr(1) John Hersey(1) Abraham Joshua Heschel(1) Bill Hicks(1) T. L. Higley(1) Craig S. Hill(1) Tony Hillerman(1) E.V. Hill(1) Jonathan Hill(1) James Hilton(1) Benny Hinn(5) Eric Hoffer(1) Harold Holzer(1) William Hone(1) Paul Horgan(2) Nick Hornby(1) Thomas Horn(1) Edward Horowitz(1) Tony Horwitz(1) a hotchner(1) Michael Howard(1) Michael Howard(2) Mike Huckabee(1) Holly Hughes(1) Robert Hughes(2) Lew Hunter(1) Aldous Huxley(1) Eddie Hyatt(1) Henrik Ibsen(2) David Icke(1) Carmen Joy Imes(1) Princeton Lang Inst(1) John Irving(1) Mark Jacob(1) Annie Jacobsen(1) Howard Jacobson(1) James Alexander Thoms James Alexander Thom(1) Henry James(2) Rick James(2) William James(1) Kristopher Jansma(1) David Jauss(1) A.N. Jeffares(1) Thomas Jefferson(1) Grant R. Jeffrey(2) Philip Jenkins(1) C. Wade Jennings(1) Gary Jennings(1) Norman Jewell(1) John Roderigo Dos Passos(1) Bill Johnson(1) Craig Johnson(1) Paul Johnson(3) Alexander Jones(1) Doug Jones(1) Robert Jourdain(1) Graham Joyce(2) James Joyce(4) Rick Joyner(1) Tom Brown Jr.(2) Sebastian Junger(2) Michio Kaku(2) Alfred Kazin(1) John Keats(1) Gary Keesee(1) Garret Keizer(1) Werner Keller(1) W. Phillip Keller(1) Thomas a Kempis(1) Thomas Keneally(1) Caroline Kennedy(1) Edward M. Kennedy(1) John F. Kennedy(2) E. W. Kenyon(3) Jack Kerouac(1) Bernardine Kielty(1) Brendan Kiely(1) Søren Kierkegaard(1) John Kilpatrick(1) David Kimche(1) Barbara Kingsolver(1) Stephen King(1) Jeff Kinley(1) Angus Kinnear(1) Barbara Ann Kipfer(1) Jonathan Kirsch(1) Naomi Klein(1) Maitland K(1) Karl Ove Knausgård(1) John Knowles(1) Alfie Kohn(1) Jerzy Kosiński(1) Michael Koulianos(1) Jon Krakauer(2) Kathryn Kuhlman(1) Abraham Kuyper(1) Pär Lagerkvist(1) John G. Lake(1) David Lamb(1) Ring Lardner(1) Erik Larson(1) Greg Laurie(1) Brother Lawrence(1) D. H. Lawrence(1) Dr. Caroline Leaf(1) Robert Leckie(1) Margaret Leech(1) Harper Lee(1) Dennis Lehane(1) Elmore Leonard(1) Doris Lessing(1) Robert D. Lesslie(3) Carlo Levi(1) C. S. Lewis(2) Meriwether Lewis(1) Michael Lewis(1) Norman Lewis(1) Roberts Liardon(3) Alan Lightman(1) Eugene Linden(1) Vachel Lindsay(2) Hal Lindsey(1) David Liss(1) Erlend Loe(1) Ralph Lombreglia(1) Tremper Longman, III(1) Phillip Lopate(1) Bret Lott(1) Dr T L Lowery(1) Cash Luna(1) Erwin W. Lutzer(1) John MacArthur, Jr.(1) Diarmaid MacCulloch(1) Gordon MacDonald(7) Ross Macdonald(1) Pauline Maier(1) Bernard Malamud(3) Guillermo Maldonado(4) Thomas Mallon(1) David Mamet(1) Brennan Manning(1) Thomas Mann(3) SALMONSON MARILYN(1) David Markson(1) Christopher Marlowe(1) Gabriel García Márquez(1) Jim Marrs(2) Peter Marshall(1) James Martin(1) Guy de Maupassant(2) Victor Maymudes(1) James McBride(1) Cormac McCarthy(2) Gerald R. McDermott(1) Paul McGuire(1) Erwin Raphael McManus(4) Andrew Newberg(1) Eben Alexander(2) Mary C. Neal(1) Herman Melville(1) Steven Merrill(1) Thomas Merton(1) John Micklethwait(1) Edna St. Vincent Millay(1) Dennis Miller(1) Donald Miller(3) Henry Miller(1) Jon Miller(1) Paul E. Miller(1) Robert E. Miller(1) John Milton(1) Robert Misst(1) Rohinton Mistry(1) Curtis Mitchell(1) Stephen Mitchell(1) Molière(1) Michel de Montaigne(1) Christopher Moore(1) Rev. Johnnie Moore(1) Dick Morris(1) Toni Morrison(5) James Morrow(1) George Müller(1) Alice Munro(1) Myles Munroe(1) Kevin Murphy(1) Andrew Murray(7) Carrie Muskat(1) James Mustich(1) Vladimir Nabokov(1) Jose Luis Navajo(1) Watchman Nee(1) John G. Neihardt(1) Less Trad Nelson(1) Michael J. Nelson(2) Friedrich Nietzsche(1) Kathleen Norris(1) Tiina Nunnally(1) Flann O'Brien(1) Flannery O'Connor(2) John O'Hara(1) Stewart O'Nan(1) Michael Ondaatje(1) George Orwell(3) Christine O'Toole(1) Cynthia Ozick(1) George Packer(1) Elaine Pagels(2) Rod Parsley(1) John Dos Passos(2) Jim Paul(1) Norman Holmes Pearson(1) Walker Percy(2) Frank E. Peretti(1) Tom Perrotta(1) Perry Stone Jr.(1) Deborah Peterson(1) Eugene H. Peterson(5) Ralph Peters(1) Nathaniel Philbrick(1) Robert M. Pirsig(1) Ryan Pitterson(2) Plato(1) David Johannes du Plessis(2) Michael Pollan(3) Haralan Popov(1) Katherine Anne Porter(1) Charles Portis(3) Dennis Prager(1) Richard Preston(1) Richard Price(1) Dennis Prince(1) Derek Prince(2) Joseph Prince(1) Martin Prinz(1) Elizabeth Clare Prophet(1) Annie Proulx(1) Marcel Proust(2) L. Fletcher Prouty(1) Tyndale House Publishers(2) Barbour Publishing(1) Rh Value Publishing(1) Wilington Group Publ(1) Jackie Pullinger(1) Michael Punke(1) Thomas Pynchon(4) Matthew Quick(1) Burton Raffel(1) Dave Ramsey(1) Lisa Randall(1) John Ransom(1) Rick Renner(11) David S. Reynolds(1) Rainer Maria Rilke(1) Nik Ripken(1) George G. Ritchie(1) Josh Ritter(1) Lawrence S. Ritter(1) Mary Roach(1) Oral Roberts(3) Marilynne Robinson(1) Henry Roth(1) Philip Roth(2) Sid Roth(1) Kate Rowinski(1) R. S. Augustine;Pine-Coffin(1) Jordan Rubin(1) Doris M. Ruscoe(1) Salman Rushdie(3) Mary Doria Russell(1) James H. Rutz(1) Miguel de Cervantes(3) Carl Sagan(1) J. D. Salinger(2) Ryne Sandberg(1) Carl Sandburg(1) J. Oswald Sanders(3) R. Loren Sandford(2) Risto Santala(2) Penny Sartori(1) George Saunders(2) Jerry Savelle(2) Eric Schlosser(1) Howard Schneider(1) Schwebel(1) Elwood Scott(1) Peter Dale Scott(1) David Sedaris(1) Linda Seger(1) Jay Sekulow(1) Selected And Edited By Waidson , H. M.(1) John Sexton(1) William Shakespeare(5) Tom Shales(1) Dutch Sheets(1) Brother Andrew; John Sherrill; Elizabeth Sherrill(1) Amity Shlaes(1) Richard Sigmund(1) Barry Silesky(1) Malka Z. Simkovich(1) Brian Simmons(3) Isaac Bashevis Singer(1) Zecharia Sitchin(2) Mohamedou Ould Slahi(1) E. B. Sledge(1) Jane Smiley(1) Alice Smith(1) David R. Smith(1) Malcolm Smith(1) Malcom Smith(1) Martin Cruz Smith(1) Zadie Smith(1) Laura J. Snyder(1) Jewish Publication Society(1) National Audubon Society(1) Sophocles(1) Ann Spangler(1) Richard Stearns(1) John Steinbeck(4) Stendhal(1) Rob Stennett(2) David H. Stern(1) Wallace Stevens(1) Jon Stewart(1) Ryan E. Stokes(1) Irving Stone(1) Perry Stone(8) August Strindberg(1) James Strong(1) William Styron(1) Lester Sumrall(6) Pastor Surprise(1) Hilton Sutton(3) Charles R. Swindoll(1) Vinson Synan(1) Mel Tari(1) Howard Taylor(1) Mark Taylor(1) Studs Terkel(1) Paul Theroux(1) Helmut Thielicke(1) Hunter S. Thompson(1) Leroy Thompson(3) Leroy Thompson, Sr.(1) Brad Thor(1) Henry David Thoreau(1) James Thurber(1) Alexis de Tocqueville(1) León Tolstói(4) Jane Tompkins(1) Ptolemy Tompkins(1) Jeffrey Toobin(1) John Kennedy Toole(1) Olive G. Tracy(1) Hugh Trevor-Roper(1) David Trottier(1) Dalton Trumbo(1) Ivan Turgenev(1) Mark Twain(2) John Updike(2) Douglas Van Dorn(2) Various Authors(1) Alan Vincent(1) Kurt Vonnegut(1) Ira Wagler(1) Alice Walker(1) Mark Walt Whitman/ Van Doren, compiler.(1) William A. Ward(1) Wayne Warner(1) Joanna Weaver(1) Andy Weir(1) Sam Wellman(1) Eudora Welty(1) Ana Werner(1) Donald E. Westlake(1) Nathanael West(1) Richard Francis Weymouth(1) William Whiston(1) Colson Whitehead(1) Walt Whitman(2) Lee Whittlesey(1) Thomas Wictor(1) John Edgar Wideman(1) Phillip H. 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