37+ Werke 270 Mitglieder 39 Rezensionen


Loved it

Slow to start,once it got going hard to stop. Left me wanting more, the additional two stories after main was like a desert to a man course. Well defiantly check out more. Very inspiring to write for my self.
Everlord42 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 5, 2023 |
Sick and twisted a real capture of what hallway have in store

All the things your told about he'll and more. Freedom to dive deep in to the depths of he'll on earth.j.
Everlord42 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 5, 2023 |
This book took me for a scary ride! Stayed up late last night finishing the book around one in the morning as it escalated from halfway into the book till the end!

The book is about a woman that attends her fathers funeral and goes back home to the house where she grew up. Her and her family arrive at the home and decided to stay there for a little while.

What she doesn't know is that the house has entities, plus a demonic one that rules the house and property. The storyline and characters grab you from the get go and doesn't let you go till the last page.

I hadn't read this author before, but if the other books are like this one, then I have some more scary reads to look forward to in the future! Five stars for this one!
BookNookRetreat7 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 25, 2022 |
Wow! This book was a gory crazy ride into horror! Did I say "crazy"? Yeah, you have to be crazy out of your mind to be a patient in Arlington Asylum as that is what kind of people mostly reside there.

Welcome to Arlington Asylum - place that harbors crazies from all walks of life, but then there are some that are not wrapped around the bend and are actually sane.

Adrian James was close to taking his own life until he was rescued by a man named Isaac Templeton. At the time Adrian didn't know what to expect when Isaac came into his life, but Isaac promised to make him better as long as he would come stay at a place where they could administer a new medicine that was sure to cure all.

Little does Adrian know that he has just stepped into his worst nightmare and that the place he is staying in is an asylum. The new medicine that is suppose to be a cure is far from what was promised and the medicine is doing some strange things to the patients.

When Adrian sees something that is beyond his imagination he cannot figure out if he is having a hallucination or if it is real as a mutated monster is roaming the halls of the asylum and it goes into a rage turning the asylum into a gore fest. But that is the least of Adrian's worries as when he finds out there are more of those creatures he wonders along with the rest of the patients if they will be ever make it out of the asylum alive!

What kind of creature does Adrian see? Where did it come from? Why are there creatures roaming the halls of the asylum? Does Adrian along with the other patients make it out alive? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!

The book moved at a fast pace once I hit the 30% mark and as I hit the 50% mark it took off like lightning as I could hardly put it down! This was a gory romp into insanity all the way to the end of the book! Other characters are in the book as well that come into play through most of the book and everything moves super fast when the creatures make an appearance.

Author Lee Mountford knows how to turn a perfectly docile asylum into a gore infested romp!

The book literally explodes with bloody gore through the last half of the book which takes this book into the extreme realms of hell! Buckle up readers as you are in for one gory ride!

Giving this book five "tormented bloody" stars!
BookNookRetreat7 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 25, 2022 |
Gore galore is the name of the game in this book! Two couples decide to get together to go on a hike and to spend some time together. They end up going through a thickly wooded area that supposedly has an urban legend of a cannibalistic family that roams the woods. Is the urban legend true or is it just a myth? The couples embark on an adventure that turns into a grisly nightmare.

Readers Beware: This is a very graphic book, filled with torture and gore. If you are squeamish at all, then stay away from this book, but for those of you who love lots of gore, then read on!

Kept me on the edge of my seat to the point I stayed up till 3:00 a.m. this morning wanting to finish it and not put it down! Four star read on this one!
BookNookRetreat7 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was a spooky ride into the dark forest!

A small backstory:

A group of four friends that are paranormal researchers decide to go hiking and camping in the Black Forest as they have heard rumors about possible paranormal activity that surrounds the forest, so they grab their equipment and off they go.

The deeper they go into the forest it just seems that they all feel a little trepidation of what could possibly be in store for them. When one of them hears a sound they all kind of freak out at first and then one of them "thinks" she sees a figure behind a tree. Nothing is proven and the friends catch nothing on camera....yet.

Just when they think nothing will happen - something ends up happening that they will never get over as when they set up camp and wake the next morning - one of their friends is missing and the tent that he was sleeping in is ripped open. The remaining friends cannot figure it out as none of them heard anything during the night, but the friend is now missing and they try to go on a search for him.

What roams out in the Black Forest? Is the missing friend found? What do the friends find out in the forest? No spoilers here as you will need to read the book!


This was a creepy story as the friends made their way out into the forest that is suppose to be ripe with activity. The story moves along at a fast pace considering that once the friends make into the forest things seems to happen here and there.

There is quite a bit of buildup with spooky suspense and tension as the author slowly draws you in to the storyline. But once the friend goes missing, the pace of the story picks up and you are left wondering what will happen next.

Another great story by this author and it gives me pause about ever wanting to camp out in the forest! You won't want to camp out after reading this book! :)

Giving this book five "Camping Creepy" stars.

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
BookNookRetreat7 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was a spooky and creepy story by author, Lee Mountford!

A little backstory:

Perron Manor located in Northern England has been around for centuries and ever since it has been built the manor has taken the lives of people that have lived in it. The manor has been other things besides just "a manor" but that doesn't make it all that less scary as when people move in or even stay the night, things happen that will make the people either run screaming into the night or they might just disappear altogether and may never be heard from again.

This is an awesome story and one that I became entrenched in quickly from the first chapter. I am not going into too much detail about the book because of spoilers as you will just have to read the book to gain the essence of the story. It is told from a paranormal investigator's view as to how the manor became haunted from the time it was built to recent history. I love how author, Lee Mountford weaved the story as he wrote it in a way that makes it seem the story could be told like the true paranormal books out there.

Reading the story from the paranormal investigator's view reminds me of those true haunting books and as I became engrossed in the story I would sometimes forget that this was a work of fiction as that is how close to the real thing it almost seems.

This book is a prelude to a book series that the author has coming out soon as this book sets up the rest of the series. I will be looking forward to reading the other books in this series to continue on with the hauntings of Perron Manor and what is in store for its next victims. Giving this book five
"Haunted Horror" stars.

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Author, Lee Mountford has done it again with writing a spine-chilling story that delves into your mind! A story that just goes beyond imagination and takes you on a ride into the horror of a satanic cult!

A little backstory for you readers:

Kirsty Thompson and some friends are out having a good time without a care in the world until she comes home and goes to bed. Noises in the night wake her up and she is not sure why she has alarm bells going off in her head, but she finds out quickly when an intruder attacks her rendering her unconscious with a needle in her neck.

When Kirsty finally wakes up in the morning with a terrible pain in her back she tries to remember what happened and why her back hurts. Kirsty calls the police. When the police arrive along with the paramedics, they examine her and find she has some kind of carving in her back. From this point on in the story is when everything goes to "hell in a handbasket"!

Did I say "hell"? Yes that is what I said as this book will take you into the "depths of hell" as you journey along with Kirsty on finding the answers she seeks of why the intruder attacked her and what was his purpose of carving something into her back.

Who was the intruder? What did the intruder carve into her back? What happens to Kirsty as she tries to find out why this has happened to her? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!

Nail biting suspense and tension just grabbed me right from the beginning of the book as it doesn't take long for something to happen. The author just slowly draws you into his world of terrified horror as you inch your way along in the story. Just when you think you might have it figured out, then he lowers the boom and throws you into the corner of your room with the covers over your head cowering in fear of what will be happening next!

The demonic theme of the book just radiates off the pages and you can feel every single emotion of the character Kirsty along with what she has to endure for the entire story. This book kept me up some nights almost to the point of thinking about leaving a light on, but I swallowed my fear and moved forward through the book with the lights off! Five "spooky" stars for keeping me creeped out!
BookNookRetreat7 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 25, 2022 |
Wow! The third book was an awesome ride into terror!

This book picks up immediately after the first book "Haunted: Perron Manor" as the second book "The Devil's Door" is about the massacre that took place in 1982, so this book "Haunted: Purgatory" comes back full circle to the events that took place in Haunted: Perron Manor.

A little backstory:

Sarah enlists the help of David Ritter and his team of paranormal investigators to help with the haunting of the manor as things took a turn for the worse and Sarah needs the team to do whatever it takes to get rid of the haunting.

Little do they all know that artefacts that lay within a room upstairs in the manor has been having a serious affect on the manor itself and when David decides to bring forth Father Janosch to view the artefacts is when things go from bad to worse. One of the artefacts ia an ancient book which needs to be translated to make sure it is not a fake as in order for the Church to get involved they have ordered Father Janosch to do whatever it takes to make sure the book is real.

However by attempting that feat, it could very well put all of them in demonic danger to the point of not only surviving demonic physical attacks, but for their souls to survive as well.

What happens to the team? Do they translate the book? Does anyone survive the manor? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!

This book took off like a rocket as the haunting slowly escalates in the beginning of the book and then the dreaded feelings of the characters are felt within the pages of this book! Every time something happens I could feel what they were going through as if I had been pulled literally into the story!

Author, Lee Mountford, just has a certain flair of drawing the readers into his world and keeping them there for the duration of the story. I became so engrossed in the story and what was happening to the team that I felt jumpy when reading the book as I could feel the skittering chills racing across my spine as the story intensified with the haunting activity in the manor.

I read the book up to the 30% mark in one sitting as I was just entranced with the story and could literally not lay the book down! The last half of the book I read within twelve hours as when I hit the 50% mark the book just escalated into a fast paced romp which kept me breathless and on the edge of my seat as I just could not seem to break away from the book till I read the last page!

Giving this book five "Spooktacular" stars!

Highly recommend to all horror fans that like your houses/manors/ghosts/demons active!

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was an awesome continuation of the Haunted series!

A small taste of what is inside:

This book ensnares the story of a tragic massacre that took place in 1982 which happened on Halloween night.

The Pearson family (Rita and Ray along with their daughter, Chloe) have moved into what was considered Perron Manor as the owner Marcus Blackwater wants to turn the manor into a hotel, so he hires Rita and Ray to not only fix up the place which he provides the necessary funds for them, but also to manage the hotel as well.

Rita's brother Vincent is the one that reached out to her that Marcus was looking for someone to turn the manor into a hotel along with managing it as well. Marcus wants the hotel ready to go by Halloween night.

There is plenty to do to get the manor in tip-top shape for it to become a hotel to house guests, but Marcus Blackwater seems to think that the best way to draw guests is to make them think the manor is haunted as there are people that love the paranormal so what better way to bring in the masses then to let it be known that there are spooks roaming the halls.

Perron Manor a/k/a Blackwater Hotel has come to life since the Pearsons have begun renovating the place and the spirts are restless to the point that things begin to happen within the manor. As Halloween fast approaches and the hotel becomes ready to have the guests the manor literally wakes up as it anticipates the new victims that will be walking through the doors. Things go bad real quick with the owner, Marcus Blackwater at the helm as he has a few plans of his own in the making as well which no one realizes until it is too late what sinister plans he has put into motion for Halloween night.

What happens on Halloween night? What plans has Marcus prepared? Do the guests survive the night? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This was a fast paced story and it kept me on the edge of my seat! A true nail-biter as the haunting atmosphere just wrapped itself around me the more I became involved in the story!

When the story reaches the night of the murders is when the book literally goes into maniac overdrive as more things start happening in the book which drives the tension and suspense up several notches!

Giving this book five "Nightmare Spooky" stars!

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:

BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Another great installment to the Haunted series!

A small backstory:

David Ritter along with some of his team is sent to check out a possible haunting at South Hill estate as there have been reports of some paranormal activity that is wrapped around the ghost of Mary Kane a/k/a Mother Death who had killed herself after killing her family years ago.

When the team arrive and start to check it out they are wary that this could possibly be not a true haunting as the house that Mary Kane had died in is no longer there as a new house was built on the property.

Though the family that resides there now has been seeing quite a bit of activity which has caused the church and the bishop to send David out to investigate as if the ghost of Mary Kane has returned then she will be roaming the halls of the home looking to killing off whoever is within her domain!


This is the fifth book in the "haunted" series which all the books are staying steeped in haunting horror! This book is no exception and when the "team" arrives to start their investigation the "activity" starts a slow buildup.

The pace of the book is perfect as it drew me in right away and then it doesn't take long for the paranormal team to get started on this new investigation. The author does not linger around on world building as basically within the first chapter the team is on their way to the haunting.

This is another excellent spooky read by author, Lee Mountford and looking forward to what is coming next as this book ends on a cliffhanger! Giving this book five "Screaming Scary Shiver" stars!

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Another scary and spooky story in the Haunted series by author, Lee Mountford!

A small backstory without giving away spoilers:

Sarah Pearson and her crew are needed in the Czech Republic as they learn that a cathedral there is haunted. When the team arrive they find out that a priest (Father Hus) is being detained in a room to keep him away from everyone and he has become possessed.

The team learn quickly that they have to get to the bottom of finding out how Father Hus became possessed as the demon within the priest is slowly taking over not only the body of the priest but his mind as well and if they do not purge the demon from the priest there will be no hope left to save him from the possession.

Where did the demon come from? Why is it possessing the priest? Do they exorcise the demon from Father Hus? No spoilers here as you will need to read the book!


This story was just steeped in demonic themes and personally I think it was the scariest by far in the Haunted series. The story started out a little slow in the beginning but the author was setting up the world building to the story, but once the team arrive and engage with the priest is when the book goes into overdrive with the pace of the book picking up! There is a major twist near the end of the book that shocked me right out of my shoes! Giving this one five "Devilish Demon" stars!

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was one scary book!

A little backstory:

Sisters Chloe and Sarah are left Perron Manor in an inheritance after their Uncle passes away. Chloe with her husband, Andrew and their baby Emma along with Sarah all decide to live together in the manor as they figure it would be a great opportunity for all of them, so they move in. Chloe though has been in the house when she was little with her parents, but bad things happened in the house at that time and she doesn't remember everything that took place.

Little do they know that the manor is known to be haunted as none of them believe in such things as ghosts and hauntings. Paranormal investigator, David Ritter shows up on their doorstep letting them know the manor is haunted and that he would like to know if they would let him do an investigation. They do not let him in the manor and they tell him to leave as they do not believe in those kind of things.

The manor starts to become active though with knocks, whispers, apparitions, shadows, and cold drafts. The sisters along with Andrew don't have an explanation for the events, but they stay in denial about the manor being haunted until something happens to one of the sisters that cannot be explained. When things go from bad to worse, Chloe reaches out to David Ritter for help as the family does not know what to do or what can be done to stop the haunting. The manor wants their souls and it will do anything to get them.

Do the sisters and Andrew make it out of the house? Why is the manor haunted? What is haunting the manor? What happens to this family when the haunting escalates? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This book was one scary ride and author, [a:Lee Mountford|16816627|Lee Mountford|] slowly builds up the haunting and spooky atmosphere all the way through the book then lowers the boom as things escalate in the manor to the point that I would stay up to the early morning hours reading it!

Author, Lee Mountford is able to weave the story so well that the aspects of what the characters see and feel can be "seen and felt" as well while reading the book. If the characters hear whispers then the reader will hear whispers and if the characters see a ghost then the reader will see it. Everything is brought to life on the pages of the book. This was my second reread of this book as I am wanting to reread the whole series once again to get my spook meter running!

There is also a demonic theme weaved into the story which emanates from the pages when the haunting becomes more intensified.

I am looking forward to rereading the rest of the series once again so that I can surround myself in the haunted realm! Giving this one five "Scary Boo Demon" stars!

Highly Recommend!

BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
Wow! This book was a gory crazy ride into horror! Did I say "crazy"? Yeah, you have to be crazy out of your mind to be a patient in Arlington Asylum as that is what kind of people mostly reside there.

Welcome to Arlington Asylum - place that harbors crazies from all walks of life, but then there are some that are not wrapped around the bend and are actually sane.

Adrian James was close to taking his own life until he was rescued by a man named Isaac Templeton. At the time Adrian didn't know what to expect when Isaac came into his life, but Isaac promised to make him better as long as he would come stay at a place where they could administer a new medicine that was sure to cure all.

Little does Adrian know that he has just stepped into his worst nightmare and that the place he is staying in is an asylum. The new medicine that is suppose to be a cure is far from what was promised and the medicine is doing some strange things to the patients.

When Adrian sees something that is beyond his imagination he cannot figure out if he is having a hallucination or if it is real as a mutated monster is roaming the halls of the asylum and it goes into a rage turning the asylum into a gore fest. But that is the least of Adrian's worries as when he finds out there are more of those creatures he wonders along with the rest of the patients if they will be ever make it out of the asylum alive!

What kind of creature does Adrian see? Where did it come from? Why are there creatures roaming the halls of the asylum? Does Adrian along with the other patients make it out alive? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!

The book moved at a fast pace once I hit the 30% mark and as I hit the 50% mark it took off like lightning as I could hardly put it down! This was a gory romp into insanity all the way to the end of the book! Other characters are in the book as well that come into play through most of the book and everything moves super fast when the creatures make an appearance.

Author Lee Mountford knows how to turn a perfectly docile asylum into a gore infested romp!

The book literally explodes with bloody gore through the last half of the book which takes this book into the extreme realms of hell! Buckle up readers as you are in for one gory ride!

Giving this book five "tormented bloody" stars!
BookNookRetreat7 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 22, 2022 |
This was a great horror collection of short stories!

Stories include:

The Hobbes Hall Diaries
The Late Shift
The Box
The Demon on the Farm
The Brass Farm Murders
Always and Forever
Let Me Through
The Black Forest

All the stories were great and I do have favorites out of them all which are:

The Late Shift (reminded me of the movie The Blob) - a demonic entity that absorbs people in a very unique way.

The Demon on the Farm (this is actually a prequel to the full length novel "The Demonic" one of my first books by this author which I loved) - this was a very creepy and horrific story!

The Brass Farm Murders (this is actually an author's note of a tie-in to the The Demon on the Farm story) - has more of a reality shocker than anything - I found it very interesting and creepy.

Let Me Through - in this story the husband has a demonic attachment and his wife doesn't find out until it is too late.

The Black Forest - a forest that is haunted by an evil entity. (This is also a prequel to the author's book "Forest of the Damned" which I have yet to read).

As always with books by this author, the stories are always full of dread, creepy situations, haunting atmosphere, and spooky chills that sends shivers down your spine! Another great book added to my favorites shelf! Giving this one five "chills and thrills" stars!

Highly Recommend!
BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 22, 2022 |
This was a spooky ride into a lunatic asylum!

A backstory:

Sarah Pearson along with Father Luca Janosch is being sent by the Bishop Turnbull to an abandoned asylum that is rumored to be haunted, though the Church fears that something else lurks in the deep dark places of the asylum and they want Sarah and Father Janosch to check it out as it is somehow tied into Sarah's past with Perron Manor.

Though when Sarah and Father Janosch get to the asylum they are met by a man name "Jake" who lets it be known that he is there to protect them which they don't understand the why of it, but they decide to let him come along.

Before they enter the place though a security guard (Trevor) intercepts them letting them know that he watches out for the place and he will go along with them inside. Sarah and Father Janosch are wary of Trevor as they don't understand why he is guarding a place that is abandoned, but they shrug it off and let him go with them as well.

Once they are all inside though things change for the worse as Trevor is not what they thought and the deeper they go, the more Sarah starts having "feelings" of things not being right as her psychic abilities are kicking into overdrive! The asylum comes alive with the ghosts from the past along with something evil and ancient that is stalking Sarah!

What is stalking Sarah? What is haunting the asylum? Does everyone make it out alive? No spoilers here as you will need to read the book!


This was a great installment in the Haunted series! Though this book took a little time to get going as there was a background buildup to the asylum, but once the characters, Sarah and Father Janosch start exploring the asylum is when the story goes deep into the haunted realm of hell! I was careening through the story from the 30% mark onward flipping through the pages as when things started happening I had a hard time putting the book down!

From the 50% mark forward I had a hard time going to sleep as so much was happening with the characters that my insomnia stayed fueled for a couple or so nights!

This series has been rocking along since the first book with ghosts/demons and this book is no exception as it keeps the fast pace moving at breath taking speed! Looking forward to the next installment to this excellent horror series! Giving this one five Asylum Apparition stars!
BookNookRetreat7 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 22, 2022 |
Another great installment to the Haunted series!

A small backstory:

David Ritter along with some of his team is sent to check out a possible haunting at South Hill estate as there have been reports of some paranormal activity that is wrapped around the ghost of Mary Kane a/k/a Mother Death who had killed herself after killing her family years ago.

When the team arrive and start to check it out they are wary that this could possibly be not a true haunting as the house that Mary Kane had died in is no longer there as a new house was built on the property.

Though the family that resides there now has been seeing quite a bit of activity which has caused the church and the bishop to send David out to investigate as if the ghost of Mary Kane has returned then she will be roaming the halls of the home looking to killing off whoever is within her domain!


This is the fifth book in the "haunted" series which all the books are staying steeped in haunting horror! This book is no exception and when the "team" arrives to start their investigation the "activity" starts a slow buildup.

The pace of the book is perfect as it drew me in right away and then it doesn't take long for the paranormal team to get started on this new investigation. The author does not linger around on world building as basically within the first chapter the team is on their way to the haunting.

This is another excellent spooky read by author, Lee Mountford and looking forward to what is coming next as this book ends on a cliffhanger! Giving this book five "Screaming Scary Shiver" stars!
BookNookRetreat7 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 22, 2022 |
Another scary and spooky story in the Haunted series by author, Lee Mountford!

A small backstory without giving away spoilers:

Sarah Pearson and her crew are needed in the Czech Republic as they learn that a cathedral there is haunted. When the team arrive they find out that a priest (Father Hus) is being detained in a room to keep him away from everyone and he has become possessed.

The team learn quickly that they have to get to the bottom of finding out how Father Hus became possessed as the demon within the priest is slowly taking over not only the body of the priest but his mind as well and if they do not purge the demon from the priest there will be no hope left to save him from the possession.

Where did the demon come from? Why is it possessing the priest? Do they exorcise the demon from Father Hus? No spoilers here as you will need to read the book!


This story was just steeped in demonic themes and personally I think it was the scariest by far in the Haunted series. The story started out a little slow in the beginning but the author was setting up the world building to the story, but once the team arrive and engage with the priest is when the book goes into overdrive with the pace of the book picking up! There is a major twist near the end of the book that shocked me right out of my shoes! Giving this one five "Devilish Demon" stars!
BookNookRetreat7 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 22, 2022 |
Wow! The third book was an awesome ride into terror!

This book picks up immediately after the first book "Haunted: Perron Manor" as the second book "The Devil's Door" is about the massacre that took place in 1982, so this book "Haunted: Purgatory" comes back full circle to the events that took place in Haunted: Perron Manor.

A little backstory:

Sarah enlists the help of David Ritter and his team of paranormal investigators to help with the haunting of the manor as things took a turn for the worse and Sarah needs the team to do whatever it takes to get rid of the haunting.

Little do they all know that artefacts that lay within a room upstairs in the manor has been having a serious affect on the manor itself and when David decides to bring forth Father Janosch to view the artefacts is when things go from bad to worse. One of the artefacts ia an ancient book which needs to be translated to make sure it is not a fake as in order for the Church to get involved they have ordered Father Janosch to do whatever it takes to make sure the book is real.

However by attempting that feat, it could very well put all of them in demonic danger to the point of not only surviving demonic physical attacks, but for their souls to survive as well.

What happens to the team? Do they translate the book? Does anyone survive the manor? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!

This book took off like a rocket as the haunting slowly escalates in the beginning of the book and then the dreaded feelings of the characters are felt within the pages of this book! Every time something happens I could feel what they were going through as if I had been pulled literally into the story!

Author, Lee Mountford, just has a certain flair of drawing the readers into his world and keeping them there for the duration of the story. I became so engrossed in the story and what was happening to the team that I felt jumpy when reading the book as I could feel the skittering chills racing across my spine as the story intensified with the haunting activity in the manor.

I read the book up to the 30% mark in one sitting as I was just entranced with the story and could literally not lay the book down! The last half of the book I read within twelve hours as when I hit the 50% mark the book just escalated into a fast paced romp which kept me breathless and on the edge of my seat as I just could not seem to break away from the book till I read the last page!

Giving this book five "Spooktacular" stars!

Highly recommend to all horror fans that like your houses/manors/ghosts/demons active!
BookNookRetreat7 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 22, 2022 |
This was an awesome continuation of the Haunted series!

A small taste of what is inside:

This book ensnares the story of a tragic massacre that took place in 1982 which happened on Halloween night.

The Pearson family (Rita and Ray along with their daughter, Chloe) have moved into what was considered Perron Manor as the owner Marcus Blackwater wants to turn the manor into a hotel, so he hires Rita and Ray to not only fix up the place which he provides the necessary funds for them, but also to manage the hotel as well.

Rita's brother Vincent is the one that reached out to her that Marcus was looking for someone to turn the manor into a hotel along with managing it as well. Marcus wants the hotel ready to go by Halloween night.

There is plenty to do to get the manor in tip-top shape for it to become a hotel to house guests, but Marcus Blackwater seems to think that the best way to draw guests is to make them think the manor is haunted as there are people that love the paranormal so what better way to bring in the masses then to let it be known that there are spooks roaming the halls.

Perron Manor a/k/a Blackwater Hotel has come to life since the Pearsons have begun renovating the place and the spirts are restless to the point that things begin to happen within the manor. As Halloween fast approaches and the hotel becomes ready to have the guests the manor literally wakes up as it anticipates the new victims that will be walking through the doors. Things go bad real quick with the owner, Marcus Blackwater at the helm as he has a few plans of his own in the making as well which no one realizes until it is too late what sinister plans he has put into motion for Halloween night.

What happens on Halloween night? What plans has Marcus prepared? Do the guests survive the night? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This was a fast paced story and it kept me on the edge of my seat! A true nail-biter as the haunting atmosphere just wrapped itself around me the more I became involved in the story!

When the story reaches the night of the murders is when the book literally goes into maniac overdrive as more things start happening in the book which drives the tension and suspense up several notches!

Giving this book five "Nightmare Spooky" stars!
BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 22, 2022 |
This was one scary book!

A little backstory:

Sisters Chloe and Sarah are left Perron Manor in an inheritance after their Uncle passes away. Chloe with her husband, Andrew and their baby Emma along with Sarah all decide to live together in the manor as they figure it would be a great opportunity for all of them, so they move in. Chloe though has been in the house when she was little with her parents, but bad things happened in the house at that time and she doesn't remember everything that took place.

Little do they know that the manor is known to be haunted as none of them believe in such things as ghosts and hauntings. Paranormal investigator, David Ritter shows up on their doorstep letting them know the manor is haunted and that he would like to know if they would let him do an investigation. They do not let him in the manor and they tell him to leave as they do not believe in those kind of things.

The manor starts to become active though with knocks, whispers, apparitions, shadows, and cold drafts. The sisters along with Andrew don't have an explanation for the events, but they stay in denial about the manor being haunted until something happens to one of the sisters that cannot be explained. When things go from bad to worse, Chloe reaches out to David Ritter for help as the family does not know what to do or what can be done to stop the haunting. The manor wants their souls and it will do anything to get them.

Do the sisters and Andrew make it out of the house? Why is the manor haunted? What is haunting the manor? What happens to this family when the haunting escalates? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!


This book was one scary ride and author, Lee Mountford slowly builds up the haunting and spooky atmosphere all the way through the book then lowers the boom as things escalate in the manor to the point that I would stay up to the early morning hours reading it!

Author, Lee Mountford is able to weave the story so well that the aspects of what the characters see and feel can be "seen and felt" as well while reading the book. If the characters hear whispers then the reader will hear whispers and if the characters see a ghost then the reader will see it. Everything is brought to life on the pages of the book. This was my second reread of this book as I am wanting to reread the whole series once again to get my spook meter running!

There is also a demonic theme weaved into the story which emanates from the pages when the haunting becomes more intensified.

I am looking forward to rereading the rest of the series once again so that I can surround myself in the haunted realm! Giving this one five "Scary Boo Demon" stars!

Highly Recommend!
BookNookRetreat7 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 22, 2022 |
This was a spooky and creepy story by author, Lee Mountford!

A little backstory:

Perron Manor located in Northern England has been around for centuries and ever since it has been built the manor has taken the lives of people that have lived in it. The manor has been other things besides just "a manor" but that doesn't make it all that less scary as when people move in or even stay the night, things happen that will make the people either run screaming into the night or they might just disappear altogether and may never be heard from again.

This is an awesome story and one that I became entrenched in quickly from the first chapter. I am not going into too much detail about the book because of spoilers as you will just have to read the book to gain the essence of the story. It is told from a paranormal investigator's view as to how the manor became haunted from the time it was built to recent history. I love how author, Lee Mountford weaved the story as he wrote it in a way that makes it seem the story could be told like the true paranormal books out there.

Reading the story from the paranormal investigator's view reminds me of those true haunting books and as I became engrossed in the story I would sometimes forget that this was a work of fiction as that is how close to the real thing it almost seems.

This book is a prelude to a book series that the author has coming out soon as this book sets up the rest of the series. I will be looking forward to reading the other books in this series to continue on with the hauntings of Perron Manor and what is in store for its next victims. Giving this book five "Haunted Horror" stars.
BookNookRetreat7 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 22, 2022 |
This was a spooky ride into the dark forest!

A small backstory:

A group of four friends that are paranormal researchers decide to go hiking and camping in the Black Forest as they have heard rumors about possible paranormal activity that surrounds the forest, so they grab their equipment and off they go.

The deeper they go into the forest it just seems that they all feel a little trepidation of what could possibly be in store for them. When one of them hears a sound they all kind of freak out at first and then one of them "thinks" she sees a figure behind a tree. Nothing is proven and the friends catch nothing on camera....yet.

Just when they think nothing will happen - something ends up happening that they will never get over as when they set up camp and wake the next morning - one of their friends is missing and the tent that he was sleeping in is ripped open. The remaining friends cannot figure it out as none of them heard anything during the night, but the friend is now missing and they try to go on a search for him.

What roams out in the Black Forest? Is the missing friend found? What do the friends find out in the forest? No spoilers here as you will need to read the book!


This was a creepy story as the friends made their way out into the forest that is suppose to be ripe with activity. The story moves along at a fast pace considering that once the friends make into the forest things seems to happen here and there.

There is quite a bit of buildup with spooky suspense and tension as the author slowly draws you in to the storyline. But once the friend goes missing, the pace of the story picks up and you are left wondering what will happen next.

Another great story by this author and it gives me pause about ever wanting to camp out in the forest! You won't want to camp out after reading this book! :)

Giving this book five "Camping Creepy" stars.
BookNookRetreat7 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 22, 2022 |
Author, Lee Mountford has done it again with writing a spine-chilling story that delves into your mind! A story that just goes beyond imagination and takes you on a ride into the horror of a satanic cult!

A little backstory for you readers:

Kirsty Thompson and some friends are out having a good time without a care in the world until she comes home and goes to bed. Noises in the night wake her up and she is not sure why she has alarm bells going off in her head, but she finds out quickly when an intruder attacks her rendering her unconscious with a needle in her neck.

When Kirsty finally wakes up in the morning with a terrible pain in her back she tries to remember what happened and why her back hurts. Kirsty calls the police. When the police arrive along with the paramedics, they examine her and find she has some kind of carving in her back. From this point on in the story is when everything goes to "hell in a handbasket"!

Did I say "hell"? Yes that is what I said as this book will take you into the "depths of hell" as you journey along with Kirsty on finding the answers she seeks of why the intruder attacked her and what was his purpose of carving something into her back.

Who was the intruder? What did the intruder carve into her back? What happens to Kirsty as she tries to find out why this has happened to her? No spoilers here as you will just have to read the book!

Nail biting suspense and tension just grabbed me right from the beginning of the book as it doesn't take long for something to happen. The author just slowly draws you into his world of terrified horror as you inch your way along in the story. Just when you think you might have it figured out, then he lowers the boom and throws you into the corner of your room with the covers over your head cowering in fear of what will be happening next!

The demonic theme of the book just radiates off the pages and you can feel every single emotion of the character Kirsty along with what she has to endure for the entire story. This book kept me up some nights almost to the point of thinking about leaving a light on, but I swallowed my fear and moved forward through the book with the lights off! Five "spooky" stars for keeping me creeped out!
BookNookRetreat7 | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 22, 2022 |
Gore galore is the name of the game in this book! Two couples decide to get together to go on a hike and to spend some time together. They end up going through a thickly wooded area that supposedly has an urban legend of a cannibalistic family that roams the woods. Is the urban legend true or is it just a myth? The couples embark on an adventure that turns into a grisly nightmare.

Readers Beware: This is a very graphic book, filled with torture and gore. If you are squeamish at all, then stay away from this book, but for those of you who love lots of gore, then read on!

Kept me on the edge of my seat to the point I stayed up till 3:00 a.m. this morning wanting to finish it and not put it down! Four star read on this one!
BookNookRetreat7 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 22, 2022 |