Independent Scholarship and Research

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The group's main purpose is to help find and promote practical improvements in the everyday work-life of independent researchers or independent scholars* through constructive discussions by which we try to clarify issues and problems and bring creative ideas and collective action to bear on them.

Through these discussions, we hope to create possibilities for creative solutions through both individual and collective efforts which aim to help:

➤ Raise awareness of and appreciation for the value of independent scholarship in principle.

➤ Secure or promote the awareness of the need for dependable sources of long-term financial support for independent scholarship and research.

➤ Reduce or eliminate unfair and intellectually harmful beariers—structural, institutional, conceptual, beariers—to researchers' access to the support and materials which are essential to the their research and scholarship.

➤ Foster interdisciplinary collegiality and mutual respect both among independent researchers of varying disciplines and between academic and independent scholars and researchers.

➤ Inspire greater general interest in the practice of independent scholarship and research as activities which are a fit and potentially enriching object of interest to anyone, whatever his or her social or educational status or history.

Rather than make this group a site for the debate of contentious issues which are objects of research, the group is for attention to topics which are theoretical and practical aspects of independent scholarship and research in general. Members should refrain from making the group a place to expose and argue the merits of their particular research--though examples drawn from it to illustrate a general point for discussion may be offered in the spirit of helping clarify a discussion point.


*—that is, those scholars and researchers, wherever they are, who pursue their studies, their research, outside of affiliations with any home institution which supports and supervises their work.


"Academia can become a ritualistic publishing game."
-- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
(See: An Expert Called Lindy )

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