Formulierung: ReligionChristliche Erfahrung, christliches Leben
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0 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke 216,948 ℹ️ | 1 Philosophie und Psychologie 229,419 💭 | 2 Religion 562,779 🙏 | 3 Sozialwissenschaften 1,169,921 👫 | 4 Sprache 177,109 💬 | 5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik 380,441 🔬 | 6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften 844,132 💡 | 7 Künste und Unterhaltung 857,504 🎨 | 8 Literatur 1,201,263 📚 | 9 Geschichte und Geografie 703,933 🗺️ |
20 Religion 29,663 🙏 | 21 Religionsphilosophie, Religionstheorie 7,967 💭 | 22 Bibel 94,826 📖 | 23 Christentum, Christliche Theologie 76,139 ✝ | 24 Christliche Erfahrung, christliches Leben 95,047 📿 | 25 Christliche Pastoraltheologie, Ordensgemeinschaften 32,625 🐑 | 26 Kirchenorganisation, Sozialarbeit, Religionsausübung 75,183 ⛪ | 27 Geschichte des Christentums 30,339 🔙 | 28 Christliche Konfessionen 44,107 ☦ | 29 Andere Religionen 76,883 👓 |
240 Christliche Ethik, spirituelle Theologie 1,438 | 241 Christliche Ethik 9,581 🚎 | 242 Erbauungsliteratur 23,464 📚 | 243 Evangelistisches Schrifttum für Einzelpersonen 1,096 | 244 [Unbesetzt] 802 🤷 | 245 [Unbesetzt] 1,306 🤷 | 246 Kunst im Christentum 1,511 🎨 | 247 Kirchenausstattung, liturgisches Gerät 387 ⛪️ | 248 Christliche Erfahrung, christliche Praxis, christliches Leben 54,437 🧗 | 249 Christliches Leben in der Familie 1,025 👪️ |
Ausgewählte Werke unter MDB 24X (95,047)
- Experiencing God: How to Live the Full Adventure of Knowing and Doing the Will of God von Henry T. Blackaby
- Mann mit Profil: Das biblische Bild des Mannes in Familie, Gesellschaft und Gemeinde von R. Kent Hughes
Verwandte Tags
"Entfernte Freunde"
MDS-Klassen mit sich deutlich überschneidenden Empfehlungen (mit Ausnahme derjenigen, die derselben Top-Level-Klasse angehören).
- Zeitplan
- 646.78
- TechnologyHome and family managementSewing, clothing, management of personal and family lifeManagement of personal and family lifeFamily life
- 371.04
- Social sciencesEducationTeachers, Methods, and Discipline
- 783.9
- The artsMusicMusic for single voices [formerly: Sacred music]Other types of voices [formerly: Hymns]
- 306.81
- Social sciencesSocial Sciences; Sociology and anthropologyCulture and InstitutionsMarriage and ParentingMarriage
- 158.12
- Philosophy and PsychologyPsychologyApplied PsychologyPersonal improvement and analysisPersonal improvement and analysis through meditation
- 649.6
- TechnologyHome and family managementParenting, CaregivingDiscipline, Homeschool, and Toilet Training
- 301.42
- Social sciencesSocial Sciences; Sociology and anthropologySociology and anthropologyFormerly: Social structure
- 649.1
- TechnologyHome and family managementParenting, CaregivingParenting
- 649
- TechnologyHome and family managementParenting, Caregiving
- 158.2
- Philosophy and PsychologyPsychologyApplied PsychologyInterpersonal relations
- 171
- Philosophy and PsychologyEthicsTheories of Ethics
- 306.87
- Social sciencesSocial Sciences; Sociology and anthropologyCulture and InstitutionsMarriage and ParentingParenting
- 649.12
- TechnologyHome and family managementParenting, CaregivingParentingParenting Children by Age
- 306.8
- Social sciencesSocial Sciences; Sociology and anthropologyCulture and InstitutionsMarriage and Parenting
- 922
- History and GeographyBiography, genealogy, insigniaOf Theology
- 155.93
- Philosophy and PsychologyPsychologyDevelopmental And Differential PsychologyEnvironmental psychologyInfluences of Traumatic Experiences and Bereavement
- 174.2
- Philosophy and PsychologyEthicsProfessional and Business Ethics Physicians
- 782.2
- The artsMusicVocal musicNondramatic vocal forms
1922 Ausgabe |
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