- Sammlungen
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- Tags
- Britain in Pictures (129), Milwaukee (23), Wisconsin (13), CD (13), Beatles (4), Beautiful England (3), New Urbanism (3), Door County (3), World War I (3), World War II (2), Mayors (1), ebook (1), 1781 (1), Gregg Shorthand (1), 1780 (1), Birds (1), War of 1812 (1), Florida (1)
- Wolken
- Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
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- Beigetreten
- May 27, 2007
- Bürgerlicher Name
- Steve Loreck
- Über meine Bibliothek
- Quite a few books about books left to me by my father. Most of the rest have been accumulated with no specific rhyme or reason. The only real search now is to find the 20 or so remaining Britain in Pictures volumes I am missing.
It's always a good excuse to wander through used book stores when traveling and often leads to other purchases.
I also enjoy mysteries, especially those written before 1950. - Ort
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Lokale Favoriten
Buchhandlungen: Boswell Book Company, Downtown Books
Bibliotheken: Milwaukee Public Library - East Branch, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Golda Meir Library
- Freunde
- Interesante Bibliotheken
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