Über meine Bibliothek
Unfortunately I don't own many of the books I've read, and, even more unfortunately, I haven't read many of the books I own.

Hopefully seeing them in 1 x 1" thumbnail form will inspire me to read the ones that have been languishing on my shelf as opposed to gathering loads more of them from the library.
Über mich
I am a high school student who reads voraciously and pretends to know something about writing, but am horribly out-of-practice.

I enjoy folkie music, large and gaudy costume jewelry, amusing t-shirts, musty books, clean books, the color yellow, herringbone, the acquirement of knowledge (not necessarily school), good TV without laugh tracks, empty notebooks, apple pie, stenciling, New England beaches, New England in general, and knitting sweaters.


Interesante Bibliotheken