Autoren-Cloud für csudrama

R. et al. (Eds) Abramovitch(1) Old Acquaintance(1) Edward Albee(2) Aldyth Morris(1) Jay Presson Allen(1) Woody Allen(2) Maxwell Anderson(2) Aleksei Arbuzov(1) J. M. Barrie(3) S. N. Behrman(2) Saul Bellow(1) Andrew Bergman(1) Daniel Berrigan(1) William Blinn(1) Jerry Bock(1) Ray Bradbury(1) Michael Brady(1) Howard Brenton(1) Marcel Brion(1) Art Buchwald(1) John Byrne(2) Wilberto L Canton(1) Lewis John Carlino(2) John Arthur Chapman(1) I. E. Clark(1) Harold Clurman(1) George R. Coffman(1) B. Cooper(1) Michael Cristofer(1) Mart Crowley(1) Bill C. Davis(1) Shelagh Delaney(1) Elizabeth Diggs(1) Charles Dizenzo(1) E. L. Doctorow(1) John William Draper(1) Rosalyn Drexler(2) John Drinkwater(1) Friedrich Dürrenmatt(1) Christopher Durang(2) Marguerite Duras(1) Lawrence Durrell(1) Jules Feiffer(1) Edna Ferber(1) Ernest Ferlita(1) Georges Feydeau(1) James Forsyth(1) Max Frisch(1) Christopher Fry(1) John Gassner(2) Michael V. Gazzo(1) William Gibson(1) Susan Glaspell(1) Carlo Goldoni(1) Goldsmith(1) Frances Goodrich(1) Simon Gray(1) Graham Greene(1) Paul Green(3) A. R. Gurney(1) Peter Gwinn(1) ed. Marvin Halverson(1) Jewish Encyclopedia Handbooks(1) Sara Hannum(1) Michael Hardwick(1) Thomas Hardy(1) Howard Brenton and David Hare(1) Jan de Hartog(1) Theodore W. Hatlen(1) Václav Havel(1) Beth Henley(1) F. Hugh Herbert(1) Rupert Holmes(1) Richard Huggett(1) Amiri Baraka(1) Charles Rann Kennedy(3) Walter Kerr(1) Arthur Kopit(1) Larry Kramer(1) Norman Krasna(1) Karl Kraus(1) Arthur Laurents(2) Madeleine Ledivelec(1) K.M. Lobb(1) Louis MacNeice(1) G.K. Chesterton; Foreword C.C. Martindale(1) John Masefield(2) Frank McGuinness(1) Terrence McNally(1) Bernard Miles(1) Miller(1) Arthur Miller(1) Lloyd R. Morris(1) Richard Morris(1) John Hine Mundy(1) John Murray(1) Seán O'Casey(1) Lori Allen Ohm(1) Eugene O'Neill(1) Nicholas Orsini(1) Boris Pasternak(1) John Patrick(2) Plautus(1) Pomeroy(1) Leonard Cabell Pronko(1) Terence Rattigan(1) William Redfield(1) Mark Reed(1) Howard Richardson(1) Jules Romains(1) Tom Segev(1) William Shakespeare(2) George Bernard Shaw(1) Ted Shawn(1) Mary Sherwin(1) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn(1) Sophocles(4) WATLING E F (TRANSLATOR) SOPHOCLES(1) Dorothy Stickney(1) Tom Stoppard(2) August Strindberg(1) William Styron(1) Brandon Thomas(1) Dylan Thomas(1) Ernest Thompson(1) Paul J Thompson(1) Geoffrey Trease(1) Margery J. Turner(1) Sophocles: Translated by E.F. Watling.(1) Noah Webster(1) Timberlake Wertenbaker(1) Thornton Wilder(2) Emlyn Williams(2) Tennessee Williams(1) August Wilson(1) Judd Woldin(1) Metropolitan Museum of Art(1) Paul Zindel(1) N/A(1)