Autoren-Cloud für micrology

G. Nigel Gilbert and Peter Abell(1) Gerald Jay Harold; Sussman Abelson(1) Douglas Adams(1) Philip E. Agre(1) Martin Albrow(1) Colin Day/ Donald Alcock(1) Alice H. Amsden(1) etc. Anderson(1) Michael Anderson(1) Andrew Monk and Nigel Gilbert (eds.)(1) Inc. Apple Computer(1) Roy Armes(1) US Army(1) Raymond Aron(2) A. B. Atkinson(1) J. L. Austin(1) Shlomo Avineri(1) Robert Axelrod(1) John K. Backhouse(1) Peter Howells/ Keith Bain(1) Donald Hearn / M. Pauline Baker(1) Giovanni Baldelli(1) Jose M. Parramon/ Julio Quesada/ Vicente Ballestar(1) Michael Banton(1) Nabajyoti Barkakati(1) Barry Barnes(3) Harry Elmer Barnes(1) Joseph Mary (born 1923) & Berke Barnes(1) Rosalind Barrett(1) Roland Barthes(1) Frederic C. Bartlett(1) Charles Bazerman(1) Mike Beaken(1) Ulrich Beck(1) David A. Bell(1) T. J. M. Bench-Capon(1) Seymour Martin Lipset/ Reinhard Bendix(1) John Berger(1) Peter L. Berger(1) Basil Bernstein(1) R.J. Bernstein(1) Huw Beynon(1) Robin Blackburn(1) Hubert M. Blalock, Jr.(5) Hubert M. Blalock/ A. Blalock(1) David Bloor(1) SS BLUME(1) Ronald Blythe(1) Alain Bonnet(1) Charles Booth(1) Joanna Bornat(1) Richard Bornat(1) Tom Bottomore(2) Pierre Bourdieu(1) British Medical Association and the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain(1) J. A. C. Brown(1) James Alan Calvert Brown(1) Norman Oliver Brown(1) Alan Bryman(1) Elizabeth Burns(1) Tom Burns(1) Nigel Gilbert/ Anna Pollert/ Roger Burrows(1) W.R. Bytheway(1) J. A. Campbell(1) Michael Carley(1) Alan Carling(1) J. Richard Harrison/ Glenn R. Carroll(1) Carlos Castaneda(1) John L. Casti(2) T.Martin Lowry/ A.C. Cavell(1) Mohamed Cherkaoui(1) Michael Carley/ Ian Christie(1) K. Alec Chrystal(1) C. West Churchman(1) Aaron V. Cicourel(1) William J. Clancey(1) Arthur C. Clarke(1) D. Cooke/ A. H. Craven/ Geoffrey M Clarke(2) Hugh Armstrong Clegg(1) C. S. W. F.; Mellish Clocksin(1) Albert Kircidel Cohen(1) Ed Stanley Cohen(1) Percy Saul Cohen(1) James S. Coleman(2) Nigel Gilbert and Rosaria Conte(1) Cooper(1) A R Prest/ D J Coppock(1) D. W. J. Corcoran(1) Burroughs Corporation(1) Bernard (1923- Lewis A. (1913-) & Rosenberg Coser(1) Jeff Coulter(1) Rosaria Conte/ Christiano Castelfranchi/ Italian National Research Council(1) Tony Coxon(1) Duncan Cramer(1) Diana Crane(1) J.E.T. Eldridge/ Alastair D. Crombie(1) Michel Crozier(1) H. Martyn Cundy(1) Chittranjan N. Daftuar(1) Robert A. Dahl(1) Helmut Kopka/ Patrick Daly(1) William Cecil Dampier Dampier(1) Dan Diaper and Colstan Sanger (eds.)(1) C. J. Date(1) M. R. M. Dunsmuir/ G.J. Davies(1) James A. Davis(1) A. Colin Day(1) Robert A. Day(1) Hiroshi Deguchi(1) Geoff Dench(1) Norman K. Denzin(1) J.R. Ditton(1) Peter Donaldson(1) David Donnison(1) Doran(1) Patrick Doreian(2) David K.H. Begg/ Stanley Fischer/ Rudiger Dornbusc(1) Tara Calishain/ Rael Dornfest(1) Mary Douglas(4) Simon Dresner(1) Paul DuBois(1) Emile Durkheim(1) Kate Edson(1) Richard Edwards(1) Albert Einstein(1) Tim O'Shea/ M Eistenstadt(1) Andries P. Engelbrecht(1) Karl Marx/ C. J. Arthur/ Friedrich Engels(1) Brian Fay(1) Ferrand(1) Alan R. Feuer(1) Richard P. Feynman(1) etc. Filmer(1) Gary William Flake(1) David Flanagan(1) James Fletcher-Watson(1) Terry Winograd/ Fernando Flores(1) Boris Ford(1) Alan Fox(1) Ronald Frankenberg(1) Sigmund Freud(2) Julien Freund(1) Johan Galtung(2) Eugene Garfield(1) G. David Garson(1) Neil Gershenfeld(1) Anthony Giddens(3) Gilbert (eds.)(2) Jane Fielding/ Nigel Gilbert(2) Nigel Gilbert(4) Petra Ahrweiler/ Nigel Gilbert(1) Sara Arber/ Nigel Gilbert(2) Simon Dresner and Nigel Gilbert(1) Colin Gill(1) Alan Gilpin(1) Sara Arber/ Jay Ginn(1) Hugh Glaser(1) Erving Goffman(3) J. E. Goldthorpe(1) John H. Goldthorpe(2) Richard Gombin(1) E. H. Gombrich(1) William Goode(1) Alvin Ward Gouldner(1) Timothy Gowers(1) Paul Graham(1) Daniel Greenberg(1) Sandra Greeuw(1) S. Gregory(1) J. A. G. Griffith(1) Sian Griffiths(1) Gubbay and Middleton (eds.)(1) Rosemary Crompton/ Jon Gubbay(1) Warren O. Hagstrom(1) Catherine Hakim(1) Mike Hales(1) Jacob Millman/ Christos C. Halkias(1) Earl R.Halley Babbie/ Fred Halley(1) etc. Halloran(1) Peter Hamilton(1) Charles B. Handy(1) David M. Harland(1) R. Harre(1) Len Doyal/ Roger Harris(1) Nigel Harris(1) H. L. A. Hart(1) Horace Hart(1) David Harvey(1) Christopher Harvie(1) Kevin Hatch(1) W.J. Goode/ P.K. Hatt(1) William Lee Hays(1) Anthony Heath(1) Fiona Devine/ Sue Heath(1) G. Nigel Gilbert and Christian Heath(1) Nancy A. Heitzeg(1) Anthony Giddens/ David Held(1) Ottar Hellevik(1) Barry Barnes/ David Bloor/ John Henry(1) Jane Henry(1) Richard M. Hessler(1) Stephen Hill(1) Paul Gerhard Hoel(1) Douglas Hofstadter(1) etc. Hoinville(1) Max Steuer/ Janet Holland(1) Patrick Henry Winston/ B.K.P. Horn(1) J.K. Backhouse/ S.P.T. Houldsworth(1) Keith Bain/ Peter Howells(1) Douglas Benson/ John A. Hughes(1) John A. Hughes(1) David Fiedler/ Bruce H. Hunter(1) John Hunt(1) Hal Fulton/ Guy Hurst(1) Reuven Lerner/ Jeremy Hylton(1) Ivan Illich(2) Michael P. Jackson(1) Bill Jordan/ Marcus Redley/ Simon James(1) etc. Jamieson(1) David Jary/ Julia Jary(1) Chris Jenks(1) Kathleen Jensen(1) David A Hensher/ Lester W Johnson(1) Peter Johnson(1) Terence James Johnson(1) F. C Judd(1) Commission for Social Justice(1) Robert W. Rycroft/ Don E. Kash(1) Fred E. Katz(1) Donald W. Katzner(1) R K Kelsall/ Helen M Kelsall(1) Anthony Kenny(1) Dennis M. Ritchie Brian W Kernighan(2) Tracy Kidder(1) Ian I. Mitroff/ R.H. Kilman(1) Martin Dodge/ Rob Kitchin(1) Jonathan B. Knudsen(1) Donald E. Knuth(1) Erwin Kreyszig(1) Thomas S. Kuhn(1) Andreas Pyka and Günter Küppers(1) Robert Hagedorn/ Sanford I. Labovitz(1) R. D. Laing(1) Peter Large(1) Peter Laslett(1) Bruno Latour(1) John Law(1) Phaidon Press/ Susannah Lawson(1) Denis Lawton(1) Richard Layard(1) Edmund Leach(1) Edmund Ronald Leach(1) J D Lee/ T D Lee(1) Gunther Kress/ Theo Van Leeuwen/ Theo Van Leenwen(1) Gordon Leff(1) Michael Lessnoff(1) Ronald J. Brachman/ Hector J. Levesque(1) Stephen C. Levinson(1) Claude Lévi-Strauss(1) Oscar Lewis(1) B. Lings(1) Edward Harrington Lockwood(1) Herman J Loether(1) Arthur O. Lovejoy(1) Linda L Lubrano(1) Peter L. Berger/ Thomas Luckmann(1) P. Luff(1) Steven Lukes(1) Alison Lurie(1) John Lyons(1) Norman R. Lyons(1) Craig MacAndrew(1) Dorothy Emmet/ Alasdair MacIntyre(1) Robert Martin Blackburn/ Michael Mann(1) Margot Jefferys (ed.)(1) Catherine Marsh(1) J. Allen/ D. Massey(1) Mervyn Matthews(1) K.L. Clark/ F.G. McCabe(1) Daniel D. McCracken(1) Eugene Charniak/ Drew McDermott(1) H. McGilton(1) Robin Wooffitt/ Norman M. Fraser/ Nigel Gilbert/ S(1) etc. McHugh(1) David McLellan(1) Martin Harris/ John McLoughlin(1) Herman J. Loether and Donald G McTavish(1) Stephen Mennell(1) Peter M. Blau/ Marshall W. Meyer(1) Zbigniew Michalewicz(1) Jon D Miller(1) P. M. Miller(1) C. Wright Mills(1) Marvin Minsky(1) Jyh-Shing Roger Jang/ Chuen-Tsai Sun/ Eiji Mizutan(1) Harvey Molotch(1) Alan Montague-Beart(1) Barrington Moore(1) D. H. J. Morgan(1) Gareth Morgan(1) James G. Morrell(1) G.Nigel Gilbert/ Michael Mulkay(2) Karin D. Knorr-Cetina/ Michael Mulkay(1) Michael Mulkay(3) Brad A. Myers(1) Chava Frankfort-Nachmias/ David Nachmias(1) Colin Howard; Bell Newby(1) Nicole J. Saam and Bernd Schmidt (eds.)(1) Nigel Gilbert (ed.)(2) Nigel Gilbert and Jim Doran (eds.)(1) Nils Nilsson(1) M. J Norusis(1) Sara Delamont/ Paul Atkinson/ Parry Odette(1) Ian Palmer(1) Richard E. Pattis(1) E.C. Cuff/ G.C.F. Payne(2) Jan Pettit(1) Edward Phillips(1) Malcolm Ashmore/ Michael Mulkay/ T.J. Pinch(1) J. H. Goldthorpe/ D. Lockwood/ F. Bechhofer/ J. Pl(1) Brian W. Kernighan/ P.J. Plauger(1) Derek Edwards/ Jonathan Potter(1) M.M. Luck/ P. McBurney/ C. Preist(1) Oxford University Press(1) Grant Taylor/ Linux Documentation Project(1) Paul Quintas (ed.)(1) Samele Pedroni/ Noel Rappin(1) Colin Morrison Reeves(1) Audrey I. Richards(1) A.H. Halsey/ A.F. Heath/ J.M. Ridge(1) Brian Roberts(1) Tony Lane and Kenneth Roberts(1) David Goforth/ David Robinson(1) Roger Burrows and Anna Pollert (eds.)(1) Peter Mark Roget(1) B. Seebohm Rowntree(2) Herbert Rubin(1) Malise Ruthven(1) Arnold Birenbaum/ Edward Sagarin(1) Marshall Sahlins(1) R. Keith Sawyer(1) Gunther Friedrichs/ Adam Schaff(1) Michael Schilli(1) Werner Schmalenbach(1) F. Schweitzer(1) Ronald L. Breiger/ National Academy of Sciences(1) James Fulcher/ John Scott(1) John Scott(1) Peter M. Blau/ William Richard Scott(1) Theodore George Scott(1) Clive Jenkins/ Barrie Sherman(1) C. Godfrey/ A.W. Siddons(1) David Silverman(1) R. Mark Sirkin(1) William Skidmore(1) Quentin Skinner(1) Joseph D Sloan(1) British Computer Society(1) Graeme Hutcheson/ Nick Sofroniou(1) Elizabeth Bott Spillius(1) Inc. Spss(1) Sriram Srinivasan(1) Tom Burns/ G. M. Stalker(1) Hal Stern(1) Bill Stott(1) David Rose/ Oriel Sullivan(1) James Surowiecki(1) Diana T Laurenson/ Alan Swingewood(1) Sybex(2) Karen Sykes(1) G. Tait(1) Jason Cranford Teague(2) Catherine Tessier(1) Tom Bottomore and Robert Nisbet (eds.)(1) Nigel Gilbert/ Klaus G. Troitzsch(3) ナイジェル ギ&(1) Michael Gibbons/ Camille Limoges/ Helga Nowotny/ S(1) Sherry Turkle(1) David Turner(1) Roy Turner(1) Donald Tuzin(1) John Blank/ Wankyu Choi/ Allan Kent/ Ganesh Prasad(1) Larry Ullman(1) David Brackeen/ Laurence Vanhelsuwé(1) Mark Ware(1) Andrew Webster(1) Mark Allen Weiss(1) Sally West(1) W.E. Flood/ Michael West(1) Maurice V. Wilkes(1) D. Wilkinson(1) P.W. Williams(1) Joseph B. Kruskal/ Myron Wish(1) Ludwig Wittgenstein(1) Peter Worsley(1) Jack Stilgoe/ James Wilsdon/ Brian Wynne(1) G.ナイジェル ギ(1) T. Yarwood/ Frank Castle/ C. Yarwood(1) Masoud Yazdani(1)