Buch-Charaktere für mnbowl

Charaktere in den Büchern in der Bibliothek von mnbowl

Aibileen Clark

Alanna von Trebond

Annika Settergren

Archibald Craven

Ben Weatherstaff

Bob Haworth

Celia Rae Foote

Charlotte Phelan

Colin Craven

Constantine Bates

Dickon Sowerby

Dr. Craven

Elaine Stein

Elizabeth Leefolt

Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan

Hilly W. Holbrook

Johnny Foote

Keladry of Mindelan

Lulabelle Bates

Mae Mobley Leefolt

Martha Sowerby

Mary Lennox

Minny Jackson

Mr. Nilsson

Mrs Sarah Ann Medlock

Mrs. Walters

Nealan of Queenscove


Pippi Langstrumpf

Stuart Whitworth, Jr.

Susan Sowerby

Thomas Settergren

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Yule May Crookle